Sign up now to watch my number one tip on achieving more vibrant color in your paintings!
Who knew beautiful color could be so easy! I share the inside scoop in the video below ;-)

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When you visit my site you find many things that are ‘open to the public’. Just like any home though, there’s the back porch where the family hangs out and iced tea is served. You get this because subscribers (that’s you!) ARE like family.
You’ll get some ‘back porch’ iced tea to savor and ‘sip’ as needed on topics like:
- The Traveling Artist: Traveling With Your Paints
- Watercolor Fun: Watercolor Journal Tips
- Love Me Some Color: Dreama’s Color Palette for Oils
- Inspire: 7 Simple Secrets to Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do
- Restore: Words written with you in mind

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