24 Jun

French Alleys and Early Morning in France
Everybody needs a little purple in their lives.

Carte Postale #3
Saint Cirq Lapopie
This sweet spot was on a back street in Saint Cirq Lapopie.
There are alleys and then there are French alleys;))
A little more inspiration, French style…
If video doesn’t appear, just click here:))
Be sure and look for tomorrow’s video on Saint Cirq Lapopie!
Another day, another entry in my journal:)))
Notice the tint on the left page beneath my writing.
(You can do this on yours too
….just wet the entire page and then float in a color that pleases you 🙂
Here’s the vantage point I sat in to do today’s watercolor postcard.
Pour yourself a cup of hot coffee and immerse yourself in this little corner of France today!
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for your personal journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used soley for that purpose:-)
Some of you asked about the add’l watercolors I picked up at the art store in Cahors…..they were opera, turquoise, and cobalt violet, all from Winsor and Newton. Pretty yummy!!
P.S. If you missed the watercolor tips I posted the other day, just click here to download them.
P.S.S. I will be giving away the watercolor postcards I do while here in France:)) Love making them, love sharing them!
To get your name in on the drawing, just leave a comment on my site:))
First winners of postcards will be announced in my next post!! (If you are picked, be prepared to email me with your snail mail address so your card can be mailed from France to you:)

Oh Dreama, I love watching your videos on your stay in France. So peaceful and charming. Absolutely gorgeous. And love your postcards and water colors. Wish I had one-tenth of your talent. Looking forward to your September program. Thanks Dreama. Kathy
Looking forward to Saturday morning Dreama. Very wonderful challenges ahead.
The softness of lavender in the early morning with your perspective with the views, flowers, sweet singing of the birds —- so much to love !
Tres bien! France is such a rich environment. I love the looseness of your watercolors. Bill Fagan
What beauty! I will not say that I am jealous, but I envy you, wearing a very green jacket! Keep on sending the videos and pictures, as I love to feast my eyes on them!
I have not been to France since 1989 but your photographs and paintings bring back des memoires merveilleuses.
Thanks a bunch or merci beaucoup.
Dreama, your early morning is my favorite so far. All that still, silent beauty, where the dreams for the day are just beginning to take shape.
Magical, what an amazing place, it looks so organic, natural, peaceful.
LOVE the kitty door!
I am hoping for some more cat appearances too!
Thanks again, Dreama, for sharing!
Hi Dreama,
I just watched the video again – so calming – especially after the Rolling Stones concert last night in Washington DC – which was deafening but highly enjoyable – I was on my feet for 2 1/2 hours – trying to “move like Jagger” (please don’t imagine) – I also do have a “morning voice” today – after all the screaming last night (so undignified for a 64 year old – but there were some in their 80s screaming) I have to watch your video again one more time to calm down and start painting!
Your wonderful art and prose make me feel as though I am sharing another wonderful trip with you. Perhaps one day I will really be there with my paints and sketchbook using all the tips you have so generously posted.
Dreama, t”was lovely. Just as I remembered. And miss.
How beautiful! Love those gardens and Mya too! Wish I was there!
What a beautiful place, there s think wonderful everywhere you turn!!! So terrific enjoy Dreama!!! XOXO
Thank you for posting the photos and videos of your trip to France. The scenery is beautiful and it is fun to see it as you do. It has been a treat to open my mail and see what you have posted. Love the teaching parts too!
Thank you for sharing your trip with us. Makes me want to go! Love the early morning video this morning. Bless your heart. 🙂
What a treat to share a quiet morning in France with you! Thank you for sharing your artistic adventures with us! I go to teach an art camp with children and pass on the inspiration!
Thanks so much for posting this wonderful blog….I look forward to each day’s postcards!
After my quiet time in the morning, I choose to see what exciting inspirations you post. Thank you for sharing your beautiful color!
Love the inspiration!!! Wish I was there! Thanks!
Thank you so much for sharing your early morning jaunt with us. It’s the next best thing to being there. Absolutely indescribably gorgeous!
Love the video! Makes me feel like I’m there. Thank you for doing that.
What a pleasure to paint along with you this weekend and pretend I was there!
Thank you so much for taking us along to this beautiful place, Dreama.
Your photos, your video diary and your beautiful watercolour carte postales are brightening up my days and, with this one specifically, my morning.
Ohhhh….to have a cup of coffee and a croissant in such a beautiful, calm, serene, gentle setting on a calm and gentle French morning…and then paint throughout the day with such beautiful sights all around me, everywhere I look.
But y’know what? I *am* there in my daydreams and via these wonderful video diaries you’re sharing with us…and also from my own memories of my holiday in France many years ago.
I love the video – a lovely little surprise in the form of your little neighbour, Maya, coming for an early morning visit.
Wonderful…all of it. Thank you, Dreama.
The flowers and countryside are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing with us.
I’m loving your WCs and photos of France. Opera is my favorite color–and mixed with Phthalo blue, it makes gorgeous purples.
Love you for sharing….you’re so generous!
Dreama, your posts and videos are so wonderful for those of us who have never been to France, and your postcards are delightful. Thank you for sharing.
I love how you take us along for the ride through Paris….oh how I wish I could sketch, paint, draw, create…….
I have come to love watercolor much more than oils. Thanks for sharing.
Hi Dreama, Thank you for sharing your journey in France. I have my sketchbook and am ready to go especially with those helpful tips about watercolor.
Thank you, Dreama, for including us all on your artistic adventures. Love seeing through your eyes.
Thanks for sharing. Can’t wait to see you in the fall!
I love the video. So beautiful and so peaceful. The birds welcoming the day. I am sitting with my coffee wishing I was there, but the with the videos and your beautiful paintings I am. Thanks Dreama.
So Quiet, so Peaceful
Your soul can take flight.
Your heart becomes full
With the beauty and delight
Of the gardens of shade
With colors so pure.
Time will not fade
These memories for sure.
Thanks for the beauty and memories you are making for all of us.
Margie Whittington
Lovely! Wish I was there!
Early morning is my favorite time of the day! It is quiet and peaceful so loved your video this morning.
I’m loving every painting, photo and video of France and feel like I’m there with you!
I imagine that I’m sitting at one of the tables under an umbrella sipping tea and having a delicious French pastry with you! I can’t wait to see where you’ll be tomorrow!
Interesting how cats all over the world look pretty much the same, beautiful. Would love one of your postcards. Merci.
Thank you Dreama for sharing your trip to France with us! I feel like I’m there with you! Your video that you took at 6:00 am was viewed by me at 6:30 am here in western NY State, where my poppies and roses are also blooming. Just around the corner, or around the world, early morning is my favorite time too.
another morning in France…love the post cards!
OMG!! These videos are just what I need to take me back to a favorite place and what a wonderful way to start my day! I notice that even the color of the wood on the door and window frames are exactly as I remember them!! Paintable to be sure! Flowers, early morning, coffee, cats…..what more could one want?!?!
As Cole Porter would say, “C’est Magnifique!”
This morning I took my blue jar of flowers outside to photograph in the morning light. Then cam in to enjoy you morning video. Far apart but still able to see beauty in nature wherever we are. How sad for those who cannot stop and enjoy it.
I’m just an enjoyer of beautiful art who loves to follow your blog, Dreama. (I also love cats, but don’t want to say that too loud around here.) Your scenes of France make me remember a cherished trip my daughter and I took to the Colmar/Strasburg region in the spring. She serves as a missionary in Germany and I don’t get to see her very often, so your art reminds me of our special time together.
I love your fresh way with color! Thank you for the generous watercolor tips!
You ARE such a complete delight! It’s so generous of you w/all
you have going on there to share all you do with all of us!!
I loved your Italy trip & all you shared so this is another living
through your travels & you make it so much fun!
The videos really take me there!!
Loving it all dear Dreama! Your postcards, the alleyways, the roses, the courtyard, the stairs, the kitty cat, the birds, the peace and quiet and beauty of it all. You are a darling for sharing, thank you so much!
It’s so beautiful there… I hope you come back.
I wish I’d seen all your journal advise before my last trip to Spain. It’s never too late to catch up! Thanks for sharing all your secret little places.
Vicki Brevell
Oh such a gorgeous tranquil morning–and the COLORS–so yummy!
Very inspiring! So smart of you to entice us this way 🙂 Merci.
Thank you, Dreama, for bringing enchanting France into my home. I look forward to starting my day watching your videos, enjoying the photos and being fascinated by your watercolors. What an inspiration to us all to get out our watercolors and let the paint fly!
Dreama, This is so much fun, this following along with you in France! I get up each morning and race to turn on my computer to see the beautiful new pictures, etc. You are a very sweet to do this for the masses of us that would SO love to be with you. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
I am inspired to look at my town square through your eyes. My county seat doesn’t date back hundreds of years, but I am sure there are charming doorway and alleyway paintings just waiting to be painted. I’m gathering my watercolors and heading out tomorrow with a friend to paint in Madison County, IA, the home of the Bridges of Madison County. Join us. We’d love to have you. And I would love to receive a postcard from France from Dreama.
Your emails and journal pages inspire me so much. What a gorgeous place. Thank you for getting up early 🙂
Looks like the trip is progressing nicely….hope you are enjoying every minute. Looking forward to the arrival of the postcard I won!!! Hugs…T
Beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
Hi Dreama problem with your system of comments I can’t see mine today on the list Please I want to see my name for your beautiful postcards Thanks for the charming and calm morning au Vieux Couvent .June 24 was our national holiday here in Quebec Province I hope to win one of your charming postcards Thanks for your generosity!
Hi Dreama Wonderful ! Yesterday I and my husband were watching a video from the city of St Cirq Lapopie. I am waiting to view your own video from that charming little french town. I hope to win one of your fresh postcards one day I will be lucky! Thanks for your generosity!
Andrée the french girl from Quebec Province
I’m loving our time in France so far. It’s funny but I never felt jet lagged at all!
Hi Dreama.. loving the all the videos, photos, watercolours and paintings… really feels like I’m there with you.. thank you so much for sharing…. makes me want to paint everything. We’re heading off to France tomorrow, and will be in the vicinity of Le Vieux Couvent on 8th July…. sadly will miss you by one week! Luckily I will be taking my iPad with me, so won’t be missing your daily posts which I so look forward to. Enjoy the rest of your trip in La belle France. Caroline
My husband and I love these posts and look forward to them daily!
Beautiful and inspiring!
Your work is beautiful, thanks for sharing.
Love the photos and the videos–so peaceful in the early mornings.
Bonjour and Merci for this opportunity! So much beauty and so much fun.
Early mornings are the best and it looks like they are in France too! Thank you for sharing your morning with us. 🙂
Can you imagine all the people over the ages that have walked those stone paths that you are walking on now Dreama? That is why Europe is so intriguing to me…..the history is a true WOW factor when traveling over there. Thank you for sharing with us the bright pathways of your day!
Thanks for sharing those luscious colors, and your water color brush, I’m going to find one of those.
I’m enjoying all of your posts, paintings, & videos. This mornings video was especially nice, early morning in the garden ~ a delightful treat to start the day ~ I’m grateful to be able to share a part of your journey in France with you. Dreaming of the chocolate!!!!!
Lovely! Beauty is truly everywhere in France, even in the “alley”! ( However,, my experience is there is usually a man relieving himself there! Lol! ) I cannot wait to open my email each morning!
Thanks for taking me along. France is one of my favorite places. I look forward to your post each day. Beautiful pictures, great inspiration, and looks like great fun!
love the postcards, Dreama. thank you.
I am SO enjoying checking in every day to see your videos & watercolor sketches. You inspire me to pull mine back out & get to work.
Oui…early morning. A magical time. Loving your posts!
It looks absolutely glorious Dreama. Have yourself a super time. Soak in every second of France at its finest.
Dreama, once again, you bring us to France with you. I especially love your videos! I can’t wait to see what tomorrow will bring! I am an oil painter, but you are twisting my arm to get my watercolors out and go for it!
Every day is even more beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing. I love the watercolors and of course the oil paintings. Fun , fun!
Only in France do the alleys have flowers! So inspiring!
Hi Dreama, I am enjoying watercolor journaling as I accompany you on your trip to France … And I have started watercolor journaling my own beautiful home and surroundings… There’s more beauty and JOY around me than I realized and I’m becoming more aware of it thanks to your encouragement, instruction and inspiration. I feel truly blessed!
I love these new photos Dreama. Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing the early morning beauty & quietness in the video
You are inspiring and your artwork is beautiful. I look forward to frequent visits and lots of learning adventure. Thanks to Marion for introducing me to your work through her FB posts.
What a charming experience it is sharing this journey with you each day. So glad you got to see one of the resident kitties!
Pretty amazing video, a wonderful inpiring place to sit and paint! Just beautiful!!
I am really enjoying your blog. It’s very nice of you to share your videos and photos. Your workshop is on my bucket list. So someday we will meet. I would love to have one of your postcards AND my birthday is thursday… Ha ha!
Thank you SOOO much for taking me along on this trip. And for all the tips for watercolor travel journals. I started mine on a trip last summer, but I know it will be much better this year!
Say hello to Jo-Ann. I am enjoying her blog, too!
I have been so enjoying all of your photos, videos, and paintings each day. What a special thing you are doing! It all looks so amazing.
Just beautiful! Went to Paris on my honeymoon 19 yrs ago but never made it out to the French countryside. Your adventure makes me want to go back and explore more. Postcard perfect!!
Oooo! I’d love to stay in this garden! Just beautiful Dreama– thanks for showing it to us!
Hi dreama, i would love to receive a postcard from your trip to france, i’m from Honduras, i went to marco island this year to your workshop, i hope you’re enjoying the time on france!
Love your adventures. This morning I shared your watercolor video with a new student struggling with his watercolor technique. Thanks so much!
Dreama, I am loving this trip with you and would really love getting one of your watercolor postcards.
Dreama, your watercolors are a lush and gorgeous as your oils! You MUST pick me, because it is my anniversary today (36!) and my husband and I are Francophiles!
😀 No pressure……
oh and what kind of pen do you use for your postcards?
I need a little red star by where we’re suppose to comment for the drawing..hope this will do. I really really want one..Eddie are you listening???
Love your videos I feel like I’m almost there
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.