24 Sep

During the Creative Process
Road Trips, Sisters and Oprah
Sit and feast on your life. ~Derek Walcott
Those are the first words to Oprah’s new book just out, What I Know for Sure.
Words that followed?
……you can either waltz boldly onto the stage of life and live the way you know your spirit is nudging you to, or you can sit quietly by the wall, receding into the shadows of fear and self doubt. You have the choice this very moment—-the only moment you have for certain. I hope you aren’t so wrapped up in nonessential stuff that you forget to really enjoy yourself—because this moment is about to be over.
This moment being our lives and the present moment—and boy do we get how quickly it is all passing!
To wit….
I’ve been a busy little girl.
I’ve just returned from a week-end with Oprah.
No, not like me and her hanging out at her place eatin’ chips and salsa in our PJ’s (although I’ve got my PJ’s on standby if she calls 😉
More like me, my sis and 18 thousand other peeps hanging out together in DC at The Life You Want event 🙂
We heard inspiring words from Oprah herself, Mark Nepo (The Book of Awakening) , Elizbeth Gilbert (Eat, Pray, Love) and more.
We made journals
And shopped for one good book (What I Know for Sure) to giveaway here on my site 🙂 (It’s a first edition–just get your name in the hat below!)
We also put together a little movie detailing our adventure if you dare/care to watch 😉
Inspiration and staying inspired is vital for each of us. It is what keeps hope flowing, creative juices juicy and our lights shining brighter.
Just like we try to eat well to take care of our bodies, we gotta make sure we are not “starving” ourselves of the things that give us JOY and inspire our hearts and minds.
What inspiration can you feed yourself today?

“A Thousand Reasons and More for Joy”
Available in Print Gallery
P.S. A spot just opened up in my Oct 8-10, 2014 workshop in Kentucky. You can get the details here—this might just be your time!
a Rafflecopter giveaway

I absolutely love reading each of your comments here!!! It’s always delightful and refreshing to hear your thoughts, what inspires you, what you are thinking 🙂 You gals and guys are the best!!
What a wonderful trip with your sister. You are blessed to have her in your life. Looks like a good time! My inspiration today will be to get back in my studio after a week away. It’s going to be a great day. Look forward to seeing you in January at Marco!
So excited to see Oprah 11/7 & 8 in Seattle with David.
Your post made us even more glad we got tickets back in May….
Definitely something to look forward to.
Love n Hugs……..Karri
Karri–you and David will love it. David will be outnumbered for sure but it’s so inspiring it won’t matter 🙂 So glad you are doing this as a couple!!
How fun to share your time & joy with your sister!
Wow do I envy your sister and you. I wanted to go to the one in D.C. also. I know my sister would have loved it. Was it as awesome as it looks?
Thank-you Dreama for sharing this special video…what a great event to attend and enjoy with your sister! I love following your blog! Can’t wait to meet you soon at your workshop in California! 🙂
Oprah would be sooo lucky to hang around you and your sis!!
Enjoy every moment
You inspire me because you dare to live an inspiring life as an artist and share yourself with the world!! Keep dreaming and sharing Dreama and so will we!
Keep my ears open and my mouth shut today.
Love your message – and Oprah’s – would love to read that book!!!!
You and Oprah hanging out in your pj’s……Oprah should be so lucky!
My inspiration today is the stack of about 20 books I will be browsing while I gather ideas for my ebook!
My inspiration today was a walk with nature, cool and with the first hint of Autumn.
Some days are more difficult than others, primed for our growth. We only need to pass the test and move with grace and love as we grow in strength for surely the next test that comes our way will be easier.
Fall is inspiration for my creativity, so today begins a new idea and a new start.
Dreama, I was there too! it was totally amazing! Thank you for this video – wonderful memories! I was with one of the few men in he audience, my husband who knew how much I wanted to go and made it happen! yeah!
What a fun time! You are truly inspiring!
Life is full of change… whether we want it or not! Embrace each day!!!
love your painting
Dreama, I love your Spirit, so inspiring and freedom motivating! Thank you.
Thank you Dreama for encouraging us to greet each day with a smile on our faces.
Inspiring, as always!
Love the style of your paintings and oh so much the bright colors
Hi Dreama! Not only does Oprah
sell books she mentions, so do you!
Now I’m intrigued by this book,
whereas before I walked by it…!
(Ok – maybe you should consider
an art talk show with guests and all)!
Thanks for all the inspiration you
send our way!
Carpe Diem.
The first quote from the book really resonated as I am approaching “another” milestone birthday.
I have these moments when it works & I get so tickled with myself. As I go forward I’m hoping these tickles get me more often.
I love this and loved every moment of this experience!
I am feeding my soul permission to dream without limits.
There is a big change coming in our personal lives, thus I am inspired to prepare for this exciting change.
Loved this whole experience!
What has inspired me today?
This blog post and this painting and that video you shared of you and your sister’s adventures in DC.
Who inspires me?
You do, Dreama. As does your beauty-filled art and heart. With every blog post, with every painting you share.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.