9 Dec

After the Creative Process
My Blue Heaven and With What Eyes
“Meister Eckhart speaks beautifully about the way one should be towards what one does.
If you work with a creative and kind eye, you will bring forth beauty.”
~ John O’Donohue
With What Eyes
With what eyes do you look upon your work? The very work that you were born to do?
Are you adversarial? Miserly?
Skeptical? Favor hard won and uncomplimentary?
If your work was in the form of a real person standing before you —would you behave in the same manner?
Would you love and embrace—accept for what it is now—not withholding kindness until such a time as it is lined up to your standards or expectations?
Would you treat it tenderly? Would you touch it lightly in a gesture of acceptance?
Your soul’s work is what you do everyday. It is already perfectly formed in the mind of god.
When we reject our work we are seeing through the distorted lens of our own making.
Take off the glasses. Holiness and beauty are all around you. They are in the very things you touch.
When we change the way we look at things—-which includes our soul work, our creative work, our paintings, our lives—the things we look at change.
We see with clarity the hallowedness of all works.

Art by Alivia
There is a reason for the JOY we see in a child’s work. A child comes to their work with an already agreed to plan of creating in joy, without judgement, and a total absence of comparison. Indeed—how can we compare a priceless original to another?
Can we accept our own work with the same grace, the same exuberance that a five year old accepts theirs? The real JOY to be had is in the doing. A quick observation of kids in the act of creating shows they are all about it while they are DOING it— and as soon as they finish—they are on to the next adventure 🙂
No languishing about, critiquing and second guessing themselves, vowing to do it better and getting all down in the mouth.
We have so much to learn.
About ourselves and about making something.
Let us see our work today with creative and kind eyes…. and see what beauty comes forth 🙂

“My Blue Heaven”
12 x 12in oil on museum quality panel
Image Available in Dreama’s Print Gallery/ CLICK HERE!

One of these days I will join you in Europe.
Dreama , I love your work and someday i will join you on one of your trips to Europe.
Your apron idea is great.
Not sure exactly how to get my name in the hat. Hope its in
Paintings are so happy.
Inspiring words, as always, and deep pearls of creative innervision, providing me with so very much needed nurturing food for thought, for re-consideration, for re-appraisal and less of the inner judge and inner critic (and sometimes, the inner bully) that comes up to the surface more often than I’d like.
You are so right, Dreama, when you say we have so much to learn. And accompanied with this is the letting go…of all the things that question or put roadblocks up on the pathways to our joy.
I am imagining myself walking through that gentle blue gate, and walking into creative intention, creative freedom and creative joy.
Thanks Dreama, Just what I need to hear today ( and every day). Easy to fall into the notion of trying to get it right and lose the big picture and higher purpose in our quest for creating and sharing beauty.
Love this and all your inspirational writings. Thank you, a wonderful way to start this rainy day in Connecticut. Now to finish my painting and not criticize it!
Alivia is greatly pleased! She is poised and ready to draw again!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.