18 Feb


Leaning Into JOY…and Marco Island Workshops II & III

“We owe it to ourselves and to everyone around us to be happy and to spread that joy around. ”

“If we can go through life armed with humor and the realization that we are love, we’ll already be ahead of the game.”

“….love yourself unconditionally and be yourself fearlessly!”

~Anita Moorjani

Florida Workshops and Winter go together like peanut butter and jelly.
I’d LIKE to think that everyone who comes to study with me in Jan/Feb does so because they think I am the cat’s pajamas…..and that it has absolutely nothing to do with palm trees, salt water and sand.
Denial is a great place to live 🙂

If you fancy painting with me in the SPRING….. a workshop has been added that you can read about here.   I am quite sure I will be home from Florida by then—Eddie has been threatening to show up on the beach in a thong and nobody wants to see that!!!

“Leaning into Joy”

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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  1. June

    So much joy!
    So much happiness!
    So many smiles!
    So much fun!
    So much colour!
    Wishing I could’ve been there for one or all of these fun-derful Dreama workshops…but seeing these vids puts a smile on my face, just the same. Thanks for sharing this with us. 🙂

  2. Margaret Stevenson

    Love your videos, Wish I was closer I would join you.And what talented artists in your classes.Margaret in Australia.

  3. Cynthia Lynn Horn

    wow! amazing work…you ever in Jax or Orange Park, Fl…would love to take a workshop from you or somewhere close by in the future…

  4. Nancy Martin Piros

    Hello Dreama! So good to hear from you. Was a little concerned you were busy digging your way out of the snow!!! I should have known you were basking in the sun in Florida! 😉 Marco Island of course… We haven’t seen any snow in Alabama and that’s just fine with me 🙂 Very cold weather though!
    I see you have been busy with everything- aprons, “Dreama-isms,” paintings printed on stretched canvas , prints etc . Best of all words of wisdom and good for your soul ! I have been busy with Our Daughter and Hubby first child . Yes, I’m a Nana and hubby Grandpa Vivienne Elise arrived 1/23/15 6lbs 7ozs and 20″ long! She will be one month old tomorrow Vivi is so sweet and beautiful ( totally unbiased opinion of course!) Plus we have a puppy we happened to get 2 months before Jacques had to be put out of terrible pain . Another Bichon Frise of course she is 5 months old now Lily La Fleur tiny little girl 8 lbs. Jaubert our 3yr old is Lily’s half brother they are like two peas in a pod! Even with Lily Jaubert did grieve for one month after Jacques went to heaven. Soon as Lily settles down a little with puppyhood. I’ll be back to painting , I have been dreaming about painting so that is my sign to paint!
    You asked what favorite Dreama-ism I have well all of them I love . I will look through my quotes journal and see which one might be a favorite of favorite’s . Thanks for your inspiration ,love & support . Love all your most recent paintings! HUGS, Me

  5. Jane Mercer

    I just ordered an Apron. PayPal had my address not your site. So hope it is connected to Where To Ship. I love your writings and paintings. You light up my painting life. http://www.janemercerartist.com

  6. Jan Koss

    Thanks for all the joy you put into my life. Thanks for beautiful memories.

  7. Mandy

    Really LOVE this painting, Dreama – the colours are just beautiful, especially the hydrangea! Lucky peep who bought this little number!! 🙂

    • Dreama

      Thanks so much Mandy! 🙂

  8. Kathy Cousart

    Love seeing all the joy just coming across each artist. Blessed for sure to get to be with you!

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