23 Jun

During the Creative Process
Spread your Watercolor & Thoughts and Eddie Bill’s Brother by Another Mother
Carte Postale #2 Giveaway
Original Watercolor Postcard
Some of us are bon❤ journaling away (it’s fun to spread your watercolor and thoughts across the pages 🙂
Some are making regular runs eating creme at some people’s house, walking in late, unannounced and heading to the kitchen willing the refrigerator to open.
“Lokie the Creme Eater”
Some are doing laundry….
While some are claiming to be Eddie Bill’s long lost French “brother by another mother”…
(To which Eddie is responding with catty comments about my posts having gone to the dogs)
The wise ones just sit sit and look pretty.
“Mia the Model….On the Catwalk”
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used solely for that purpose:-)
Grab your coffee and come take a walk with me in the garden at Le Vieux Couvent!
Morning Walk in the Garden
Enter below to get your name in the hat for a chance to win a petite original watercolor/postcard that will be mailed from France!
If you have a friend who needs some JOY in their life, share this post and encourage them to have some fun playing in the water (colors) and traveling along to France—everybody needs a holiday in France once in awhile 🙂 !

Hope I am getting all of it
Don’t want to miss a thing.
Hugs Judy
Hello Dreama, what a beautiful walk we had this morning. I love all the beautiful gardens full of color from the flowers and greenery. How breath taking it was to see all the secret little spots waiting to be uncovered. Just love all the old brick and stone everywhere.
Plenty of food for thought to draw or paint. Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.
I thought of you this morning as I drank the best cup of coffee I have ever had. The bag of columbian coffee was brought by hand to me from Columbia. It was ground so fine it looked like powder . When I opened the bag the smell of pure fresh coffee hit my nose. It was delightful. I will make you a cup when you get back come on over.♥ HUGS, Me
Love the Garden tour. Enjoy your photographs! Thanks for sharing.
Your watercolors blow me away! The ink gesture drawing is just so beautiful and you can see the free stream of creativity in your mark making. Love these!! So very special!
Thank you for the beautiful video… i loved the bees that came and put in their 2 cents. Blessings to another bliss filled day in France.
Here we are again, sharing this magical ride!!:)
Thank you for the inspiration and joy you bring to life!! Keep painting and sharing!
Another gorgeous day of gardens, French light, and black and white critters!
We retuned recently from our first tour of France . I’m ready, now to see some sights on a more intimate basis as you are doing. Thank you for the video tours of the gardens!
So beautiful, and I loved the walk through the garden! Thank you, Dreama!
Love the light and joy in the beautiful paintings you share. I spent the week at the ocean I Oregon this last week and dreamed of all the paintings that would be lovely to do. Now to try and get the courage to try them!
Dreama, your brilliant colors brighten my day, everyday. It is an absolute joy to see your work. Have an amazing time in France and I can’t wait to see what you paint tomorrow.
Wow, Lokie’s all grown up now! and so brilliant to lay down by those deep purply-blue hydrangeas at the front door. (Eddie had better be workin’ on his poses while you’re gone!).
My container garden looks a lot like the postcard!
Beautiful paintings! Thanks for sharing, wish I were there!
Enjoying your experiences in France. Second best thing to being there!
Love the color and love reading your first hand joy of such a beautiful country
~ Thank-you for bringing me to France 🙂 ~
Loved the garden tour & I’ve made my journal entry
How I truly wish I could be with you all !!!!!!!!!
I look forward to your email and your experiences in France.
Have a great time!
Wearing my Paris tee shirt from my last trip to feel closer to France today.
Beautiful !!
wish I were there loved the garden video
Love the newest Carte Postale, your colors are just so harmonious and vibrant. Feels like I am almost there. Color touring with you is inspirational, thank you Dreama, from California
Beautiful garden. Thanks for sharing.
Oh the heavenly blues of France!! The light makes them luscious. Loke has grown up!!! And oh Mia is so wise. I love Eddies new brother from another mother. Made me laugh out loud. Your daily journals and sharing are terrific. Perks up a cloudy rainy day state side.
Thanks for all the beautiful photos. Wish I was there!
French country side with flowers and Kitties! How perfect is that! Enjoying it all from Los Altos CA Love traveling with you1
Sure wish I was there with you…but having your blog posts to read are almost as good!
A bright spot on my rainy day that transports me to a beautiful pastoral setting!
We are camping in one of our favorite mountain spots in Colorado. Maiden voyage in our little “new to us” trailer. Lots of beauty begging to be painted!
So darned beautiful!
So great to start the day with your paintings and your journal!
Beautiful photos from France! Thank you for sharing your journey!
Love this one….
Dreama you are a true inspiration to me! I love seeing all the animals! Have you seen any horses there yet?
Fondly, Sylvina
Lokie has grown!!
I so enjoy returning to France with your posts. My water color journal is happy too!
Bonjour Dreama, looks wonderful! Life is good!
Dreama, you are too much!! I can never decide which I enjoy most – your painting or your writing!! OR your photography! You are just the “Bomb” a, as my young counterparts would say!! 😉
Just another day south of France…What a day!
Oh to walk the streets of France through Dreama’s eyes.
I’ve been sharing your posts with a friend who is going through a rough time & another who is working on a travel journal. And I’m enjoying your lovely photos & posts. Thanks for sharing.
Oh what a wonderful trip…
Such beautiful watercolors and photos
Tres Bien! Love your website
Love your watercolors and daily journal.
Eddie must be so jealous. I bet he hops the next flight out. Love your postcards and hope one flies my way.
So lovely!
I’m coming with you next year!
Lovely, light and oh so evocative, these cartes postales are truly little treasures Dreama. Your notes transport me! Thanks. Susan C.
Your water colors bring back fond memories of France. Thank you!
I love your paintings. Wonderful!!!
Enjoying life and family,especially grand babies,and the beauty of every day .
I love it when you travel Dreama – not only do I get to love vicariously, but you see and share beauty in your surroundings that I otherwise would miss. Thank you and keep having a spectacular time!
I’m saving airfare by traveling with you! Loving every minute of it.
Beautiful photos and sketches!
Glorious postcard…. divine cat!
To paint like Dreama (sigh).
Bonjour Dreama. What joy you bring with these watercolor paintings. Merci beaucoup!
Thanks for letting me tag along!so much fun!!
Would love a watercolor class close to Lexington KY!!!
Its is so charming! Thanks for sharing your journey with us. Moses and Jake(my cats) want to mouse around there.
just beautiful, I so enjoy your post,,what I would give for that pot of hydrangeas
So lovely and fun……wish I were there. Enjoy!
Love seeing the fun you are having bonjour ing.
Great pictures. I wish my hydrangeas were that color! Thanks for sharing.
Thanks for sharing…love starting my day with your thoughts and photos!
Dreama, I look forward to your trips as soon as you mention your plans. Your work, words and photos inspire me. Thank you.
Hope all is well really enjoyed these watercolors. Look forward to these every time you go. Even though I can not be there these stories and journal pages makes me feel like I’m there.
Have a great day,
I WCJ’d the French street last weekend! I will add to it my dream of one day going to France. It filled my heart to see little Lokie again! He sure has grown since the pic last summer. Having fun on this journey! Thanks so much!
Love seeing Loki doing his favorite thing! Just so much fun visiting all of the beautiful and wonderful places again. Adding to my water color journal from the photos I took and the new ones you send is almost like being there again. Love
Oh to be there with you. I love your work. The weather looks fantastic. Pretty cold in Western Australia. Painting in Paris is on my bucket list. Enjoy.
Love all the pictures, Thanks for sharing them with us so we can journal along as if we were with you.
Last night we had a violent storm roll through and lost our power for 10 hours. Today the sky is pink and cerulean and we only have a few tree limbs down to remind us of the storm. Happy to be looking forward to a beautiful day!
Oh I am so enjoying these journal pages, Dreama. That photo of the cat beneath the hydrangeas…sitting looking pretty indeed!!!
Ohhhh….all those beautiful French kittehs! Lokie and Mia are beautiful – are they siblings (although Mia does seem much more polite that Lokie – adorable photo of Lokie getting the cream!).
I love love love love this carte postale, Dreama! I love street signs and shop scenes and cafe scenes – this one has so much colour and joy going on, that I feel I’m there (wishing so much I actually was there, but virtually being there is lovely, too).
I’m getting more confident with each journal watercolour page – thanks to you, you confidence and enthusiasm-booster, you. 🙂
I hope you enjoy a fantabulous rest of the day today, and that it’s sunny and summery warm.
ps – we’ve got a couple of new Eddie Bill/Eddie Pierre/Benny brothers from different mothers coming around our place, too. They just started showing up a couple of weeks ago…now there are three of them – all beautiful black and white tuxies – and moochers, all. 🙂
Thanks Dreama! Nice ro travel with you!
Thanks for sharing your adventures. I am so inspired to paint, and travel…and to eat croissants now.
Love your posts and comments Dreama. And would be proud to own a watercolor postcard!
I was just wondering….How many watercolor journals of beautiful little paintings you must have! I wish I had done one when I was there!
Wish I was there; beautiful!
Wishing I was there painting with you, love your work
Wish we could all just mail ourselves there- but we are with you in spirit.
Oh Dreams, thank you for sharing your joyous journey with the rest of us! <3
Lorie has gotten so big! Is he still as playful? I hope all is good and dreams are coming true in southern France. Happy painting!
Love the pics And your work.
Dreamin w/ Drema
Your photos are so beautiful! Each one is spectacular! Such a great eye you have for beauty!
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