4 Apr

During the Creative Process
When I Dream
I dream of days lit with sunshine
Open windows
Unread books
Well read books
Hot buttered bread
And a glass of red
Deep conversations
Lapful of cat
Bubble baths waiting
Ocean sounds
And You
“If you can dream it, you can do it. Always remember that this whole thing was started with a dream and a mouse.” ~ Walt Disney Co.
“Dreams, if they’re any good, are always a little bit crazy.” ~Ray Charles
“All people dream, but not equally.
Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their mind, wake in the morning to find it was vanity.
But the dreamers of the day are dangerous people
For they dream their dreams with open eyes
And make them come true”
~D.H. Lawrence
Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Are you a dangerous dreamer?? 😉***

“When I Dream”
9 x 12in oil on museum quality panel

The workshop my sister, Patti, and I took with you in Indian Rocks Beach, FL is still such a highlight for me. Precious time with my dearest sister is always glorious, but you and your kind husband made it even better. We felt like “family” and learned and grew so much. I am so grateful for your kind instruction and friendship. Your posts are like little gems and I enjoy opening them and saving them. Patti and I plan to meet at her place in Montana and do our best to use the knowledge we learned from you. Wish you could be there…it is so beautiful in the Fall. We feel privileged we got to be in one of your last in person workshops for awhile. Sister Kathy recovered nicely and hopes to paint with you again some day. Thank you for opening your heart to us. We love you. Hugs!
I love this painting. I’ve loved your/my Dream Love Paint Course – every minute of it……. now, due to a fall – ambulance, hospital and all that pain, this is truly a ray of sunshine arriving in my inbox. while I’m aiming to once again ‘sit’ for a while at my easel to enjoy the creative process again. April is a wash out as I’m shuffling around on my sticks but looking forward to new beginnings. Reasons for everything. 🙂
Dreama. I feel such a jolt of joy when I see a message from you in the inbox. I savour the energy of DreamLovePaint at its height. I am so grateful when I look at my little gems of paintings I created. And more are coming, more are lined up in a creative jumble, waiting for me to open the gate just a crack and let a little out, for to open it wide, that would be a creative chaos, that while fun, I fear would soon burn me out. But… then… you never know. That might be my fear, and not reality. LOL … *goes to check the security of the creative gate*
Oh yes, I dream with my eyes wide open, when the world is buzzing around me and I am in my secret place away from all who are sitting just inches away.
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.