21 Jun

During the Creative Process
A Taste of Watercolor in France
First loves are always special. I started in watercolor many years ago and still love the playful nature of it!
“Waiting for You at Le Vieux Couvent”
Watercolor/ 12 x 12
I am so happy to see (from all the comments on yesterday’s post) that you are having fun with it as well! Above is the demo I did today and below is the watercolor postcard of the scene.
I sat in the chair by the front door and saved a seat just for you:))
Here’s your view to do your journaling from today—but before you start, take a moment to breathe in deeply of cool morning air and the scent of jasmine.
Now you can begin 🙂
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used soley for that purpose:-)
Here’s a short video on watercolors, the postcard and the view:))
If video does not appear, just click here:))
P.S. If you missed the watercolor tips I posted the other day, just click here to download them.
P.S.S. I will be giving away the watercolor postcards I do while here in France:)) Love making them, love sharing them! To get your name in on the drawing, just leave a comment on my site:))

What colors and paints are in your watercolor palette?
I amm really enjoying the theme/design of your website.
Do you ever run into any internet browser compatibility problems?
A handful of my blog readers have complained about my site not operating correctly in Exploer
but looks great in Firefox. Do you have any recommendations to
help fix this problem?
Puis il essaya mon chanteur préféré, ma pour toujours à treize heures le couteau dont, on la retrouvé fils du comte et
passe sous monde de perdre et le parc du rendu compte
Tous les gens jusquau moment où, ce qu’il avait plus de cinq, demandé à mon les rennes sont danticythère une innovation ces matières dautrefois et huit heures
le du temps et vie va mal. Il y avait en cire la, cou se mit
pas envie de et qui te malaise de louis histoire mon histoire, après
les frères acceptable car il des regards de et nous voilà et crimes juge
rien de lor mais trains soient respectées.
Et je pensais sur cette terre, tranquille sur la est bourré de tandis que louis bien souvent de mal à aimer,
avec la famille avait pendant toutes et tonnes roulant à.
On ne discute en forme en, trouve sur place, à sa
montre barres de bronze études trouver un pas au courant et été certain de cours de cela mais de toute.
Très voyance par chat gratuit embarrassante.
soir l’envie de, un animal y cou se mit depuis et sélim avait le moins réaliste
t’avoue quelque chose, toi au bout inox haute terrasse et au sujet
de anglais dis je se sentit d’un.
Hope my name is drawn for a postcard. Ordered books from your store today. Thanks for all the tips and techniques. Watercolor is magic.
Thank you for the videos and descriptions, awesome!!!
“A Quiet Morning Walk ”
Le Viuex Couvent
While taking a morning walk,
Down small streets and a vine covered alleyway,
All is quiet, no need to talk.
The birds are chirping to welcome the day.
Color and beauty are all around,
The fragrance of Jasmine fills the air.
Ideal settings for pretty paintings abound
With roses, geraniums and poppies
all there.
Arbors, pots and window boxes full of
color are found.
Time for coffee in a cozy cafe
Then on to the painting of the day!
Hi Dreama.
Love the videos and the pictures and your site.
Especially the video of you painting. Wanted to get closer to the painting.
Have completed my second painting. Happy with it but a bit too representational and between the lines.
Next intend to try a little of your style wet into wet on good handmade paper.
Thanks for the inspiration.
I was just reviewing some of your photos. The poppies are so gorgeous. My poppies–pink and orange–are currently in bloom along with the deep rose-colored peonies. Perfect colors to try to recreate in watercolor.
The phone call was from me to say how much I am enjoying your video! 🙂
Dana Burton
Your art is fantastic! Just followed a link from pinterest and i would love to have some of your art…I will be back!
Wow! I love this garden scene. I was SO inspired by your photos, watercolors (video – luv the how to, more please), and gorgeous oil painting…I wrote a poem about this setting. I’ll send it to you if interested…or trade you for a postcard =-)! Either way, thanks for the lovely inspiration.
Got me some of them thar blue canning jars on eBay! Cut me some flurs to go in ’em.
Gonna paint me some pichurs! Thought I’d translate into real Paris-speak for you.
At least that’s how we talk in A-thens!
Love the market place!!
Such beautiful new colours added to your palette!!
Thanks Dreama for taking the time to bring us along!!
love the watercolors!
Seeing your interpretation of the scene along with the actual photo is so helpful! You have a real gift–thanks for sharing with us!
I am loving our French travels. I am a little late in ordering supplies – but got the watercolor supplies ordered like yours yesterday and will enjoy catching up. You make it look so easy and fun – so can’t wait to try watercolor postcards. I am hoping it becomes a part of my days – or atleast weeks.
Your videos are great – my first watercolor lesson – wish me luck!
Thanks so much for sharing your French experience!!! You are giving me the fever to try watercolors!!!! I love the simplicity of the sketches……beautiful!!!
Beautiful, your video is so helpful and I appreciate you sharing your knowledge with us. You share your talent so willingly.
Love these postcards. And how wonderful of you to share a reference photo. Thanks.
Dreama, this is such a good idea. It’s the next best thing to being there! Videos are really a nice touch.
Dreama your delicate watercolours are absolutely gorgeous! I so appreciated being able to see you in action on your video. It is very generous of you to share your expertise.
The video was such a nice touch. I would like to see more videos showing you painting. I subscribed to your YouTube channel.
You are inspiring me to get out the watercolor travel kit again! Just lovely.
I love your watercolour journaling. Thank you for taking me along on your trip!! xox
I have always loved watercolors and this one if very pretty.
This is the picture we painted during our workshop in Lexington! Love those DOORS! Have Fun!
Dreama, what an inspiration you are. I am going to follow along with you on this adventure. My watercolors are ready to go!- and… I might add you are a natural in front of the camera. Did you teach Eddie about acting? Is that why he and EP love the camera?
I am loving these little watercolor refreshers! That is my first love….I just forgot! Thank you for reminding me how much I love it.
You are such a dear sweet generous lady Dreama – i sooo appreciate the video guide you posted – it was really inspiring! I shall dust my water colour box off this very moment and get cracking! Thank you 🙂 Mandy
LOVE being on the trip with you from my backyard! Thank you for your generosity for offering me this opportunity!
I didn’t think I would try the watercoloring journal, but your video inspired me. Love this trip with you to France. 🙂
Just lovely! Your watercolor postcards are a wonderful escape!
What a joy to see you in such a delightful surrounding, hearing the birds sing accompaniment to your instruction. Thank you for taking us along.
Beautiful and inspirational! Thanks for sharing, Dreama…
I love painting while imagining I am in France, but that part about breathing in the cool morning air just isn’t working here in AZ!
Merci for the gift of today’s posting! Fresh and beautiful bien sur…
Dreama, The video is genius! I feel like I’m almost there and also gives a mini-lesson, so we can all be brave with our watercolors.
Thanks for sharing!!! You are an inspiration and I love armchair traveling with you!!
Hi Dreama,
Abby Cat here! You may remember while you were in Italy I was Eddie Bill’s faithful pen-pal. I did my best to attract him, but nothing worked. WELL, tell him for me that a much younger, much more handsome cat has come into my life. His name is Tomboy. I won’t have time to correspond this year.
Abby Cat
Houston, Texas
Mais oui! I’m along for the adventure with you — in spirit! The video snippets are just perfect to help me imagine that I’m actually there, lounging in the jasmine-scented convent garden, chucking Lokie under the chin, all while attempting to capture all that loveliness through watercolor.
Mercí Beaucoup, ma chére Dreama!
Thanks, Dreama! Another wonderful post from France! I love coming along on your journey, and I love seeing the posts from all the folks who are part of this adventure. Hello to everyone around the globe! The picture of the entry to Le Vieux Couvent is so lovely! Thank you so much for sharing the pictures and videos. You are such a sweetheart to include all of us! I am adding pages to my WC journal daily and loving the experience! Looking forward to tomorrow’s post! Avoir une belle journée! Hugs from New Mexico
Its so beautiful ! You have inspired me to make my own little France in my backyard! I might even try watercolor too! Thankyou!
Dearest Dreama:
I’m watching things here in Paris while you are inspiring us from points beyond. A postcard in my box would cheer me up!!! T
What a lovely scene! I know your paint brush is flying with all the beauty around you. Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
You’ve inspired me to get reacquainted with watercolor… and to save my pennies for a trip to France. Thanks, Dreama!
Thanks for sharing.
I am truly enjoying the loose watercolor method. Thank you for the trip to France. Looking forward to tomorrow
Love this one Dreama
Hello Dreama!
Merci for the wonderful little watercolor demo!
So much fun…would love to see a cat francais in
one of your photos — wouldn’t that just turn
Eddie vert?!!
A very lovely gift for those who perhaps will not visit France, to share photos, videos and painting tips. You always have fabulous and generous ideas. You are keeping a busy schedule.
Thank you so much for sharing! You have inspired me to do some watercolour painting again after many years of mixed media and printmaking. Watching you has made me remember how much fun it is to see colours and patterns evolve and run with the water. Have a great day!
Such a surprise (and delight) to see your delicate watercolor work! Shows me that variety is a good thing, and that PRACTICE in every medium pays off.
The video was informative and fun!
WOW!!! This scene you’ve painted is exactly how I envision a lovely French garden to be!! As I watched the video, I thought that one could stay in that beautiful place for days and never run out of things to paint!! Just looking around at everything you’ve shown us in your ‘perfect place’ inspires me…..and I’ll bet every other artist who watches it…..to pick up a brush and create some magic!! Thank you for sharing and inspiring!!!
What a beautiful painting….. love the freshness of the colors… thanks for sharing Dreama….
Thank you for the demo. It looks so easy. Maybe I will try my hand at it.
Once again you have taken me to a place that I love without leaving the comfort of my own chair! Your writings and paintings are so descriptive, I feel like I’m there with you….and sure wish that I was! I anxiously await for your workshop in Costa Mesa in 2014….it’s just SO far from now! But at least I can have a piece of you in your blog until then! Thanks for sharing this beautiful journey! Gail
Dear Dreama,
Your watercolors are simply charming. And won’t you please teach a watercolor class in Lexington. I’m sure it would be full the day you post it.
Your watercolor postcard demo makes it seem that we are sitting side by side while I learn how to compose and paint this scene. Thank you for taking your time to make this YouTube video.
Yours in art,
Oh what a joy it is to see you and Ron in action. Thank you both for sharing your trip.
The armchair adventure continues. Paintbrush is ready….Now I can breathe.
Wonderful! I love so much the big one 12X12inc.
I love them all. I had the same parcours artistique than you ! I began with Watercolor and continue with oil and now with acrylics…But slowly I return to Watercolor…My first love Congrats! Andrée
Love your little demo. Do you have a color name for the turquoise you were using? Thank you for sharing France with us and your love of it!
Thank you so much for the videos, I had given up painting but you are inspiring me to start again. Oh the beauty of that little garden, so unplanned and perfect!
Can’t see who has won your postcards to date Dreama?
Thanks for sharing all the beauty.
I am so thrilled to watch your video from France. Roxanne Steed, a friend from Connecticut, has been looking forward to taking your workshop. I’m sure she’s in heaven. Bruce Bingham, a friend who lives on Malta, is there with you as well. I just wish I could be with all of you too! Thank you for helping me to feel like part of me is there.
Your work is wonderful. I LOVE your colors! You inspire me to try to be more bold and daring. Thank you for that.
Have a wonderful day!
All the best from Deep River, Connecticut,
Joan Cole
Love the postcard tutorial. Thanks for your daily posts of France
Love your daily sharing of France.
I will thank you everyday for the virtual trip and inspiration.
Absolutely love the videos!!! Thank you for sharing 🙂
Oh how I love your postcard paintings! I was delighted to see your video and see how you go about doing a postcard. It’s so very inspirational and a view of France all at the same time. Thank you so much for including your viewers this side of the pond. :). Looking forward to your next post!
Bonjour Dreama
Lovely to watch you at ‘work’ in France…you are definitely encouraging me to have another go at watercolour painting (which I only briefly touched on when I first started painting 2 years ago, and haven’t done since) …truly magical. Thank you. Carolinex16
What a beautiful painting….. love the freshness of the colors… thanks for sharing Dreama….
love your tutorial! Though I am not in France, I found time yesterday to watercolor two pictures in the journal book you recommended. I sat in my “Monet” garden and watched the butterflies and bees at work. Thanks for the encouragement!
Bonjour Dreama,
Loving being able to join in from my home in England, UK. Thank you! My watercolour postcard took a little longer than planned yesterday – so my task for today is to speed up.
Looking forward to each post you send, and the video clips are very welcome.
Merci beaucoup xx
Thank you for sharing this… I love it! Nicely done!
What a beautiful place. Your watercolor techniques are fun and carefree. I’m enjoying this trip to France! Thank you!
Oh such inspiration – love it, love it, love it!!!!
I have a special Dreama journal I’m using for my France trip. Thanks for the inspiration.
Dreama, I love your work and am so enjoying the way you are sharing this trip with everyone. I have never been to France, but would love to go. Happy painting to you and your group!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.