11 Feb

Before the Creative Process
The value in going slow
Slowed down.
Lately, I’ve been thinking about
the value in s-l-o-w-n-e-s-s.
Of how much life there really is.
In every thing.
Remarkable details that are only realized when we go slowly.
Hurry is a habit.
It rushes us through everything. Always trying to wrap one thing up to get to the next.
And in the absence of slowness, worlds are lost.
For a moment, think of the difference between a walk and a ride.
One allows for the spaciousness of our surroundings.
The other helps us arrive quickly, but the journey has been a bit of a blur.
While we feel enriched from our slow walk, a fast ride leaves us breathless and a bit empty.
Going slow provides intimate views of life.
We are met with unexpected moments of rapture.
It is deeply satisfying.
I know, I know—sometimes we need the ‘fly over.’ The 30K feet view to see where we’ve come from and where our dreams are leading us next.
But we never want to lose the slow. It provides the place to go deep into that which we love.
And we love much more than we know.
Going slow is a conscious choice.
A willingness to move our focus from ‘what’s next?’ to ‘what’s here?’.
‘I spent a lifetime in a garden one afternoon.’
~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
It’s an investment of time.
It’s alive, here and now.
And the result is that it makes us come alive.
* ‘I made an investment eleven years ago that is still growing.
It involved me sitting on my back porch, reading some soulful books, taking some quiet time, and writing in my journal.
Day after day, in every spare minute that I could find, I was there.
I let other things lapse. Didn’t return calls, didn’t do what was expected of me.’
In other words…I moved into the slow lane.
* This is an excerpt from an earlier post that you can read here.
Wanna share your thoughts on this? You can do so in the comments below.

Wall of Color
Watercolor on Fabriano Paper
Note: ‘Wall of Color’ is one we did in my creative monthly membership last month. Many folks don’t realize that when they join Flow, they get instant access to all past content along with 2 new paintings that come out each month. At this moment, there are 46 painting videos to paint along with. Learn more about Flow here.

Dear Dreama, Thank you for sharing your thoughts on slowing down. I am an elem. art teacher, K-5th and those children when they were born, it was as if their lives were delivered into and along with the pace of a speeding car and a list of things a mile long by which to be distracted. None of it, the speed and distraction really allows for relating to people. It is worrisome. How can their lives, activities and minds slow down?
Watching a little bit of the Super Bowl, especially the half time “show” exemplifies this concern.
My friend’s 34 year old son just died of post Covid symptoms yesterday. Her husband committed suicide 4 years ago. We need to talk to each other and love one another while we can. There will always be loss, that is part of life. But for the things we can choose to do, be a blessing to another’s life with intention and purpose. Slow down, be with people on purpose. Live the moment for someone else. Live for a friend, a loved one, a stranger. Appreciate the minds and the beauty of a conversation with a 90 year old, a 6 year old and in between, show the youth how slowing down looks.
Thank you Dreama.
I am in Phoenix AZ for the month of February. We do lots of hiking. In one of of hikes the thought came to me that the pause was better than the pace. Stopping along the desert trail and taking in the all that surrounded me was much more enjoyable than a faster paced hike. 💞
My mother passed January 24 she would have been 97 in April. It’s made me sit and reflect about time spent. I don’t want to hurry, only to make every minute count. Call my sister every morning now to say hello and share a bit. Sitting in front of the fireplace enjoying warmth and dancing of the flames.
I love these short pieces and you really should do a book of them with some of the images included. And yes, I’m speaking as a publisher, but also as a Dreamette! This is something you can easily do yourself, free, in an affordable POD version all of us can enjoy! Thank you SO much for everything!
I love a “slow” afternoon on my porch with my constant companion Miss Kitty and a cup of tea. It is wonderful to take time to restore yourself and listen to the music of the birds and feel the breeze. Take the time to replenish your energy while in God’s nature.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.