27 Jun

Lavender Fields Forever:)
Bits and pieces of my journal include a breakfast bouquet and the lavender fields.

Carte Postale #4
Lavender Fields/ Lherm, France
Not just another day on the farm.
Suzie and Ian Dick’s lavender fields are simply a delight for the soul and definitely a sensory overload.
So much purple, so much scent, so much blue sky and beauty that you just don’t want to leave!
Suzie is an artist (she does beautiful silk painting) and that translates into the details—- chairs placed in just the right places, a pretty blue cottage full of lavender scented things, pink roses and sundials, and words of hope and joy scattered about the place:))
There’s room for you to sit next to me and do your watercoloring….all you have to do is move the lavender filled basket 🙂
Sorry for the squeal I let out when I saw the lavender fields….
I LOVE lavender;))
Here’s your “scratch and sniff” video for the day;))
If video doesn’t appear, just click here:))
Here’s your view for this morning. Grab your journal and breathe in the awesome scent of lavender!
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for your personal journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used soley for that purpose:-)
P.S. If you missed the watercolor tips I posted the other day, just click here to download them.
P.S.S. I will be giving away the watercolor postcards I do while here in France:)) Love making them, love sharing them!
To get your name in on the drawing, just leave a comment on my site:))
P.S.S.S. If you think you’d like to come paint with me, you can check out my workshops by clicking here:))

You look like you are having so much fun, and I want to join you. I do hope I am the winner of one of your beautiful watercolors from France. This area is very special, keep having fun!
I’ve been enjoying your trip! Your photographs are beautiful and I can almost walk into the lavender fields.
I am loving this! Recently, I had a dream I was on this French painting trip with you all. I am so glad dreams do not have expiration dates!
You must just be in heaven- all lavendar and just for you:) Wonderful posts- enjoying see it all through you! Thanks for sharing…love the watercolor painting- inspired to try that- great tips on how you do it! Thanks!!
I want to win a postcard from France!!! I love reading about your travels and am enjoying the trip too! Happy painting and can’t wait to see what is in store for us!
I am so enjoying all the updates, photos and artwork from your French Adventure; with a special little nod to the little furry spies. Continue having fun and sharing the joy with all of us! 🙂
I too love lavender. It’s heady, isn’t it?
I can smell the lavender!
Anxiously awaiting your next batch of inspirational photos and reports. I’ve been wondering…I know you are coming up on your last hours of your workshop…are you planning to stay a little bit extra yourself, so you can paint some more? I hope so, cause that means more beautiful French paintings for us to drool over.
Love the photo of you in the lavender field Dreama!! What a dream to paint in such a beautiful place!! On my list for when I retire. Enjoy your stay. 😀
It is always so inspiring to wake up, go to the computer, and see your charming watercolors and dream I am in the south of France in the lavender fields. My last trip there was this time of year, and the fields of color puts your senses in overload because of the beauty. Paint on!
What a blessing it must be to be in such a beautiful place. It’s very inspiring.
With all the bad news a stress around us every day, looking at your France photos and reading your posts is a retreat to a gentle, peaceful place…I stop in here several times a day lately to soak up some of the tranquility. THANK YOU so much!
Another gorgeous scene from France. Thank you so much for sharing the lovely lavender fields…. I have a little bear stuffed with lavender, from Sonoma County, so he helped round out the sensations here. What a fabulous journey!
so exciting to see and share in your joy
If only my lavender was as beautiful and lush! What a beautiful place to visit and paint.
Your lovely video made me feel like I was there with you. Thanks for sharing!
Love lavender. Also love getting your postcards online but would love to have one in my snail mail.
Lavender fields forever!!! So beautiful, I was waiting for you Dreama to start doing cartwheels !!! You were having so much fun!!! XOXO
Between the video clips and photo’s, I feel I’m almost there. Almost, sigh.
What a dream world you are living in.
The scent must be heavenly!
Love this sketch! Can smell the lavender now!
I can smell the fragrant lavender!
Lavender is my favorite. Oh to see it in large fields just gorgeous. I go to a small farm on Whidbey Island called Lavender Wind farm for my lavender. They sell culinary lavender too.
I’m smelling the lavender and enjoying the beautiful lavender color. I’m so inspired that my own Cotman field kit is on its way to me.
France=Lavendar/Arizona=Brown…where would I rather be today?
I love lavender too. Our WA State Squim Lavenendar Festival is coming up the 19th – 21st of July. Your watercolor postcards are absolutely fabulous, as well as all the photos. Where did you get the watercolor pens that have the water in them? Lavender Dreams to you. Karri Street
Of course we all want a piece of Dreama! Keep those postcards coming! So glad you are bringing us the beauty of France. I can just smell the lavender…..I will go outside my door right now and pick some!
patty O’Brien
I love lavender, and I’m llovin your photos!
Fabulous sketch book, so inspiring.
The view is a sensory and visual delight. So far, my cyber journey has been wonderful! Thanks,Dreama.
Just lovely! Reminds me of my visit to a lavender farm in near by Escondido, CA (north San Diego county). May have to make another visit out there since I can’t make it to France! Thanks for the inspiration.
I can hardly wait for your next email, this is so exciting what you are sharing with us. I love seeing all the beauty of France and your wonderful watercolors.
Great way to start our days back here in the USA – French Lavender! Thanks for sharing….
Oh to dance in the lavender fields of France!
The color purple–what a beautiful scene to paint. Thanks for sharing your adventures–inspiring.
Just spectacular!!!!
The lavender fields are so beautiful!
I am so inspired by your videos and your sweet comments! I paint with oils but since reveling in your French posts, have run out and purchased water colors, etc. can’t wait to start my own little journal! Thank you SO much for sharing your Bliss!
All I can say is, Dreama, I hope we paint the French country side in your Costa Mesa workshop next Nov 1-3 it would be heavenly!! Loved that lavender top you are wearing in the lavender fields…
So beautiful! One of my favorite fragrances is lavender! Your watercolors are lovely!
HMMM I can smell them from here! Sure nicer smell than flooded houses!!!
I love arriving at work each day to read your latest blog Dreama. Your joy is contagious. You are such an inspiration to all of us artists. Thanks for the smiles and sharing your talent with all of us. Smiles back at you…..Janet
Beautiful, I am inspired. Thanks so much for sharing this adventure.
Love the lavender fields. They rank high on my list of places to visit.
What a joy to be going along with you, I look forward to it every day!
What a beautiful place. Lavender is my favorite scent.
Thank you for your beautiful emails. I love your colors!
Love the postcards and this shared adventure. You are inspiring.
Beautiful! Wish I was there. Love your journal!
What a beautiful place.
Dreama, I think you are single handedly responsibly for making the colors purple and lavendar popular again. I am so glad! They are such beautiful colors. It would be a shame if they were not given their respect due!
what a wonderful way to begin my morning!
Love your watercolors! Sure wish I could be there too.
Only one word for today’s blogpost….A-MA-ZING!!
Just beautiful, Dreama, I can almost smell the lavender! Thanks for sharing!
I need thirs beautiful lavender field card
Beautiful fields of lavender —– love the postcard too!
amazing lavender fields!
Too pretty to not paint (or plant!)
Will have to add some to my watercolor corner…
Merci beaucoup for the beautiful images!
Your paintings are so beautiful that you can almost smell the lavender.
Would love to paint a lavender field. Gorgeous. This is bringing back such good memories of last year.
That is a smell you never forget…..love love all your post!!!!
Heavenly, Dreama! The scent of lavender is gently wafting all the way to Texas. What a refreshing way to begin my day. It’s hot and humid here, but I can dream about France while looking at your beautiful photos and watching your videos. Merci!
I am indeed invious of your painting spot in France – wish I was there. Here in the TX hill country are also beautiful fields of lavendar in our wine country but I no longer drive so don’t get to see them as much as I once did. Thank you for all your inspiration and sharing the beauty – Lavendar Fields Forever!!
Doesn’t get any better than this!
Beautiful as always!
Lavender is my favorite, oh the scent!!! Thank you for sharing your trip with us.
Curious Dreama, what kind of brush the flat laying on your journal in the picture of your sketch set up on the cushioned seat. Haven’t seen that before, looks like part water brush part travel brush.
Love your lavender shirt in the lavender field! What a Heavenly place! I can almost smell it from here and I love the baskets full.
Thanks for taking us with you dear Dreama.
Wish I was there!
Your trip looks heavenly. I am inspired.
Boy! would love to be part of your trip to France! Ilove lavender fields. Beautiful lavender postcard. Because of your little videos we can feel the joy and serenity these beauties around you can do for your and ours hearts! Thanks Dreama!
My three little plants pale. What a joy to see the fields.
LAVENDER! Oh là là…great excuse to use some purple paint…so French 🙂
The anticipation is building…can’t wait to see what’s next.
Thanks for sharing.
Every day just gets better! What a surprise–Lavender! You just keep on inspiring, Dreama, and I keep getting up and racing to my computer, even before coffee, to see what you are painting next! Thank you for the wonderful vacation!:)
nice series of emails…I’ve enjoyed my armchair trip. Love the postcards!
Love our visit to France can’t thank you enough for taking us along!!! Thanks so much Dreama for all the wonderful videos.
I love the photo of you in the lavender field ~ so full of life & joy ~ 😉
Purple (lavender) my favorite color ~ happy scented trails to you in France today ~
What a breathe of fresh air! Spectacular sights! Lavender fills my pores as i look at your color sketches! so lovely!!!!Thank you for sharing!
How wonderful to be taking in scents, sights, and
sounds, and painting them from life. Your
water color sketches are beautiful, Dreama.
I can almost smell the lavender! Love it!
Ohhhh…..how beautiful is this place?! Between the gorgeous photos and the wonderful video diary (thank you so much for these!) and all thoat gorgeous, gorgeous lavender, I am there! I am taking in the gorgeous perfume of all that luscious lavender wafting through the French morning air…I am in love with this place! I am also in love with that carte postale (but then again, I love them all).
Thank you for these wonderful visual excursions each day, Dreama. They truly do start my day off with a smile that stays with me for the rest of the day.
I can smell the lavender now! What a beautiful way to spend the day.
What wonderful pictures, they remind me of my trip to Provence last summer this very week. How you get so much done while of enjoying France, I do not know. Let alone teaching and directing your workshopers and updating your blog! You are the joy for sure. Safe travels.
I can smell the lavender all the way here (Australia).
Lucky you…experiencing that field of beautiful color and painting it from life! Your watercolor sketches are lovely…
I love your photo and video. Such a beautiful fragrant place to be. Thanks for sharing your charmed life with us Dreama.
Love the photo of you in the lilac field!
thank you for the post.
Dana Burton
Sorry, I didn’t think the first comment went through. Maybe I’ll have a double chance at a postal note. No spell check so I notice I misspelled Lavender!!!!! please overlook errors.
I am so enjoying your daily updates and videos about your visit in France. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure with those of us who can’t experience it in person. This is really a treat to see the sights through your eyes!
“Lavendar Fields”
Lavendar, lavendar everywhere
The wonderful scent fills the morning air.
Roses and a little blue cottage so quaint
Colors and pictures galore to paint.
A Visit to Saint Cirq Lapopiet so unique
Fresh fruits and vegetables are “Magnifique”!
A flower filled bike,
A beautiful hike,
Lokie, a sweet little kitten
I’m quite sure that I’m smitten
With Le Vieux Couvent…
I hope my post card has been sent!!!!!!
Margie Whittington
I am so enjoying your daily updates and videos about your visit in France. Thanks so much for sharing your adventure with those of us who can’t experience it in person. This is really a treat to see the sights through your eyes!
“Lavendar Fields”
Lavendar, lavendar everywhere
The wonderful scent fills the morning air.
Roses and a little blue cottage so quaint
Colors and pictures galore to paint.
A Visit to Saint Cirq Lapopiet so unique
Fresh fruits and vegetables are “Magnifique”!
A flower filled bike,
A beautiful hike,
Lokie, a sweet little kitten
I’m quite sure that I’m smitten
With Le Vieux Couvent…
I hope my post card has been sent!!!!!!
Margie Whittington
What a delightful spot you have found and thanks for sharing it with us. (I sold my Musical Easel Sunflower today). Thanks for the inspiration.
Showed these videos to my sons–we are all inspired!!
I want to stand in a field of lavender and look spectacular! fun photo! you have to frame that one!
Wow, this lavender is GORGEOUS!!!!!!!!! What fun to paint….you have found the most delightful place to paint!! Would SO love to be there with you!! Thank you, thank you for sharing this!!! 😉
Lavender fields! Oh how lovely! I can’t imagine how wonderful it must smell! What a nice purple surprise you gave us today. Thank you for the awesome post and video. Glad you are having a great trip to France (and thankful we all get to come along!)
just love the trip so far Dreama! The videos are so wonderful and you’ve inspired me to get my watercolors and sketchbook out for an upcoming trip to the beach. Take care!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.