Favorites contain some of my top posts to get you started!
It’s always fun to shake things up so—which is what we’ve done this week. Deep questions along with my single best piece of advice for artists. All on video.
“You see this pattern over and over with many creative people: they have this little bit of magic, a spark of something that comes naturally to them, and it’s often messy and weird and a little bit off, and that’s why they catch our attention in the first place. The odd magic is what we love about them.” ~ Austin Kleon
Asking the simplest of questions can deliver the easiest of answers. None of us, not you, not me, are as confused on what we want (or how to get it) as we might sometimes believe we are.
We can only answer to that which calls to us.
If perfection in a painting is not the gold standard for deciding if it is finished, then what is?
For the non-artist this might seem like the most ridiculous question on the planet. For those who paint, the horrors of realizing we should have stopped 20 minutes or 2 days ago on a painting are well known ;-)….
Everything in the painting is connected. One thing can’t be tweaked or adjusted without it impacting the rest of the painting. A painting is never finished, it simply stops in interesting places. ~ Paul Gardner
I am a dreamer. I have moments of intense creativitykickbuttget workdonetakenameslater followed by bouts of minimal putfiresoutdoaslittleasrequiredwillIeverpaintwritecreateagain moments. When I am in the former mode, I totally believe that this time I have conquered the loser me. When I am in the second mode I totally believe I have been and will always be a loser 😉 What’s your story??
Looking back I can see when it all began to unravel. It was when I went online with my art. I was painting away, posting new paintings frequently, having fun and totally forgetting myself. Forgetting about my quest to be a SERIOUS artist.
1. If no one ever saw anything you created, would you still create? 2. Are you letting your heart have what it really, really wants? Believe it or not, the answers for these two questions are very connected. The first question was posed to me many years ago and at the time it was very disquieting to me. The exact question was, ‘If no one ever saw any painting you ever did…would you still paint?’ and although that person was confident of their own answer, I was silent on the matter.