
Other Musings
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The Fragrant Path

When in doubt, do this
I would love for you to read the following slowly, for that is how I wrote it and how I hear it. Pause to hear yourself in these lines

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A Word About Satisfaction

Satisfy. A word with you about… a word. Satisfy. The painting you see here felt satisfying to create. I could feel it in my body. Grounding, worthy and true. Worth reaching for. Deeply and completely felt. Satisfying. Walt Whitman said, ‘Reach for satisfying moments because whatever satisfies the soul is truth.’ Satisfying. Earthy, as tangible…

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‘Too Important’

…some things are too important to be taken seriously…

We get a chance to make ourselves—and if we’re lucky—another soul or two feel something. What a sacred job that is. We don’t arrive there by being perfect.

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A Very Few Words and a Must Do List

A very few words and a bunch of P.S.’s

Let this be our year ❤️

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Opulent Moments That Are Yours Alone

Opulent moments that are yours alone

I know you feel in your spirit, in your bones—-how massively BIG your life can be

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What if?

It takes more energy to not be you…

Slowly we will walk through green gardens and marvel at this strange and sweet world.

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It takes more energy to not be you…

It takes more energy to not be you…

Slowly we will walk through green gardens and marvel at this strange and sweet world.

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Because you are my delight

I’m always feeling my way along the path. After the fall opening of Flow and the emails attending that, it felt right to return to the love letters. If you read my last letter, just skip to the Love Letter below! If not, keep reading to know why you’re getting a love letter from me….

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When you second guess and perhaps reckon, that maybe…

When you second guess and perhaps reckon, that maybe….

Resistance comes natural—letting go can feel like work…

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It’s not the the day to be practical

It’s not the the day to be practical.

Forget to struggle. Embrace the giggle. Your heart DOES have wings on it.