
Before the Creative Process

The everyday beginning

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The Secret Room

It began with a letter in my inbox from Ingrid Fetell Lee
…imagine you have a secret room in your home that nobody else will ever see—what would it look like?

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Sidestepping and other artistic dance moves you might not be familiar with…

I create. A lot. Though I often feel like I don’t.

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In Search of Wonder

In search of wonder, blue waves whitened on a cliff

Creativity is sacred, and it is not sacred. What we make matters enormously, and it doesn’t matter at all. We toil alone, and we are accompanied by spirits. We are terrified, and we are brave.

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It’s No Big Deal

Bigdealitis is something creatives seem to be particularly plagued by.

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The Beautiful Habit

Doing things differently
the act of reaching for beauty yields a deep sense of satisfaction

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The value in going slow

The value in going slow
I spent a lifetime in a garden one afternoon.

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Renewing the Magic

We are always called upon to begin again. To renew this magic within that we have held since childhood. The awe and the wonderment.

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We ain’t seen nothin’…YET

There is a three-letter word I love.
Crammed full of possibility, hope, and dreams

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Full Circle

We owe it to ourselves to become observers and seekers to where the circuit can be completed. To plug ourselves into experiences that amplify our lives. To unplug from those things that are draining.

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18 Thousand Days or So

Here’s to the next few thousand wide awake, free-falling into life, living this one wild and precious life like every day counts.