18 May

During the Creative Process

Desperately Seeking Inspiration

Desperately seeking inspiration.

That sounds pretty…desperate…doesn’t it?
I’m a creative person and I am not ashamed to admit it (both the creative part and the desperate part).
Inspiration IS my water.  I can live a little while without it, but I know eventually I will succumb ‘to feelings of worthlessness’ without it.

I’ve arrived in Paris.  It is a place that has inspired many people. Hemingway, Picasso, Monet, Degas–authors and painters galore.

Curiously, a truth that can often be overlooked is this:
What has inspired others may not do it for us.
What might be the thing we think we should be inspired by, since we are painters and writers, might not be the thing that will work at all.

With that in mind, I’ve decided while here to go lightly and listen lowly.  Paying close attention to whisperings and urgings of what might be a delight to me.
Less of what I think it should be if I am indeed a REAL artiste.
More of what it might be if I allow this childish heart of mine to clumsily grasp the delights that might not seem ‘grown-up’ enough for my profession.

I would do you a disservice if I came here only to repeat what is safe and predictable.
I would do my creativity a disservice if I came here and did only the safe and predictable. Weighing myself down with the burden of trying to be what I think I SHOULD be, rather than being who I really am.

It is up to you and me to wholly be ourselves.  To skip a rock across the Seine.  Perhaps do a bit of skipping ourselves on the wide expanses of the Louvre courtyards.  To not worry if we can’t speak the language or seem not chic enough for the Champs Elysees.  I can’t be great or evolved or use my gifts if I spend it all trying/wishing I were something other than what I am 🙂

We alone are the one who turns the critical eye inward on one whose beauty and gifts are already perfectly formed.  Because of this, I am determined to mix this game up and come out with inspiration for me and for you.

So perhaps it will be not so much discovering of Paris, but more so a discovering of you and me.

Paris is here waiting for us to discover.

Bonjour and let the adventure begin!

Note:  I am sharing lots of video shorts and pics via Instagram stories.  They disappear in 24 hours so you will want to watch them when you see them appear 😉  If you’d like to follow along, my Instagram link is instagram.com/dreamatolleperry

P.S.  For long-time readers of my journal, you may be wondering if Eddie the Cat has made an appearance since my arrival. Found these love locks on one of the bridges crossing the Seine. Apparently, he’s here and has been busy with a special someone.

P.S.S.  First full day in Paris we made ‘friends’ with Catherine, the local flower shop lady AND met one of her neighbors which makes him our neighbor for now–you can just tell by their faces these are people to love!

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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Painter || Writer || Creativity Coach