
After the Creative Process

After the creative process – feeding your dreams

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Watercolor Memories

Rosé and laughter with folks I rarely see these days
Me in my natural habitat…

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The Magic of Beginnings

My two cents worth on getting started?
Begin from where you are at this very moment— doing what you can with what you have.

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Imagine — In Gratitude for Artists

A world without.
Imagine that.

We would still have grand beauty no doubt
For there are the canyons deep and turquoise reefs
And the falling of nature painted leaves
And the dance of swallows in a murmur
And the pacing of the jungle lion
The sound of the rain
And the visions of the starry nights and rainbows days

But when we add in the artists—what we get is this beautiful planet and the heavens beyond translated into new ways of seeing and touching and feeling— laced with human emotion

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Celebrating Our New ‘Online’ Home and YOU!

Welcome to our brand-spankin’ new website! It’s been a long time in the making 🙂 A huge undertaking— like having a home custom built AND then moving all your stuff in!!!

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When is a Painting Finished? Part 3

If perfection in a painting is not the gold standard for deciding if it is finished, then what is?

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When is a Painting Finished? Part 2

For the non-artist this might seem like the most ridiculous question on the planet. For those who paint, the horrors of realizing we should have stopped 20 minutes or 2 days ago on a painting are well known ;-)….

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When is a Painting Finished? Part 1

Everything in the painting is connected.
One thing can’t be tweaked or adjusted without it impacting the rest of the painting.
A painting is never finished, it simply stops in interesting places. ~ Paul Gardner

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Be the First

Stop waiting for external validation.
Be the first to love what you do.

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On Perfection

What if….what if….
Instead of waiting until everything is perfect maybe, just maybe…
Starting now

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Sister JOY and Falling Walls

..the man or woman who would have remained a sunny garden flower, with no room for its roots and too much sunshine for its head, by the falling of the walls and the neglect of the gardener, is made the banian of the forest, yielding shade and fruit to wide neighborhoods of men.