2 Nov

Those 3 magic words…
I picked up a book in Paris.
(Actually I picked up several books in Paris which is how I roll. Which means my luggage didn’t.
At least not very well 😉 )
The book was called ‘How Art Can Make You Happy’. It had three little words stamped in gold on it’s bright yellow back…
Art Is Magical
Golden words that clung to me in the crowded confines of Shakespeare and Co., the English bookstore in the heart of Paris. A place rich with history, filled with characters like Ernest Hemingway, Gertrude Stein and soldiers of World War II. Oozing purrsonality in the form of the resident cat that lives there.
Art is magical
I found myself caught up in that single thought and stood there, pondering, amongst the old bookshelves and the worn steps embellished with a poem by Hafiz.
Art is magical and it’s to be found everywhere (although I have to admit, I think Paris has more than her fair share).
Art IS Magical. You can feel it when you say the words. (I dare you, try it right now and tell me it doesn’t make your heart flip just a little..or a lot!)
And it’s not just painting or writing, although that is often what my mind goes to first, since I have a close kinship with both.
It is ART, in the broad sense of the word, taking in everything at once.
Painting, composing, performing, dancing, strumming, drumming you name it.
Even when we are the ones listening, viewing, or tapping our toes—make no mistake. We are part of the creation, part of the art.
So I wanna ask you—why do you think that’s so? Why is art magical?
Hint: I often think that it’s the questions that matter, more so than the answers 😉
Questions can tell us a great deal about ourselves and what’s important to us.
Questions in many ways provide the answers in the questions themselves.
Creativity is a journey into the unknown. Each time we create, make art, let our eyes linger on a painting or sit in awe as someone plays Chopin–we enter into real magic.
Art is magical and the unknown ‘why is that so?’ is a beautiful question to live with 🙂
So if art is magical and I believe it is…
is it because we are truly present when participating in it?
is it because of how it makes us feel? breathless and hopeful and teary-eyed?
is it because we feel peace— a sense that everything really is gonna be alright?
is it because we feel the romance and the joy with every step of the dance?
Art is magical
I’ll let you ask yourself the questions of ‘Why?’
Your answers live inside your questions.
You are art.
YOU are magical.
P.S. A throwback to when I was featured in IN HER STUDIO magazine (Winter/2019) 😉 ! It’s available online by clicking here.
It’s such a beautiful magazine with all kinds of juicy articles featuring all sorts of artists.

Your writing stimulates my artist soul. That is magical! I sensed the inspiration as I read this post. Best of the blessings!
I love learning new things. When I watercolor, I learn something new every time! It intimidates at times, but if I stick with it, I find that a new revelation occurs! So much fun!
I find your blog inspirational! Your trips to Paris, and Tuscany fill me with the desire to make those trips too, someday. Thank you for sharing the images, adventure and loveliness.
I absolutely love your magical work! Your beautiful bright colors and subject matter inspire me to want to be s better painter!!!
Thank you for sharing your talent with us!!
Art and creativity are magical. They allow you to be present like very few things in life do, and I feel engaged in joy when I am creating!
Art is magical for me, because I have just, in the last couple of years, been able to get back into my painting. Spending time in my studio, which was recently completed, has been a place to be, think, enjoy the quiet, and paint. I do wish I wasn’t so messy!
I find that when I participate with others in my world of art, whether it be a touring event, class, sales show, etc. I am inspired to do more with my art. The feelings are “heaven on earth” for me and I hope that others I come in contact with are inspired to be more enlightened about art.
I never even knew such a magazine existed! How wonderful. Count me in!
Wonderful! Such a beautiful article. Bask in the glow!
I hope I can win the free copy as I don’t think it’s available in Australia to buy.
To me ‘magical’ is synonymous with ‘mystical.’ Being mystical is an important aspect of who i am, and what I believe. It is a leap of faith to believe in those things that are unseen, but you know exist. I have faith in those lovely things that I know are true, that bring me joy…but cannot be proven by any formula.
Because it has the power to help heal.
Magic takes you places you only dream about.
Being able to create through any art form gives me a sense of satisfaction that compares with nothing else. It treats me with happy surprises every time I succeed in making something beautiful that didn’t exist before.
Art is magical, maybe because it’s not mandatory like everyday chores (cleaning, cooking, physical hygiene and maintenance). I choose to participate in art, either hands on or as a spectator/listener. At other times I observe and absorb that which replenishes that intangible stash which fuels my art. Yes, art is magical from any perspective, inside or out, from a distance or close up, observer or participant. I want the magic of art for all my days.
Art transports you to a different time and place.
Because it is inside you and you don’t even know it until you create it.
Totally agree. Art is magic and I even love the “off” times because that means magic is coming toward me. Have you read Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert. You inspire me. Enjoy all of your emails.
Art takes me to a quiet and peaceful place
Looks wonderful!
Joyful, easy to navigate and so full of a wonderful variety of tips, photos to paint from, and Dreama’s precious presence.
Art is magical because it is from one heart to many hearts.
Art is magical for me because even if I’m in an agitated state of mind, if I just pick up a brush and start painting, I am immediately transformed to a peaceful state. It’s my method of meditation!
I love reading all of this! I ordered the magazine, filled in what was asked for, then lost the website without ever paying for the magazine nor completing the the order. How do I get back there?
Keep doing what you do so well!
I think the fact of being present, in the moment, while creating is a huge part of why art is magical. Although the product can be pretty magical, the process almost always is.
For me, art transports me from the everyday into a world of the possible. And I love the support and friendships I have found in the artist communities.
Lady, I am on my way to Barnes and Noble RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!
What a delight!
Why art is magical….some of it is being in the flow, some of it is just what happens. When I am feeling a little lost or overwhelmed, the best thing I can do is go to my studio. It’s my Candyland, my Disney World, my sweet vacation. When I get there sometimes all I do is clean up messes and put stuff away. But, as I’m moving things around, the ideas come. They always do; put this with that, cut this in half, bend that, try these colors together. Whether it be sheer coincidence or happy accident something always comes of it. Oh, how I love color play.
To me it’s all of it. Finding something that tells your heart I want to paint that! Then begins the journey of making it your own!
Art is magical! For me the magic comes at least three times during my painting process. First, finding the inspiration and getting so excited about a subject; this part feels so hopeful and filled with excitement. Then it comes again during the actual painting process because I get so lost in the moment. Being in the zone is an extremely special feeling that makes me feel so grateful. This part also requires me to believe in myself, which is equally important! And finally for me, at the completion of a painting, recognizing that I created this. I did this. Me!! It still surprises me sometimes. And surprises like this feel like little gifts to my soul that make me appreciate life, and it’s good!
Thanks for the inspiration today Dreama, and for allowing me to take a moment to reflect and feel uplifted. ❤️
Oh Dreama, it is so lovely to hear your voice again….. just listening to you motivates and inspires me to create something new!
Art takes me to a world of discovery and joy and I like dwelling there..
Art is, I think, magical because it is forever. One of my favorite sayings from my years of teaching Latin is “Vita brevis, Ars longa,” “ “Life is short but art is long.” Long – long lasting, long in its reach into our souls, long in its ability to last forever and yet to change with every viewing. That’s magic!
I love this quote from Rilke, which you echo so beautifully here.
“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves, like locked rooms and like books that are now written in a very foreign tongue. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.”
― Rainer Maria Rilke
I saw your studio was going to be featured! How exciting!
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