7 Jul

During the Creative Process

Your Journal, Worthiness and Other Important Stuff

I have a penchant for journals, I can’t deny it 🙂
Particularly those filled with handmade paper and bound in ‘soft as butter’ leather.
Maybe it’s because reading has always been a love of mine and I dream of what can find voice in these empty ‘books’.
They are THE book that has yet to
be written.
Holding more possibility, adventure and mystery than the books that now exist!

I have often wondered why we buy beautiful journals but end up never using them (tell the truth, you know you have a ‘good’ one stuck back, saving it for…what?!).

How can it be that we opt for a ninety-nine-cent notebook when it comes time to write? Or the lesser quality paper when it comes time to paint?
What’s up with that??

Could it be that we aren’t sure if our thoughts, our strokes, are worthy of being captured in a thing so lovely? That our ideas, our ways of being in the world, are neither profound nor remarkable?

I suspect that the reason we do allow ourselves to get a magnificent little journal from time to time is this…we are hopeful that one day we’ll have some rich, page-worthy thoughts.
But..and this is a big but…we decide that until that time arrives, we will not fill it with our mundane, ordinary, run-of-the-mill life.

Never realizing that…

Beautiful truths and wisdom are within the folds of our regular days.
Hiding in plain sight, in ordinary-run-of-the-mill moments.

The secret is allowing your natural self, your nature, to be expressed as it is. What and who we are is to be honored by us at every turn of the path.
Every twisting and turning is an intricate part that completes this beautiful life mystery.
This truth is evident in all forms of creativity.

Don’t ‘save’ the dress, the canvas, the vintage dinnerware, or the handmade journal. 
Instead, let’s use everything we have to fully express our days of living.


Paint Online with Dreama! Learn more at DreamaTollePerry.com

Profoundness, truth and beauty come through living our ordinary lives. Which closer inspection reveals are anything but ordinary 🙂
Buy the journal.
Then use it.
Write (and paint) your life.

“Normal day, Let me be aware of the treasure you are.
Let me learn from you, love you, bless you before you depart.
Let me not pass you by in quest of some rare and perfect tomorrow.
Let me hold you while I may.” ~Mary Jean Irion

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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  1. Kim Pagano

    Yes! I do the same thing. Heaven forbid that I should make an ugly drawing or say something someone would think was stupid. I also tend to be negative. How do you keep it positive. I read your stuff Dreama and think, “why don’t I think like that?”

  2. Nancy Robinson

    Dreama your journal is beautiful . What a beautiful way to “stand still withbeauty” .

  3. Nancy G

    Love your watercolor journal pages! I wish you would do a course in painting with watercolor! I’m not able to do oils although I love what they look like. I signed up for your first course and tried doing them in watercolor… they did not work out but I still enjoyed the course. Love your style and share similar life philosophy. Spent three weeks in France last year and loved every minute of it, sketched while I was in Monet’s garden so that I could paint it later.
    Thank you for sharing your talent with travels. I look forward to more!

  4. Brinda

    My day started with the thoughts ….Every small step in the right direction makes a big difference…Really glad to read your blog dreama …

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