13 Aug

During the Creative Process
The Invitation
Your TOTAL presence is requested for this magnificent day.
Starry skies await your awestruck gaze
Shimmering sunlight dancing on water looks for the countenance that says, “I SEE you!”
JOY squeezes itself from every velvet rose petal
and drips from dew drenched leaves
Your TOTAL awareness is requested 🙂
PLEASE NOTE: This day belongs to you.
P.S. Back home and settling in—finding immense pleasure in good music, juicy colors and scenes of France waiting to be painted!

Your paintings are so beautiful and cheerful! I think each one is more beautiful than the last! I can’t wait for Lexington!
I love this piece!!!!
Dreama, this is beautiful!!!!
Glad you are back painting and writing. It really lifts my spirits! Thanks!!!
I want to rest here now.
Millie Ray
I love to paint, mostly self taught myself. I met one of your students Saturday at the Farmer’s Market, doing a great job of painting the Depot Street Market. I enjoyed chatting with her, and when I expressed my delight at what she had done, and asked her if she had any lessons, she told me about you. I immediately went home and got on line to see all the beautiful things you have done. Thank you for your inspiration. I am a Senior citizen, and unable to paint standing up anymore, but I endeavor to paint and keep doing something I love doing. I have been painting for 30 years, I didn’t start until I was in my 50’s, first taking a tole painting class through Homemakers and then branched out to oil painting, which is my love. thank you for inspiring all of us who paint to keep on and be the artist we are meant to be, not copy someone else’s style.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.