19 Jun

Coming Home to France
So I’m here and waiting for your arrival!
See….that’s your little cottage just beyond the jasmine:)
The poppies have put on their best show and are all lined up ready to greet you.
Just one small detail.
We have company.
And before you ask, I didn’t invite him—seems someone in Kentucky told him to drop by—that it wouldn’t be a problem.
Lokie says he promises to be reaaallllly good.
Somehow (probably due to prior experience with certain folks wearing black and white suits who shall remain nameless in this post)
I find that extreeeeemmely hard to believe.
I hope you are ready to get your watercolor game on for journaling and postcards!
Here are some tips to help get you started— just click here.
Tomorrow the adventure begins 🙂 !!
(Please note: The photos I share here of our time in France are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for personal journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used soley for that purpose:-)
P.S. Thanks for coming along on the adventure. I will be doing a drawing to give away the postcards I create each day—just leave a comment to get your name in the beret:)

Is it just me? I don’t think so … my pulse slows, my senses come more alive, I listen, I pause, I think, I don’t think … I just take in … the Dreama videos from France. They are mere moments. Moments that remind me of the glorious world we live in, moments that say, “HEY … pay attention … to LIFE” … moments that make me wonder WHY I’m not on this trip! Excuses? What would life be without excuses for NOT doing something? Time to find excuses to DO something. See. Smell. Hear. Touch. Life is a miracle. Bringing art to the miracle is a joy.
The tips are soooo helpful. Thanks for the art lesson.
Thank you for the watercolor tips. You’ve inspired me to give watercolors a try. And how exciting it would to receive a postcard from France!
Thank you – Dana Burton
I enjoy your blog. Looks like you are having so much fun in France! I love the watercolor sketches. You have inspired me to do more journaling. I know my oils will be brighter too!
Little Lokie must have heard rumors that you were arriving and I’m sure was so excited to have you there so he could hear all about the infamous “Eddy’s” and life in the other Paris!!! Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us! I know it will be wonderful!
such lovely little watercolors!!!! what are your half pan colors and what kind and size of water pen are you using???
Lovely lovely idea. I almost feel like I’m with you…..almost….
Heavenly. Even the little kitten is a stunning beauty! Holy moley, I’m hypnotized by the beauty!
Love this idea and your photos are lovely, what a great opportunity for those who haven’t traveled to see what they are missing and or try to capture the feel of a remote place!
Thank you for including us in your trip. The video is beautiful, every frame is a picture to be painted. You have captured a feeling of quietness and “can’t wait to paint this” for us. Just this week I discovered your website and now I can’t wait to read your emails every day. You inspire me.
Thank you Dreama for sharing this adventure with us! Visiting your site is entering a happy place.
Loved your video this morning and your journal entries are wonderful!
Could this kitten be any cuter? I love this.
And the poppies are popping with color!
Your journal is inspirational….would love to have a postcard!
I am so thrilled you are taking me along with you. What fun! I can’t wait until tomorrow !
Hi dreams , sounds like so much fun, thanks for letting me share this with you!
Your art is so spontaneous and lovely! So pleased I stumbled upon it, although how I don’t even know! I’ll definitely enjoy following your forays into creativity here.
You are off to a GREAT start Dreama. Thanks for sharing. It is very inspiring.
Dear Dreama, I do not know you but I wish I was there, -I will follow your trip too. I paint in Oil & WaterColor, and I love what you say about your journal and how to paint it. I went to France many times in my working life and miss it so much, Kathleen.
I love your ability to find bright colours everywhere and looking forward to seeing what postcards you’ll paint with the watercolours. Enjoy your trip.
Can’t wait to watercolor along with you all. This time, I will be an armchair painter, but hopefully in the future, I will be able to join you all for a workshop in France. Looks loverly!
nice cottage TY!
So lovely.
Thank you for sharing your photos and trip–it’s the next best thing to being there!
I am enjoying this adventure with you:)
This sounds like fun… time to bring out my old water colors and buy a journal!
Love the photos!
Thanks for the tips on making postcards.
You and cats….sigh….
Uh oh. You’d better hide the photos of Lokie, or The Eddies will be more than miffed. “An alien is hanging out with our Chief of Staff!” I must be missing something obvious…a former boyfriend/husband had a Siamese named “Loki”….whassup with that? Have fun, Sandy.
sure wish I was there! Have fun!
What an inspiration! I so want to paint those Poppies! Perhaps next year.
I think Lokie is a keeper! Ofcourse I have a ginormous Siamese named Fi who is 16 lbs but quiet as a mouse and so will Lokie, or she will be looooookin for a mouse.
Can’t wait to see watercolor postcards, and love how “dreamy” France looks already.
I’m ready with watercolors and journals ready for my portion of the journey to start but still in Dreama Land, Lexington.
Looks wonderful! Enjoy…
I love living vicariously through you on your trips to France!! I have never been but it looks wonderful!!!
Can’ wait to see your paintings !
So enjoy reading about your adventures, makes me feel young again!!!!!
Thanks for sharing Dreama
Thanks for including us in your journey! I would rather be in France with you, but this will have to do for this year! Thank you!
Love the loose and spontaneous feel of your watercolor sketches. The bright and clean colors are so appealing and fresh looking. Thanks for sharing 🙂
A la prochaine!
(Don’t know how to add accents on an iPad?)
I just love you……you have a joy and appreciation of all things wonderful. And you share. Wish you would come east !
Bon Jour cher Dreama!
Dreamy photos, how I wish I was there…
Maybe one day and if I receive one of your postcards I will really feel like I am there!
Thank you.
Thank you soooo much Dreama for sharing your watercolour tips!!! I really appreciate that. Love, LOVE, LOVE yout travel postcards! Truly inspirational and almost like being there. I look forward to your updates in my email. Can’t wait to see what tomorrows adventure brings. 🙂
Greetings from the Deep South!! Can’t wait to see your posts from France this time.
Wish I were there !!
Beautiful photos, Dreama. Ohhhhh….that cottage is idyllic and something I’d see in my dreams about a perfect little charming, serene and wonderful place to create…or daydream…or relax….or simply enjoy.
Don’t tell my fellas, but I think I’ve fallen in love with little Lokie.
Thanks for sharing, Dreama, and for taking us all there. Enjoy every wonderful moment.
Lovely to see the pics Dreama! It was hot here in the UK yesterday, we finally saw some sunshine, looks like you may be having the same sort of weather, however the little village looks more beautiful than where I am at the moment 🙂 Thank you for sharing.
Bonjour! The flowers smell so sweet and fragrant! And, I adore Lokie the cat’s sky blue eyes! Looks like the perfect setting for artists … Anxious to see more! Au Revoir for now.
Gorgeous photos Dreama & thanks for the humor ~ Have a lovely day ~
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