6 Jan

Before the Creative Process

Gentle Beginnings, Hello January!

Time out.

Not exactly sitting in the corner, but Eddie Pierre, like the rest of us, is thinking new thoughts for a new time.
We (the Eddie’s and I)  have left you alone for a wee bit to enjoy your holidays, reflect on a new year and have some alone time.
We knew how much we needed it and figured you did too!
We are very proud to report after last years infamous
that our tree was has already been packed away, with only a few ornaments nibbled on by one tuxedo’s first Christmas.
(Personally, I knew I couldn’t take the shame of another Christmas in March.)
This year, the mantra that sits right with me is
“Be receptive when my soul calls me to JOY.”


Everything I have ever desired is at the point where stillness is.
True intelligence operates silently.  Stillness is where creativity and solutions to problems are found.
 ~ E. Tolle
A Happy New Year to you, dear friend of mine.  May the road rise up to meet you.

May you be aware of the Love that surrounds you always.

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  1. Lavon

    Dreama, HNY to you and the Pierre’s. looking forward to another year of your lovely works! I am working the 30/30; just haven’t posted as yet.

    • Lavon–sounds like you are up and rolling out 2013 in a wonderful creative fashion:))

  2. I totally relate–same experience with Christmas in March last year that I definitely did not want to repeat this year. I surprised myself when on Friday and on a seeming (not-pre-meditated) whim took my tree down while waiting for a phone call. Whew! What a relief!

    • Glad I was not alone Nancy in my personal tree mortification of last year;)) Makes you feel like you have really done something super human this year, doesn’t it?!

  3. Happy New Year Dreama! I can’t wait to see you and all the other painters in sunny Marco next week where dolphins and palm trees will replace the snow outside my studio window! Bon Voyage! Aimee

    • Same here Aimee! Surf, sand and paint all sound like music to the soul:))

  4. Bon

    I am always happy to see you in my mailbox. You were a true inspiration to me last year, and I hope this new year brings you (and me!) fulfillment, peace and joy in all our everyday miracles.

    • June

      Amen to that, Bon! May this year and each day throughout the year have all good things flowing to and from us all.

  5. Anonymous

    Happy New Year to you Dreama, you had a busy busy year. I love your writings and your paintings may my soul happy. rest and take care of yourself, we all need your wonderful ideas and inspiraton.

    • Just the words I needed to hear Vicki–thanks so much and wonderful new year to you as well:)))

  6. Thanks for all the lovely thoughts, and yes, the time off I have spent has been so restful—time to reflect, get organized, and to paint. Am starting the last semester of college next week and as excited. Happy New Year to all in your household.

  7. June

    ps – Wow! Is that really ‘little’ Eddie Pierre?! He’s grown so very much since this summer, and now, sitting there in the (almost) corner, he looks so regal and all grown up.

    Happy new year to you, (once little) Eddie Pierre, and of course to the original Eddie Bill, and to Maggie and Phyllis, too.

    • And yes June…Eddie Pierre is a bit larger than he was last summer;)) —though not very grown up acting;)!

    • june

      I’m laughing as I’m typing this to you, because our four-year-old Phillo is sitting somewhere between on my shoulder and climbing up onto my head. Chronologically and biologically, he is four years old and a bit…but psychologically, he is as playful, as comically madcap, as mischievous and as spirited as a 6 week old kitten. Long may that continue with our fellas 🙂

  8. June

    And a very happy new year to you too, Dreama! So happy to see you ‘appear’ in my Reader just now.

    So far, it’s been a very meditative and intensely reflective first few days of this new year, bringing with the inner quieting down an innervision, a deeper insight, deeper meaning, more and new questions…and more answers, too.

    And yes, as Eckhart Tolle had so eloquently expressed, in that that stillness and in that silence is where I have found more places where creativity had been seemingly hiding for a time, where true joy has been quietly and patiently waiting for me, where concerns and stresses have discovered a balm and a salve.

    In that stillness…in that silence…by going within, deeply within, so much has been gratefully found there…helping me to hopefully light my way in each moment of each day of this new year.

    Welcome back, dear Dreamaa. And a happy new year to you, my friend.

    • Ahhh June–so beautifully expressed. Ireland has a real gem in you:))

    • June

      Ahhhhh Dreama…. we’re the ones who’ve got the gem that is *you*!

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