After the creative process – feeding your dreams
You are partnered with the same intelligence that flung the planets into space and sprinkled a few billion stars between them. You are creative. Take COURAGE.
Looking back I can see when it all began to unravel. It was when I went online with my art. I was painting away, posting new paintings frequently, having fun and totally forgetting myself. Forgetting about my quest to be a SERIOUS artist.
We have so much to learn. About ourselves and about making something….
begin to define for yourself the undefinable. art • creativity • god • prayer
Our job is not to convince others that our work is worthy. Our job is to accept, whole-heartedly, our own work. To love it from its infancy to its adulthood and all steps between—that’s our job. To clap for it, cheer it on and delight in it (you know—that reaction we are hoping to get…