8 Apr

Before the Creative Process
A Delightful Thanks
I am grateful for cats and bicycles
Cherry blossoms and laughter
For parents and husbands and brothers and sisters
For sunshine and birdsong
Clear starry nights and warm spring mornings

“Spring Delicacy”
Available Now in a Fine Art Print, Click to View
I am grateful
that All things
are working together
for our good.
Delight in your day!!
“All sanity depends on this: that it should be a delight to feel the roughness of a carpet under smooth soles, a delight to feel heat strike the skin, a delight to stand upright, knowing the bones are moving easily under the flesh.” ~ Doris Lessing
“We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure, but not delight.” ~ Jack Gilbert.
“The quality of life is in proportion, always, to the capacity for delight. The capacity for delight is the gift of paying attention.” ~ May Sarton
All of creation is dancing in delight….just for you…today 🙂
If video does not appear, just click here to view 🙂
P.S. The countdown has begun:))) Just a few more days ’til my 2014 Workshop Dates are released!
I am finally getting all those ducks in a row…..(with no help from Eddie I might add:)!

very very delightful indeed. thank you
Just Lovely
I never get enough of your bright, beautiful, cheerful paintings. Keep ’em comin’!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.