2 Mar

After the Creative Process
The Magic of Beginnings
10 years ago I took a chance on a most unlikely venture.
Painting and blogging.
As it turns out (800 posts and 4 online painting courses later) apparently beginnings do have magic.
My two cents worth on getting started?
Begin from where you are at this very moment— doing what you can with what you have.
If I had waited until I was really computer savvy, confident of my paintings and writings, if I’d waited until everything was perfect and in place–I would still be waiting.
10 years in I am still not tech savvy.
I have never done a perfect painting.
My writing from the heart scares me sometimes because of the vulnerability factor.
But here’s the thing—the next year (or two years or 10 years) is going to come and go anyway (if we are blessed to have those turns around the sun).
So what do we have to lose if we throw our heart and our hats into the ring? What if we start now, where we are, with what we have?
Maybe, just maybe, we will look back and realize we’ve had some fun, grown some good stuff and were never, ever bored 😉
I never knew when I decided to gather my courage and go online where it would lead. The pic shared here is me in the south of France, Provence. I was there filming one of my online painting and adventure courses.
I’ve just completed a new one filmed in Paris.
I honestly didn’t have a clue that any of this lie ahead when I began on February 27, 2009.
I’m proof positive that beginning from wherever you are and doing what you can with whatever you have—works.
Whatever dreams you have, whatever hopes you’ve been carrying around inside, I hope this inspires you to BEGIN 🙂
P.S. I feel like I am beginning again, 10 years in. I am taking this time to slow down and get in touch with where my heart feels like it wants to go next. This is an ongoing process for each of us and one that is filled with wonder to simply ask—what brings us joy?
(I should note that the 10th anniversary is one of me being online. Not of me painting and making messes—that goes back much further. That’s the thing about ‘beginnings’—they can happen at anytime we decide.)
P.S.S. I love to celebrate with the Dreamettes (that’s you!). I’m giving away a fun collection of some of my shop goodies to celebrate my 10th anniversary of being online. Get your name in the hat for the chance to bag some goodies—see below!

God comfort you in your loss and grow your joy even more. Thank you for your blog.
Dreama, you are such an inspiration for me…your art, your words, your essence! You are a light in the darkness (not that I’m in a dark place)…you are illuminating! Thank you!
I’m so pleased to follow you and see your successes…it’s amazing to think of how many folks have been forever changed by your great personal teaching and heartfelt encouragement…including me!
Congratulations Dreama on 10 years of New Beginnings!!
You are inspiration personified. Thank you for sharing your gifts.
Dear Dreama, your courses are changing my life! Because of your encouragement to believe in and love my own place of joy in my own art, I am finally getting clear on what my style is and what it is that makes me happy.
Thanks a million, Linda Bray
Hoping to jump back in soon!
Dreama, I am so fortunate to be able to take your many courses, to learn more about ways of doing art and the personal connection to you and your lovely family. God speed.
Diane Lenamon
Very inspiring Dreama! Just what I needed to hear! oh and…Love your work! 🙂
Congratulations! I love traveling online with you and catching up with Eddie’s adventures as well!
I draw strength from so many of your stories. Thank you for sharing your deepest thoughts and inspiring words of encouragement and dreams. It’s never too late for new beginnings!
Dreama is Joy! My motto this year… To have jJOY every day ( even the crappy days) Painting and journaling can help to accomplish this!!!🎨 Thank you Dreama!🎨
Happy Anniversary!
Inspired by your story & building up courage to begin with something new myself. Glad I found this!
I heard what you wrote today, in my heart. What a great day to begin, today.
So grateful you were brave and followed your heart! Bless you and may you get clear vision for the next season.
Big hugs to you!
When you you hear your heart crying out “I want to paint.” But you’re not sure how, then Dreamas DreamLovePaint class pops up on your Facebook feed and you KNOW!
This is the answer to your prayers. And the classes are challenging at first but the subject matter and style are what you have always wanted to try, you KNOW. This is something special because Dreama draws you in with her encouragement and way of making it doable for the beginner as well as the professional. And the JOY follows, and you want more, so you take her nect two classes as well, because you KNOW. Your life as an artist has been blessed by a world class instructor and mentor so very generous with her time energy and talents.
Thank you Dreama, Ron and team for helping my dream of learning to paint come true!😙
I love reading your blog! I’m saving up to take your online classes. Happy Anniversary, time flies, but when you do what you love the days are a joy!
I love reading your musings as much as looking at your beautiful paintings. They’re both gentle and soulful. Thank you! And congratulations on 10 years!
Happy Anniversary to you – love seeing your pretty colours ❤️
Dreama. I am so happy you are in my life. I love hearing from you and making art with you.
Thalia Newton
Dreama, I am so very lucky to be sharing this journey with you. Thank you.
i enjoy following along with you, Dreama! your joy emanates through the computer screen
Love your positive philosophy.
Very glad you DID start, Dreama and so happy to be a part of your circle. Though not currently involved in a course, I continue to use and practice your tips to make art. I look forward to my next enrollment whenever that may be!
I have taken three of your online painting classes. I’ve learned so very much from each one. This method of painting, using the transparent colors first with the opaque complimenting and bringing the shapes to life has opened new doors for me. You have also gifted me with fresh enthusiasm for finding and expressing my unique creative voice. I am forever grateful.
Dreama, You are an inspiration. If you never picked up a brush again, you would still inspire people by just being who you are. I had the pleasure of experiencing a couple of your face-to-face classes in the early years and have always felt that those times were a special blessing. You have a gentle, humorous, authentic way of influencing attitudes – helping people to follow their bliss and reminding them to enjoy the journey.
Hello Dreama,
I just want to say thank you for your Tuscany course. It was great and I am still working through the classes. Mainly I want to say how in awe of you I am. To get your courses off the ground is very inspiring. I have a decal company that only I know about and so to read about and see your success is encouraging. I can’t get past all the road blocks. Congratulations. Teresa
I have followed your site for a few years now and love the creative ways you have shared your art…on line. Classes. Your cabin in a beautiful setting, the colors you use. Thanks for sharing…you are an inspiration!
Congratulations Dreama! I am so thankful I discovered you all those years ago in a workshop in Chattanooga, TN. I have been a fan ever since! You revived in me a desire for painting that I had lost. I have found my joy again! Wishing you ten more years of whatever makes your heart smile. JG
It’s been a joy to follow your blog postings all these years. I’m so glad you ventured out and did this. I am also so blessed to have taken all of your online courses. I love every single second of all of them. so much so, that I’m seriously considering repeating them!! Always keep your website and your online courses online, never take them down! God bless you, Dreama, for you have blessed us so!
Congratulations on your 10 year online Anniversary! You have made a difference in my life artistically as well as personally. Thank you for being such a wonderful teacher and inspiration❣
Your work is beautiful as always !!!❤ Congratulations on10 years of wonderful success. I know you’ll have many more !!!💕
I really needed this post! I am at a crossroad in my life where I am deciding on what direction I am to take.
You are most definitely an inspiration! Not only in painting but in your general approach to life.
I feel as if I’m at a new beginning – settling into retirement and filling my days with art. I am beginning with Postcards from Paris. As someone who would love to travel, but has physical limitations, this is such a perfect alternative. I celebrate your tenth anniversary and look forward to sharing many more with you.
Dreama, you have been an inspiration to me, I could never be the artist I am now without you! You have taken my fear away. When people don’t support me, some that are very close to me! My Dreamettes sisters and friends from school and some family it is also so inspirational. Thank you for your classes, your videos, your kind words and Ron! You both Rock!
I tend to put my nose to the grindstone and forget to pause and make time to breathe deeply, to notice the color of the sky, to listen to the sounds in the air. Thank you for inspiring beauty, and love by your example and art of living and making the most of this gift called “life”.
Dreama …you are such an inspiration to me ..you have spoken words of healing , painted emotions of love and kindness on your canvas…I am touched everytime I think of you and am calmed whenever I look at your work..I truly love you and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for letting me share your world…much love Rae-Lynne
I take pleasure in you sharing so elegantly about your story. You are contagious!;)
So encouraging! Thank you for sharing!
I had difficulty in leaving a comment in your give away celebration so I leaving it here and hope it is the correct place.
Thank you for sharing your color-full art and painting tips. I look forward to enjoying more of the magic!
Thanks for the inspiration! Please keep it comin!
Dreama you are such an inspiration. What a great post. 2 years ago I retired after 43 years in advertising. I was nervous and little scared. I hadn’t developed anything to do afterwards. So I started painting. Slowly. Learning the tools, looking at tutorials and doing some workshops. Now I feel a “little” more confident but I’m so far away still. But loving it. Not sure I’ll ever make the jump like you but at least I have you to inspire me to take one step at a time. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this beautiful journey. Not sure you realize the wonder and love you bring. I’m taking this class to help myself into a new dimension of joy and painting. To clear away the debris and find the beauty in my life again. Seeing Paris through new eyes is so soft and lovely. 🌺 🙏🎨
Always a delight to let myself go with your wonderful word dreams!
Congratulations! You have come a long way in a short time. I have already learned so much from[m you. Thanks.
Thank you for the giveaway. And congratulations for celebrating your painting and blogging for ten years!
Love, love, love your style of painting!
So much fun and a wonderful learning environment.
Congratulations on 10 years of a wonderful teaching technique. So glad you followed your dream.
Great ideas to paint
Congratulations! We are truly blessed being lead by you through this painting journey. You have not only shared your talent but your heart as well. Thank you, and may many more experience your kindness.
lovelove your artwork,keep it going,I M SURE EVERYONE loves your work and your kindness.alice
Such great advice. I’m a definite procrastinator when it comes to “putting myself out there”. Thanks for always giving us courage to move forward.
Thank you!! Your site & blog is inspiring me to begin.
Dreama’s courses are such fun! I have enjoyed each one and learnt so much and love the Facebook groups. It was my lucky day when I discovered Dreama.s website and the Dreamettes.
Dreama – you are the most inspirational teacher I have ever had the pleasure to learn from. You burst with joy, encouragement, dedication, peacefulness and humour to name just a selection of your heartfelt qualities. Congratulations on your 10 years online. So glad you took that leap into the unknown.. bless you .. and here’s to many more adventures to come! 😊
Thank you Dreama for taking that risk 10 years ago! You have inspired and influenced so many people through your art and kind words – probably many more than one could ever imagine. You have kept me motivated and excited to search for more creativity in my life, and reassured me that sometimes its okay to fail or feel lost. I hope to continue to try new things and be proactive in my search for more. When I read this quote by Mark Twain, I thought of you, “Keep away from people who try to belittle your ambitions. Small people always do that, but the really great make you feel that you, too, can become great.” Thanks for helping me feel that I can become great!
Trying something new, embarking on a new adventure — scary! But creativity, joy, and happiness all come from taking that leap — leaping out of your comfort zone and just letting go! Painting has been that leap for me — I never thought I would be able to say “I am an artist!” but here I am, thanks to these wonderful courses and my Dreamette friends! So thank you, dear Dreama, for jumping into a new adventure 10 years ago!
I have learned so much from you Dreama and continue to do so in your beautiful writings that I truly cherish. I hope one day to be able to participate in another of your fun painting courses, but until then I will continue reading your posts and keep dreaming.
My new beginning began a year ago when I began searching for my own unique painting style. It has been quite a journey of discovery, but I am very happy with where it is leading me.
Your paintings are lovely.
L O V E D your post today. Thanks for giving me that shot in the arm (or more to the point – kick in the pants!) that I do desperately need. My life is full with being a caregiver and I never take time for me. Everything you said hit home, but especially the part “…two years or 10 years is going to come and go anyway…so what do we have to lose…”. You are exactly right. I need to recharge and re-energize myself and take care of me too. And I do miss my art. I’m going to find a way to carve a little time each day for me…and quit procrastinating! Thanks, as always, for the uplifting and encouraging words.
Having taken your Tmeless in Tuscany course, I am so grateful that you stepped up 10 years ago with your blogging, otherwise I would have never found you and your beautiful work!
Six years ago I traveled to Paris, Kentucky to take a painting class. I met many wonderful people and we went out to a horse farm for dinner one evening. The people were lovely and I had a chance to walk out in the paddocks where the horses and ponies were playing. Thank you for being so warm and inviting and sharing your use of vibrant colors on the canvas and in life.
In the last few weeks I have come to understand why for so many years I have been looking at my environment, scanning for beauty, rearranging things, always eyeing one more way I could tweak something to make it more beautiful. It’s because there is an artist in me that wants out. Since taking your class (first art class ever!), I have learned so much about myself, art, watercolors, and joy. The world is filled with color and light, but at times we must create it. Thanks for leading me onwards.
The online painting courses I’ve taken from you have been wonderful! I have been inspired and have learned a lot. Thanks for having the courage to begin your online presence. You are a blessing to so many! 💜
Dreama you are such an inspiration. I think you are an amazing person with incredible talent. Thank you, Lynn
Congrats! Your work is beautiful!
Your paintings are marvelous. The colors, the brushstrokes and, to me, the depiction of Eddie (and Phyllis) bring me joy. Thank you.
Dear Dreama
Who would we be if we could be anything.
What would we do if we could do anything.
Women, by nature, are plagued by mountains of NO.
All the CAN’Ts drive our decisions rather than the passion of YES.
We’re even afraid to think our Yes.
I recently communicated with a 80-something woman who bought a small apartment in Paris 35 years ago – and never looked back.
If only. If only. If only. CAN’T. CAN’T. CAN’T.
Being enough – not enough – you’re enough – not enough.
The waste of self-doubt … it a complishes nothing.
Congrats on 10 year of self-love. I’ve been with you almost the entire 10 years.
It’s time for more YES.
Thank you.
Dreama, I like hearing your thoughts about beginning and the process of moving forward. I’ve been painting (watercolor) for some time and have enjoyed listening to your early podcasts on Artists Helping Artists. It’s nice to know that sometimes you just start down a path and take advantage of the wonderful adventure that awaits!
I look forward to your blog post every week. So interesting and entertaining, plus I learn so much.. I live in Lexington and so many central Kentuckians love your art and your teachings. I’m one of those who will put a dirty brush into a clean fresh paint. No more!! My colors are going to be true beginning today. Thank you Dreams for inspiring me.
Love your paintings! Saving up to take one of your classes.
I love your insight that those years that we do nothing will go by anyway so we might as well take a leap. My problem is I just don’t know what I want to do.
The way you use color is amazing…I feel the joy when I look at your paintings!
I have followed along with your journey for many years, taken a class with you in Lexington and taken a few of your online classes. You still inspire me and give me great joy and peace. Thanks for all your effort to make it happen!
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity! I love the inspiration that you give to all! Thanks for sharing your thoughts and the beauty of your art.
My sentiments exactly! In the past year I have been learning how to paint with acrylics. This has been a desire for most of my life and I cannot express how happy I am to be actually living one if my dreams!
We all need just a little encouragement frim each other and I am grateful for your enthusiasm and enjoy your blog!
Dreama you are inspiring and generous in sharing your beautiful art with us. You are a beautiful spirit in this world.
I’m grateful you took that first step! The Dreama online courses are my personal therapy <3
Dreama, I love your spirit and your beautiful art! Thank you!
Several years ago, I took a workshop with you in a small town art gallery in Indiana.
Some of your magic still lingers… Thank you, Dreama.
I remember when you started your online journey and have enjoyed tagging along ever since! It’s been a blast …Congrats! 👩🏻🎨🥂🍾🎉
It was such a joy taking two of your cpurses. You taught me how to paint with oils and I shall be forever grateful to you for that! Thank you for creating these wonderful adventures for creating! 😁
Dreama’s art is joyous, and so is her attitude to life. In both areas she is truly inspirational. The colours she uses are vivid and beautiful and her eye for composition never falters.
This is my favorite of ALL your posts. I’m sure it speaks to more than me.
Your course and lessons about ways of thinking have brought me such pleasure, thank you for your icontinuous inspiration
Enjoying tripping round Paris with you.
Dreama you are an inspiration as an artist, a writer, a teacher. My deepest thank you for sharing your gifts. Keep going, growing, and reminding us to keep our joy alive!
Thanks for reminding me that I’m not too old, too inexperienced or dreaming too big!
I have been painting and dabbling in art for 50 years off and on. I am so inspired by your colors and style and am so excited about taking your online course! I can’t wait to see what I can do with the knowledge and inspiration that I get from my journey with you! I’m all in this time.
Dreama, you’re like the song, “Simply the best, better than all the rest…!!” Thank you for ten years of inspiration and sharing encouragement and love with all of us our here in your online world. You have definitely been a vital part of my growing love for painting and making time to be who I was meant to be.
Thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity. I look forward to each lesson and Joy it adds to my everyday life!
Thanks for the inspiration!
Happy to have met you. And happy to join in the celebration of ten years of online adventures. All the best for whatever the future may bring your way. Cheers, Patricia
I have been painting off and on since my twenties and now I am seventy and am still dabbling and entering a few shows here and there. I am hoping to stay committed thru Dreama’s online course this time around. I love her paintings and get excited when looking at them. I love the style and the colors of all that she does. That’s what inspires me and makes me want to paint. I’m in!!
Dreama, I have been admiring your paintings for years and I am so glad you offer courses. Not only is it wonderful to learn from you but it’s like we all get to have a conversation and get to know you. Congrats on ten years🎉 Here’s to many more courses to come.
Love this blog! If not now, when?
Congratulations for your 10 years, Dreama! I am loving your classes and hope you continue for many more years to come!
You are always an inspiration to me early in the morning.
Dreama, Your words inspire so many. It makes all of us aware of our future & how we can start right now to make it the best 10 years forward!
Whether this be something huge that affects many others or whether it is a small thing in world terms but huge in our world it’s great to be encouraged to make the most, be the best we can be moving forward!!! Life goes on……. we are a big part of what we can accomplish!!! You have motivated so many & we thank you!!!
Dreama I want to enter your 10th anniversary giveaway. I absolutely love your style, thoughts and inspirations.
Oh, Dreama, It’s as though you are speaking (writing) directly to me. Thank you!
Yes, I want to enter your 10th anniversary giveaway!! I hope I entering in the right spot! I couldn’t figure out how to do it from the box above. let me know if I didn’t do it right.
I LOVE, LOVE all of your classes Dreama!!! You are fantastic and a inspiration!!
Dreama you are such an inspiration!!!! So glad you went online 10 years ago to spread your JOY to so many of us:):):):) I finished Provence w/ you, and am now in Tuscany…can’t wait to see where you will go next!
Love to read your email messages. Thank you so much! Thinking a online course from you but not sure if I can follow through. Thanks for your encouraging posts and messages again! ❤️
I have loved your bright colors and paintings and thus did Dream,Paint Love and The Provence Courses. They improved my paintings 100%. Financially I was unable to take the Italy Course. I would recommend these courses. They not only teach painting but give you a wonderful sense of experiencing the places like you are there.
Dreama, you never know when what you say is going to change ssomeone’s life. You know me. You know I’ve had my share of struggles. Now it looks like that downward spiral has ended. Just yesterday I was looking around at my life and wondering,where do I go from here…..rock bottom, starting over with nothing. For 2 years I haven’t even been able to make jewelry. My joy! Your writing today is kismet for me because today I can begin anew. Right where I am at 62 and lean in to those things that bring me joy. I wonder if you ever realize that by making yourself vulnerable you speak to our heart space that longs to be filled with kind, loving, wise, encouraging words.
This inspired me SO MUCH this morning =) Thank you!! I adore your paintings as well but this blog post is the single most important thing to me you’ve ever written.
I just watched your video on clear colors and it helped me see the mistakes I make when using oils…wonderful tips.
I love your paintings and tutorials….very informative.
You are a beautiful person with amazing talent. I love your words, ideas, gumption and painting which have inspired me over the years. joyfully, Gaeanne
You are so wise. I’ve caught myself and others around me waiting until all the ducks are in a row before plunging in to creating a dream. You have given me something else to contemplate and to move me forward. Over the years your words of wisdom have done more to help me create the life I want more than any other person. I’m so glad you took the plunge 10 years ago, you have made a difference.
Thank you for taking that chance, and then inviting us to join you on your journey. It’s been lovely to learn and play among friends.
You are an inspiration, thank you for sharing your journey!
No matter what the weather, isn’t it a sunny day when we realize those ruby slippers have been in our backpacks all along? Thank you, Dreama, for taking us along on this colorful road!
So inspirational. I am all about purpose and intention. 10 years ago I left my corporate job to begin a business around life coaching which has now morphed into leadership coaching. That was scary too! Today, I have a successful business. Thank you, Dreama
I took your workshop (almost) 5 years ago in Lexington. Your “you can do it attitude” , and great love for people and painting continue to inspire me in my life and my painting! Happy
Anniversary Dreama and a big Thank You!
Love you Dreama, happy 10th anniversary!
Thanks for the opportunity for some goodies. I am always inspired by your encouraging words.
Wow, very inspirational. Enjoyed reading about your start. So true that we think we need everything to begin but really we just need to start!
I am so inspired with your spirit in beginning something new even after years of painting. I’m drawing confidence from you do go out on my own new adventure, however it solidifies! Thank you for always being kind and supportive.
Dreama, thank you for sharing your writings and how following your heart brings dreams come true! They have inspired me over the years.
I love to hear about how people get started with their careers. I admire you for trying it out in the digital world without the much tech knowledge, way to go! I’ve not been following your big long, but I love your stuff! I want to grow up and be like you one day! Thanks for spreading your knowledge and sharing your joy.
Thank you for this post! I’m trying to make a pivot from pottery to painting after the death of my husband and studio mate. Not easy, but you inspire me to just start where I am and move forward.
Sharon, you are right, not easy. You can do this! You are stronger than you think. It is a journey. Paint a painting describing your grief, it may be healing for you.
Dreama, you inspire me with every post. Thanks for sharing your personal reflections with people you most likely will never meet. That takes courage to put yourself out there. Just want you to know I benefit from those moments of your vulnerability and have grown right along with you because of it. Thank you♥️
Dreama, for years, you and Eddie have brought me joy! Many thanks!
Feeling inspired! I so love all things French! And springtime is the best! Beautiful paintings!
I totally agree with you Dreama. I have been painting since I was a kid and at 53 years of age I finally found the courage to get out there and present myself as I am. Thank you for inspiring me with your paintings and life lessons. I have learned to live in the NOW
Dreama and her courses have changed my life. As simple and as wonderful as that!
Dreama–you always seem to know the right thing to say to frame up life. Thank you for that. Yesterday I participated in an art show where I never would have dreamed I could have been an exhibitor…and many artists showing were far more polished and accomplished than I. But I was thrilled to be part of it and people bought my paintings, half of which went to Meals on Wheels. So I’m starting again today, to see what the future brings and experience the joy of doing and sharing. Thank you for what you share with us!
I love what you do!
You paint the most beautiful pieces! I love your color use and style.
Dreama, this post resonate with me…beginning now, doing what I can with what I have…not waiting for perfection. This is just what I needed to read. Merci de tout mon coeur! I took your first online course and enjoyed it very much…but didn’t do much painting since then…I realise now that perfection kept me away from painting…Lynn
Dreama, I can’t decide which is more inspiring, your thoughts, or your paintings! Thank you for sharing your love of life and your joy in painting. I am truly in awe of your many talents and generous spirit.
I have always suspected what you have said is true. That is that just jumping in and going with it can bring success. It may work out differently than expected, but at least you made the plunge. Thank you so much for all you have done. I have a feeling I would have never made it to Paris, France, if not for the nice lady from Paris, Kentucky!
Thank you, Dreama for your ongoing support and encouraging words. I, too, took a leap of faith and moved to France in June. Having your workshops to participate in keeps me connected to home and to a much bigger world of amazing women. I never feel alone when I am connected to you and the Dreamettes!
Love your work! Congratulations on your 10 year on-line anniversary and thank you for being brave enough to show your work to the world.
How can it be that long. Time escapes and your entrance into my painting life has made it so much fun with places, adventures and lots of learning that has helped along the way.
Happy 10th! Always enjoy your posts!
Dreama: I love, love, LOVE your bright and glowing color work!
“Giving away some of your goodies…” – you already give a lot with your mails, your pictures, your paintings, and mostly your feelings. I appreciate the entirety of what you present ; all aspects of yourself make you a very engaging person. I understand your love of Provence as I spent most of my youth leaving in “les Alpes de Haute Provence” and then living in Paris for nearly 30 years. Paris has a very special energy which I never found in another French large town. May be one day I will be able to get one of your online painting course…. Thank you for all the beauty.
Thank you for sharing your life and love with the world! You are a starburst of light, color and love, and you lift my heart and paintbrush every time I hear from you! Thank you, dear Dreama!
This journey has been wonderful for all your fans as well. I love the writings as well as the paintings…2 in-person workshops and an online course have changed my direction. Thank you Dreama.
I totally agree to “begin where you are”…I started a small venture with my Sister to have an outlet for our art when we retired and now we are in our fourth year! Not only do we have a nice customer base – our products are in 3 boutiques. We do this, not to make a lot of money…we do it because we love to bring joy to our customers.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.