26 Jan

During the Creative Process
Spring Faces
It’s awesome that we can have tulips in January…and a burst of sunshine via sunflowers:)!
A gentle reminder that something’s always blooming somewhere:))
I have no idea where these girls were trucked in from, but I loved seeing spring on their smiling faces!
In Other News (Dont’ Miss the Really Big News Below):
I’m not gonna lie to you. Although my second Marco Island workshop here in Florida has ended (delightful photos coming your way tomorrow) I, being the rat that I am, have decided to hide out here on the gulf coast for a few more days…weeks….or
I have no idea how long it will take authorities to get the proper papers to have me, the squatter, unwillingly removed from my accommodations, but I am not going easily. Eddie has been messaging me on the hour about how abysmal the weather is at home. I had actually thought about having him fly down….but then I started having flashbacks of the last time I had him at the beach….(click here for that story)
I have saved a whole slew of seats by the pool for you guys…..if there is an entire rowdy gang of us, I am sure we can fend off the authorities even longer…;) Get to packin’ man!!!
And now for the really BIG news:
My new website/blog combo is almost ready for its big reveal:))
The amazing thing?….it’s almost ready for prime time and I am still mostly sane.
Sort of.
Well, if you must know, I had a few….shall we say….MOMENTS…on the way to a sassy new site for you to hang out with me on, but my time here ocean side has helped smooth the kinks out.
The bruises from the head banging have almost faded away and the bald patches are starting to grow back.
I think you’re gonna love it. If you don’t, probably better keep it to yourself. I’m still not far enough out from the experience to be considered entirely stable;))
The 7 day count down has begun!

Your colorful paintings look like how joy feels. :o} I love your creations, Dreama. Thanks.
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