28 Feb

My Single Best Piece of Advice for Artists and More
It’s always fun to shake things up so—which is what we’ve done this week.
Deep questions, along with my single best piece of advice for artists.
All on video.
We covered lots of things, including some of the questions below.
What is a “real” artist?
Do you think you are a “real” artist?
What have you seen students struggle with the most when it comes to their art?
What have you struggled with the most when it comes to your art?
What types of support do you think artists need to be successful?
When have you seen students shine or excel the most?
No time to watch? We did an audio version too!
Watch and then share what you think in the comments below —love to know your thoughts on these questions too!

Sun Kissed
P.S. Somehow, when I write, I always feel gratitude for you. For your attention, for you reading my stuff, for just being here. It means a lot! You can receive my letters straight to your inbox by subscribing here. (My letters are free, of course!)

Dear Dreama,
I throughly enjoyed listening to you and your daughter talk about your perspective as an artist. I am probably about the same age as you and could not agree more with your thoughts and feelings on life in general. I am so glad I clicked your link in your bio! I have been following you on Instagram and have always been drawn to your loose paintings. I am so happy to have “met” the artist! Thank you for sharing yourself and your life’s work with me! God Bless You and your family 😊
❤️ Looking forward to it!!
Hi Desiree and Dreama,
Thank you for that thought provoking video. So many things struck me. I think you are so right that we are all creators from a very early age. I know for me I’ve had a desire to create in many different ways…art, sewing, knitting, gardening, even creating lessons for my students, while a teacher. I can relate to the feeling of being more complete, when creating. The word that comes to mind when I scratch my creative itch is “fulfilling.” Doesn’t that make sense…to be filled fully. I turn 65 this Friday. I taught school for many years, raised my two daughters, and provided childcare for my grandchildren over the last eleven years. Now, I’m taking the time to work toward developing myself as an artist, and I feel like you are a mentor for me, Dreama. Even though we’ve never met in person, the thoughtful, open sharing of your own journey is so helpful to me as I process and plan a new inner journey. Thank you for leading from the heart!
It was nice to hear from you again. It definitely resonates with me as an artist 👩🎨. I agree with your sentiments and appreciate your input. BTW, the sound coming from Dreama’s mic wasn’t very audible on the recording. No sweat!
Artfully yours,
Rachel Holland
This was wonderful, You gave answers to so many important questions that have been rolling around in my head for a long time. So many answers confirmed what I knew to be true but needed to hear. You are in so many ways my ‘North Star” to keep moving forward with creating art. The last question and your answer was the best! Thank you both for another inspiring and heartfelt message. More please, Ruth Ficken
Oh my gosh, I loved this and it was just exactly what I needed to hear today. Dreama, you always manage to say so beautifully what you mean and feel. I was teary at the end. Thanks so much for sharing this wonderful interview and your darling daughter with us.
Listened to whole message..Thank you for the inspiration. As you know, I have signed up several times, have all the materials and now I am really ready to make painting a .priority. Praying life and distractions will not interfere. I I’ll call soon as I get my taxes together. Thank you
This was such an inspiring interview and the last answer brought tears to my eyes. I always wanted to paint since I was a little girl and finally took an art class in my 30s. I so appreciate your statement that if you are drawn to it, honor it. I finally did. But I want to be part of a community since no one else I know is an artist. I loved that you said there is always a place at the table. Wonderful interview! Thank you!
I joined your group about a year ago and then life got very busy and I had to leave. I miss you and all the lovely lessons. This video was so wonderful to see and help me reconnect with that desire. Thank you to both you and your daughter. What’s sweet team!
I was really touched by this video. Making quiet time for myself is so difficult with grandkids, great grandkids, their pets and girlfriends all living in my house and studio. I really need it if I want to paint. I’m not able to get started if I can’t get my head space right. So I just sneak time where I can and it leaves me frustrated. When I do get that space I am in my true element, full of belief and joy. I am very introverted like you Dreama. Actually I’m a hermit, but I can talk painting and art to anyone, anytime. Strange how art creates me or that side of me where I am fearless. How can I maintain that freedom? A question I may never get answered. How can I get to the easel when chaos is the norm. I’ll never give up because only a few moments at the easel brings such happiness and fulfillment to my heart and soul. I love you for all you give of yourself Dreama. I hope you know how much you mean to those of us privileged enough to know you.
I always enjoy listening or reading what you have to say. Your incites about life and art are so inspiring. I’ve taken more than a few of your courses and am always recommending them to others. I got so much from them that I will carry with me no matter what form my creativity takes! I just love you and Desiree and Ron! Great folks! Hope to join up again some day! Thanks for being who you are ❤️❤️❤️❤️. Jane Glover
Thank you Desi (who I want to hug!) and Dreama for the intimate conversation this morning. You spoke from your heart to mine ❤️, as if you knew what I needed to hear – what a gift from God! . One thing that I want to say: never take for granted the awesome relationship you share – your support, help, love, and encouragement for each other – that IS a Dream Team! Now ……. to find my community …..❤️❤️❤️
I loved this interview…thank you for sharing your heart. As my mom! and I are preparing a women’s Christian retreat called “The Creator in You,” I may need to quote you about your life statement at the end…would you be open to that? I am writing my speaking curriculum and this interview page just popped into my inbox-not a coincidence, I’m thinking. It was wonderful! God bless you, hoping to take an in-person class someday soon!
Fabulous!!! It’s like you were explaining me to me. Thank you!
Susan Baker
Hi Dreama – just to say that I’ve so enjoyed being with you and your daughter. It’s a cold grey morning here Dorset, UK and you’ve warmed me up and re-inspired me to paint this afternoon.
Please wish me flow!
And I wish you flow too!
Yey! Much love, Jenny
I listened to the end and the end of the conversation was truly what life is all about. We came for a purpose and in order to even know what that is, we must know who we are truly are within. As Spiritual Beings, what books do you live and recommend?
Dreama and Daisy,
I just listened to this whole video and it is wonderful! I am 21 and an artist and resonate so strongly with all these things. Thank you more than I can express!
This was a fabulous video session with the two of you! I’m not quite sure how I missed this… but as you mentioned, sometimes life gets in the way.
I really loved the wisdom you shared. Making quiet time is so important to re-center and stay focused on what’s important. I enjoyed learning you’re an introvert, Dreama… it makes me feel like I’m in good company. 💕
I just happened upon this zoom between Desiree and yourself, and I’m now mopping up my face. LOL. Besides all the nuggets of fabulous words of wisdom that I have learned, I especially love the closeness of you & your daughter. I have the same best friend love with our daughter too. And it reminded me the time that Karen & I went on a 2 day spa weekend, and we sat down in our room, and she said “ok, Mom, tell me about yourself.” She was only in college, so I think she was maybe 18. I was so taken aback that she would want to know more than she had learned just by being my daughter. She really wanted to know who I was. I see that same connection with you both, and it’s one that very few of us can claim as our own. Whew! Anyhoo, loved listening to you, and I’ve decided that I really can call myself an artist. Hugs, Betty
You are truly wonderful. I learned of you when your name came up in a workshop. Your art and your words are inspirational. I look forward to them. Thank you.
[I don’t do facebook and have no website; still shy and avoid the drama induced by facebook.]
Loved this,!!!!!!!!!!! Had to have my 2nd Pacemaker sooooooo as I’m laying on this couch, I LOVED SEEING DREAMA & her daughter!!!!!!!!!!Thankful to still be alive——— soon I just know GOD WILL PUT put a brush in my hand again!! These videos have been a lifesaver!!!!!!! Many many THANKS & Blessings to you all
Wow! Oh wow! I just made time to sit down and listen to this and I loved it. Thank you so much! First of all your daughter is adorable! Just had to get that said Second, ,I found myself nodding and talking back to the screen as if we were in the same room. It felt like a personal conversation! Best of all, I loved your closing comment about being quiet, listening to your heart and being your true self. I loved the meditations you put in the online classes because they made me be still and be quiet for long enough to get the world out of my head and get me ready to paint. Also the music that I listen to while I paint. I use classical music mainly like Chopin because it touches my soul and brings out my creativity.. I can’t wait for the FLOW classes to start. I feel like this year I’m going to figure out what I’m supposed to do with my art and this class is going to help me get there. I’ve been reading back through the note books I made of each of the online class notes and there is so much wisdom and practical instruction in there. I realized I didn’t soak it all in that first time so I’m re- reading it all! Ok, so I’m rambling and will close. Thank you, Dreama, from the bottom of my heart! You have had a profound effect on my life! Xoxo Sara Long
The interview by your daughter was so special . Thank you for sharing.
I just listened to your video with your daughter and have tears in my eyes. I loved it! You recognize all the fears and insecurity in making art that we students have. I first saw your art work on Pinterest. I kept finding myself always pinning your art because it was my favorite. I’m almost finished with your Dream, Love, Paint classes and I’m enjoying them. But like you say life gets in the way sometimes and there might be long periods of time in between paintings. It’s so nice that you recognize that and don’t expect your students to be painting wildly every hour of the day. I’m glad I get this chance to tell you how much I enjoy you and admire your work as artist and teacher. I’m not on Facebook so this is my opportunity to speak. I look forward to getting your other 3 painting classes after I finish this one. Love, Joy Garner
I really enjoyed watching this interview (and your daughter is precious!). So much of what you discussed really spoke to me. Thank you for sharing. I love your heart.
I loved this video–thank you both for taking the time to share this way. I have struggled with so many of the things you talked about, and I know that the biggest challenge for me is making time to paint. I don’t know why it’s so hard because I love the feeling I have when I am creating/have created something. My goal is to make more time for me!
This heart sharing with your daughter was sooo enjoyable! Mayybe because I,d hadn,t taken one of your classes for a year now and just hearing your wisdom and joy producing ideas. Obviously writing is not my long suit, lol.
Now, at least three of have tears in our eyes! Thank you and your beautiful daughter for sharing your thoughts and yourselves with”us”. You invited us all in and I am grateful for this time. Thank you.
Loved the video with you and your precious daughter! So much good stuff… just kept shaking my head ‘yes’ as I felt the same way about the peace and excitement of creating, and being fulfilled only when I’m there. Thanks, as always, for sharing your heart.
I loved watching you with your daughter. I learned so much from you and am very grateful to you!!! You have added such happiness in my life and thank you!!!
Just watch your video and loved it! You speak to my heart always. Key for me is reminder to be quiet, listen, trust myself and the message that comes. Yes. Perfect.
And now…..paint, with joy!
Thank you!
Love this!💗
After my husband passed, and gave all my studio away and moved, I thought I could give up painting. I was ready to die too. In that qiet place of no where, I remembered some saying to me, your going to be a artist. So I started all over again. It is the joy that keeps me going.
Loved this! I identify so much with your comments. I am going to share this if I can with another artist friend who I’ve been encouraging to start painting again. I know she will appreciate your words of encouragement. It does indeed take courage to face a blank canvas, but by setting aside time each week for art and just sitting down and going for it, I’ve returned to the creativity I enjoyed in younger days. I had a similar experience with Van Gogh’s work. It wasn’t until I saw an actual painting of his that I began to love his art. I felt like his spirit reached out and touched my heart and spirit, there is so much of himself in his paintings. I’m sure that is why they are treasured throughout the world. Thank you for this video, and for encouraging creativity in all of us. ~ Darlene
I just made the time to watch your video. I’ll have to watch it again. Being totally normal,every so often you’ll say something and my mind would wander off. T
The first was the mention of Eddie. I recently lost my last cat, Plato. At 18 years, he had health issues for some time. He leaves quite a hole behind.
Taking time for quiet time is so true. It feels like a time to breathe and heal.
I’m one of your Postcards in Paris group.
I am so enjoying it, especially the strolls through Paris. Ive been in Shakespeare and Co.
What an eclectic place!
I have a new iPad.. I may ask to be able to enjoy it on there, but please wait until I ask again. I’m still figuring it out. My last one was a Samsung.
Whole other ‘kettle of fish’.
Thank you Dreama for this beautiful video. Your words were wonderfully timed in my life and I am so grateful that you took the time to speak them. I have been a Dreamette for many years and yet still hear something that resonates with me when I stop to take time to listen.
Dreama, the thing I love about you (besides your gift of painting) is that you always share from your heart. You care about other people so much and it shines through all of your communication. Thank you for sharing your heart today!
WOW, this was so good to hear you both, some very helpful points for me.
I did listen to the end, you are both so precious. Thank you for the honesty and
Heartfelt emotion, to let me know how much you care. We all love you. Dreamettes
I have loved reading each of your comments–it fills my heart in so many ways when you share your heartfelt stories with me (and all the others who find them–you never know just who you are inspiring with your own journey). Wish I had time to answer each and everyone –I so love and appreciate each of you!
I love your advice to get quiet with yourself! After 35 years away from my creative self I am finally giving myself the permission & title of artist. I’ve started a live wedding painting business & am so excited-thank you!
Thank you so so much for these wonderful thoughts and for your sincerity and love. It really comes through the conversation with your lovely daughter. I think the feeling of peace and excitement that comes while painting, that sort of suspension from the world around but in fact a more intense awareness of it, that really resonated with me. I had stopped painting when I had my cancer diagnosis, surgery, and the chemotherapy began, but I just began to paint again a week ago, and it has brought me such joy and release. Thank you for all you do for all of this Dreamette family!
Dear Anne–I am so, so glad. Joy and release. So good for you. So much truth. I’m glad painting has brought us together. So much love for you and wishes for continued joy and release on this new life after cancer!
No website as I am just beginning my art journey. Have been an interior designer for many years.
I’m excited to see what your new project is all about. This question and answer session was wonderful to hear.
Katie! Can’t wait to share and so glad you enjoyed our little impromptu video 😉
Oh my gosh. I teared up at the Van Gogh part and the quiet time portion of this video. I absolutely love your videos. I want one everyday!! I loved your Saturday morning coffee videos too. I hope you continue all of these. Love you too!!
Thank you Dreama, so many times you put into words how I feel in my heart.
I am so very grateful for you and you willingness to share yourself and your heart.
This is so good and so fun to meet your sweet and beautiful daughter. You aways give us all of yourself and we probably all feel like we know you almost intimately. . Time goes by and we drift from one artist to another, but we never forget any of them We learn from all of yo. However no artist has the feelings and closeness that you do. Just continue to be you and continue to to let us be in awe of you and your work. Love, love, love you! Or as my kids and grands say, I lobble you.
Thanks for being you,
Dreama 💗
From the bottom of my heart….I love you. Thank you for showing your true self. It’s why I liked you from the moment I met you in 2014. Best to you always. Clare. And your daughter looks like you!
Gosh, Desiree, it was nice to see you! The name has a face – and it fits! 😁
The takeaway for me is making the time for being in the moment. The treadmill is ever present – scheduling some awareness time would help my creative flow.
Thanks for taking the time to include us in your thoughts. Dreama, you are a giving and dynamic force!
Am I a “real” artist? Yes. Am I a professional artist? No. I am proud at say that I am an amateur artist. Proud because the word “amateur” derives from the Latin word “amare,” which means to love. Therefore, I am creating for the love of it, for the joy of it – plus, it expands my mind.
Made me cry too
Thank you Dreama. You’ve made a difference in my life for several years now. I’ve taken all of your online courses and they’ve nourished my soul. All I’ve ever wanted to do was paint but went into accounting in college instead. I’m grateful for my job but couldn’t have made it through these tax seasons without being able to escape into the courses and the journeys you’ve brought me along to. Bless your wonderful heart ❤️ and thank you for the many gifts you’ve given to me and all the others who’ve you’ve brought along with you. Gratefully, Anita Fossum
Anita, thank you so much for sharing a little of your story with me–it helps me too! Love you!!
very good…it was fun seeing both of you working together
Yes Yes Yes to the community and synergy that artists need so much. Also thanks for the recent color combo suggestion of ultramarine blue and violet dioxazine. I’ve been painting lavender ever since. Yum.
Loved loved loved hearing your heartfelt responses to some complicated questions. You inspire us to press on to our goals which are very different and personal for each dreamette. Now I shall go paint!🥰
Very inspiring Podcast, Dreama! I needed this motivation & support.
Dreama and Desiree, I loved the video this morning! I’m so happy that you both shared this with us, your Dreamettes. The answers to the questions hit home with me as I’m sure it did for many. And the last answer made me cry as well, because really needed to hear “to have quiet time” for myself. I don’t get to do that often because of the swirl of family around me, (me being the glue of the family), so I know now that I need to create it for myself, no matter what! Thanks again and I hope there are many more Q/A videos for us to listen to. 💜💜💜
Wonderful inspirational conversation. Thank you for all your input . You are an amazing artist !
Wow! Thank you for sharing so much of yourself with us. I found myself in tears along with you but in a very good way. Really, I can’t thank you enough!
As a little girl, I loved to draw (horses) mostly…then school, life intervened. As my life slowed down (now in my 70’s) the call came to “do it”, not just dabble but to dedicate time, to practice techniques, to honor that voice. I took your “Once Upon a Time in Provence” — I love Provence and have traveled there often, and also the watercolor “Postcards from Paris”. And last Sept. I took my little pan of paint,my sketchbook, and sat on a stone wall in Bonnieux and did some WC sketches. It was the most validating thing, to just sit there and draw paint. I was so into expressing, painting…people would stop and comment (in French). That was the creative space…it took me out of myself and any other happenings around me. And I want to nourish that gift. Nancy
Love this video. I came away with two things….be part of a community of artists….and commitment. I’ve had a painting ALMOST finished for months.. I wanted to enter it in a show but couldn’t get motivated. After watching the video, I got up and finished! Thank you!
So awesome Kathy! And you are so welcome 🙂
Thank you for that talk Dreama! And your cute as can be daughter too. All that you have touched on resonates with me. Life gets in the way. I want to keep all things going and sometimes you just have to let go of the things that don’t matter in the end. There are certain artist whos work brings me such joy upon seeing it and you are certainly one of them. God put you in my life for a reason. I know I have it in me and just need to do it. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Jane Glover
Beautiful words.
Thank you Dreama. As always you give wonderful advice but what I really love about this is how you share your thoughts and feelings with us in such a real way. You always always always inspire me to be true to myself.
Thank you Dreama for being so giving and sharing with your knowledge and talent of art. . I have learned so much from you and it’s really helped me grow as an artist.
That means so much Amy! Thanks for your wonderful message ❤️
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