13 Jul

During the Creative Process
All Is Well and Another Postcard Giveaway:)
Soothing sound of church bells that ring out over the valley, roses cloaking stone walls made smooth by passage of time and cooing of birds in early morning hours. With one voice they all tell the same story—all is well.
Gratitude lays on my mind this day—gratitude for you and for all the beauty that rests so sweetly in all the corners of the Earth. May you find renewed strength and JOY in the day!
A giveaway for you today and some pieces of France for you to capture with your watercolors 🙂 !
Carte Postale #5 Giveaway
Original Watercolor Postcard
(Go to the bottom of the post to enter this giveaway 🙂
(Please note: The photos I share here, of our time in France, are to be used as reference for doing watercolors for journals or postcards only. I please ask that they are used solely for that purpose:-)
If you have a friend who needs some JOY in their life, share this post and encourage them to have some fun playing in the water (colors) and traveling along to France—everybody needs a holiday in France once in awhile 🙂 !
“All Is Well”
12 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

Dreama, it is always such a treat to start the day looking at your photos and paintings… always cheery. I love your site.
Seeing these beautiful images and the warmth and joy and love that are expressed in each one brings to mind the phrase, ‘all is well.’
Hearing my beloved cats’ purrs, and feeling those purrs while they’re snuggling on my lap also gives me that calm, contented and serene ‘all is well’ feeling.
Thank you so much, Dreama, for sharing all this beauty and all these beauty-filled French moments with us. It’s the next best thing to being there. Maybe one day, I’ll be able to. 🙂
I feel alive when all my senses are engaged.
All is well with my world when my little grandson’s sleep-warmed body is snuggled next to mine on a cool summer morning and I can hear my hens gently cooing as they welcome the start of a new day. Weird, huh?
You sure know how to find the beautiful spots! But then again, that’s the beauty within you that leads you!
all is well with my soul…wonderful song.
Love the colors in this! Well done.
“All is well” means that I am in my groove and following my heart’s desire, no matter what is happening around me. Your art always inspires me!
Just beautiful ~
All is well when I am painting God’s beautiful creation.
All is well….after a family supper when everyone texts me that they are home safe and sound. Nothing better than time with family and then everyone tucked in safely at home.
All Is Well when the story in my head finds its way to the page.
All is well when my family is healthy and at peace, and I have turned my life over to God and His guidance.
Happy Birthday to me for finding this beautiful post in my inbox! :}
Watching an English drama on PBS.
Hello Dreama, “All is well” is such a refreshing breathe of fresh air. Colorful but much of it soft relaxed and a new favorite of mine. I would have to say ” All is right with with the world” means to me today. A nice cool home with outside temp 93 and very hot. But, we are inside staying cool my two Bichon Frise’s by both sides of me taking naps. Life is good just watched GORGEOUS Brian Williams on the nightly news on NBC….. waiting to have dinner with my husband all is well alright. Plus a wonderful message from you in France, what more could I ask for! ♥ HUGS , Me
Grateful. Very grateful. OK, that’s two words!
A beautiful view of the mountains with a lake in the forefront and the time to spend just being!
Because of a brain injury I have to fight for my “all is well” attitude. But I get there almost every day. Your posts and paintings help! Do I owe you a therapist’s fee? 🙂
Today my “all is well” image is of the birds flocking around the bird feeder – a cool, sun-filled morning before the “heat of the day” . . .
I just received the beautiful post-card from your give-away and am thrilled! Had been checking the mail each day after hearing it would be coming (I never win anything so couldn’t quite believe it). What a wonderful treat to receive such a beautiful gift! I love reading your blogs, especially your posts from your travels, and your painting is even more lovely “in person”. Thank you so much for such a special gift!
All is well when I use those luscious transparent colors I learned to use in your workshop.
Thank you for sharing your paintings in France with you!
The sun is shining.
So you should know that one of my ‘escape routes’ is looking for color….when I need color I say, “where are those Dreama colors” and sure enough I can find those luscious blues, violets and hot pinks…and “all is well!”
Thanks for sharing your thoughts, paintings and photos!
“It is well with my soul” the wonderful hymn.
Absolutely beautiful!! It’s been a long time since we first met ms dreama. Your work is glorious. Thx for sharing
When at the end of the day I have accomplished what I set out to do and I am curled up with my puppies watching the sun set. All is well.
All is well for me means God is here right now with me in this experience. I have courage to move through my day letting go of fear as it comes up. I am free from the grip of my mind, and let my heart open and receive the gifts of the day without judgment, criticism or negativity. All is well. B R E A T H E….and let go.
Your post is absolutely beautiful–the postcard is lovely as well as the photos. Love it that you share it with us. Made for a beautiful morning read!
Happy safe family!
Thanks for your time to make our days wonderful “in” France !!!.
Dreama, When ‘All is Well’ with my family and friends, I feel blessed, grateful and at peace. Yours in art, Pamela
Your work is beautiful!
Your inspirational words and luscious colors pop up in my inbox and I know all is well here in North Carolina.
The need to create is like hunger. The beauty around you is desert and you just have to fill your mind with it.
Verna Hall
All is well when I am home.
Beautiful COLORS!!!
Beautiful France, captured with all its charm!
Your lovely posting, so full of beauty and joy, really make my day. I’ve shared them with friends, who feel the same lift.
Thank you!
Lovely! Hope everyone is having a great time!
I have that wonderful feeling that things are just as they should be. Thanks for the sweet reminder!
Thanks for sharing your trip with us.
All is well when I am painting in an ambience bucolique…avec les chants d’oiseaux ,le vent doux,la sérénité dans le ” Ici et maintenant” !
Beautiful paintings of summer in
France! Looking forward to more
inspirations and painting here at home
as well!
Your paintings are beautiful!
All is well when I am able to find that one thing to appreciate, to find the gratitude.
Makes me want to find beauty and draw and paint! Thanks for the encouragement.
Pure joy is what I see! Thanks for sharing your journey.
You are SO RIGHT (as ever), Dreama: ALL IS indeed WELL – ALWAYS! Your paintings are a great touch stone of joy, beauty and appreciation and whenever I look at them I’m right there. Keep on Keeping On, lady! 🙂
All is well, the sun is shining in my heart, what more could I want!
Thank you Dreama for the sunshine you bring to so many, Joy
Your comments were much needed today! And your painting touched my heart.
…this looks like a gorgeous location especially for painting Dreama! Hi from a fellow artist in N.Ireland xx Mo
oh my..the colors are beautiful!
A soft breeze and the purr of a kitty say “All is well”
During this season, all the blooming plants come to mind, from roses, geraniums, petunias & wildflowers, to tomatoes & hot/sweet peppers.
I just love all of your pictures and sketches! It brings a sense of calm and peacefulness to a chaotic world. Thank you for sharing!
These paintings in France just take me away!
Beauty lies in simple pleasures.
Thanks for sharing.
This one is my favorite so far!! Love that soothing sound of church bells…nothing better and a timely post too! How do you do that? Love thinking of the commonality of all things positive and that all is well. Adore the painting…you call them postcards but they are truly the most beautiful pieces of art- love them!
All is well when I feel healthy and at peace with the world.
Cool breeze through the trees early on this Northwest summer day…..birds flying and singing, picking beans in the garden…I can BREATHE.
Love your artwork. All is well when my family – husband, children and grandchildren are all well and happy.
All is well- when I have stopped to breath and remember God is in control and I am not expected to be 🙂
So perfectly said, Yvonne! :0)
the lessons in your workshop last October are still teaching me today. Amazing how that happens! Teaching doesn’t finish when the mini-van is loaded up and rolling away. It continues.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.