10 Jun

During the Creative Process
Rare is the moment…!
I decided
last evening
that today
would be a writing day
Simple and clean
Like clearing a desk to begin work
Or de-cluttering a kitchen counter to begin baking.
I’ve learned that with one intentional thought, ‘everything else’ takes a step back
instead of clamoring
to share the stage, insisting on receiving equal priority.
Holding to one singular direction aligns with being present for this miraculous moment and all that it holds.
It wondrously takes the lead and leaves behind the sense of being pulled in a zillion different directions.
I don’t know what I will write today.
I do know that I will.
I have made a choice.
Cleared my mental desk
And have made my mind, heart, ears, and eyes available.
That is all that is required.
Too often, I forget this.
Do I have other important things, saying ‘you should do this too—or be doing this instead?’ Of course, I do.
If existing at all, rare is the moment that says, ‘There is nothing else of import to do. Please help yourself and do what sounds delight-filled to you today.’
So the question I ask myself more often these days is one of ‘If not now—when?? If I don’t do the thing that lights me up inside now, when will I?’
So today, I write.
A few days ago, it was a painting day. Then it was a walk in the local garden day.
I keep learning (and relearning) this:
If you do what your heart desires, the work will always get done.
Don’t make your life wait while you do ‘everything else.’

Shades of Joy
16 x 20in oil on linen panel
P.S. Re the painting in this post—it’s the one I painted on the ‘today is a painting day‘ thing I mentioned earlier. Got something you want to be doing that you haven’t somehow made happen yet? Try the ‘Today is a (fill in the blank) day’ — then see what happens. It works! Leave a comment below and let me know how it goes!

I love your paintings and the beautiful words expressing the joy of living that you share. I live in Lexington and would love to be able to meet you someday for coffee. You are such an inspiration.
Thanks so much for sharing your many talents:)
I absolutely love this post! 😁. Brilliant! 😁
Helpful, thoughtful ideas. I read your letter on a day that your ideas were heard and helpful to me. Thank you.
Love your art. Your painting today gave me an idea..to paint a walkway horizontally instead of vertically. The hollyhocks will approve. Keep painting and I look forward to hearing details of your recent trip.
Thank you! I also enjoy writing! Today I’m being inspired by photos of lovely Santorini!
I always love seeing your beautiful paintings and words pop up in my mailbox. Thank you for the constant motivation.
Jaya xx
Thank you for reminding me about making my time a priority….something so hard for me to do as I’ve been a caretaker all of my life. If not now, when? We take care of ourselves so that we can better care for others. Your life and work have touched me deeply. This summer….because of you…..I am headed to Tuscany to a painting workshop. Thank you again!
I decided last Monday was painting day for me. I had been wanting to do a painting, the canvas had been gessoed for weeks and the fear of failure stopped me along with lots of “important things.” The painting is drying and I also finished one my son wanted for his office. I had been procrastinating because I didn’t love the subject matter. I tweaked it a little by adding some color and now everyone is happy. On to more challenges and happy days..
Thank you for this freeing sentiment. Priority for those things that bring us joy!
Your words never fail to strike a chord in my little life. That is one reason I keep up with your FB page and am so glad I am still receiving your emails. Even tho I am not enrolled in Flow at the moment, these words are important to me and they always seem to come at a time when I need to reflect on my days. Thank you, Dreama Mona Lee
Today is my day to revisit my past lessons on Flow, making note and looking at my journey during this time. At first I was jealous of the work of artist that seemed to have been with you from the beginning. Now I see the time was right for me to connect. My life didn’t get easier, it has been harder, more grief,more financial demands and harder to find time to paint. You,Dreama,and the other artist that share,have truly blessed me and helped me find the courage to keep moving and keep dreaming. Thank you ❤️
I always love hearing from you. You put feelings we all have down on paper with a good plan of ACTION! Everything you do radiates “good person”. your kindness radiates! Thank you.
Margaret Bohrer
Today is a painting day for me! I had claimed it yesterday, even if it will be 11 AM before I start! Your writings are always spot on and encouraging! I love your bigger size painting with this writing!
Not only do I enjoy your emails, I find them eminently quotable! I keep a rollodex of inspiring or funny or thoughtful quotes in my studio, and From today’s email, I am adding the 4 lines that begin with “If you do what your heart desires”….. thank you!
love your writing Dreama, whenever i receive an email from you, a feeling of such peace comes over me, it’s like a gift, Many thanks for all your continuing effort, best wishes Glen x
Melbourne Australia
Oh Dreama l have missed your writing so very much! I WILL make time to do what l desire to do-paint & read! Thank you so much for inspiring me to be true to myself.
Oh Dang l have missed your writing so very much! I WILL make time to do what l desire to do-paint & read! Thank you so much for inspiring me to be true to myself.
I am a retired (?) professional artist although I have never stopped painting and your works inspire me to try new things. When I am not painting, I quilt . And of course that opens up another can of color worms ! Like you, I stop to take a look around me and get re-inspired. Thank you for all your wonderful words and paintjngs.
perfect and good advice. those of us with more than one talent and/or interest sometimes get confused. This approach makes time for everything in a pleasant and simple way. Thx for a good thought and for sharing👏🏻👏🏻💕🌈
“Today is a …day”. I need to re-learn this, too! That feeling of being pulled in a zillion different directions is something that unsettles me far too much of the time. With a rainy forecast for today, last night I decided that today is a cleaning, pricing and packing day (I acquire vintage Christmas items all year for a local sale at the holidays). Simply making that decision is indeed wondrous. I am saving you post to refer to on a regular basis. Funny how we have the need to re-visit/re-learn those things that serve us so well, right? Thanks for the very timely message today. BTW – When I see Dreama in my email in box, I save it for last – just like dessert!
I still read your emails. I still want to know what you are doing. I still think about your great smile and caring countenance. I still think about our group and times in France.
I still.
I have missed your letters!!
And this one helped me decide to crest today and forget the usual weekend chores for the day!
You are joy !
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