23 Feb

Before the Creative Process
I create.
A lot.
Though I often feel like I don’t.
A lot.
It has something to do with the assignment system in my brain. Maybe old childhood ideas of how to ‘measure’ worth, to decide if time spent yielded ‘something of value’.
Doesn’t matter. Just important to note that it’s actually flawed thinking. And to question old beliefs on what is worthwhile and what is of value when it comes to time spent. And how we are defining creative time.
The marks that arrive on our canvas or the words that arrive on our page are sourced from our experiences. And those experiences account for ever so much more than we realize.
Today, I’m sharing an excerpt from a longer chat I had inside Flow, my creative membership group. If you sometimes find yourself in the struggle of creating, feeling like you’re hitting a brick wall, I think you might find the conversation helpful.
Reminders for me and you along the path.
Immersing into that which we love ensures fertile soil from which to create.

Summer Moments,
A Journal Watercolor Tutorial in Flow
Love you bunches and sending hopes of spring, longer days and daffodils blooming!

Hi Dreama, once again you spoke to my soul! I can’t wait for you to meet my flowers! That will be the name of my book”Meet my Flowers!” But I am on Maui now and am acquainting myself with all these colors and wonders! Thank you,
Michelle Murdock
Oh Michelle—soak up the island beauty—excited for your book!!😊❤️
Hi Dreama,
I miss you. Thankyou for this post. I am so blessed by it. From the beginning of my business, it actually has been the missing key to my work, although it has been there all along. I’m a very private person, but a creative who needs to sell and be involved with people. You probably know when people see your work they can sometimes want to be your best friend without knowing you. This happens to me quit often. Truthfully I don’t like it. This effects my business and my social media platforms. I so love to share my work and love to share with others, to teach what I know, but have felt it was my personal life (me) that I had to give away. Your post today is the truth! Like a, “Wake up Kimberly, and connect the dots.” kind of truth. So thank you beautiful lady. I will have a different way of seeing now. It will effect my whole life’s outlook. I will share it with those who may need to know as well.
I have been in 2 of your courses and as soon as I watched the first video, Paris trip, I knew you were the real deal. Thank you for your truthfulness, honesty and sharing that with me. I know there are all the others, but today for me.
I pray God continues to bless you and your family and your business.
You are a shinning light in an ever challenging world.
Best of the best,
Kimberly—thank you so much for sharing your thoughts here❤️. I needed to hear your story too! So glad this clicked with you!!😊❤️
Lovely chat! Good ideas!