11 Jul

Thoughts on Learning
It may seem odd, but the “you” that reads this is never far from my mind. It must be due to that great collective unconscious that sees the things that really matter. How else can I explain that in the midst of so much busy—things that press and would say to me that I don’t have time to write—that I say back to to it, how can I not?? So just in case you needed it, this is for you.
“It’s not what we have— it is what we do with it that matters most.”
It is a widely known fact. Worry does us absolutely no good. Serves no purpose. Robs JOY.
Let’s seek advice today from our cats, our dogs and our plants. Observing their choices, their way of being in the world. There’s much to learn.
Shelve the worry. Pull out POSSIBILITY, JOY, QUIETNESS, LAUGHTER AND BEING. All things are working for your good.
I am still and always learning to trust in the process.
I feel you with me on this.
P.S. Find that place in your heart where your paintings reside. You can paint your heart out in Dream.Love.Paint. with me. Want to learn more? Click here 🙂
AND if you didn’t enter the giveaway for the world’s cutest little journal packed home from France just for you, click here!

I just found you and I am in love!!!! I am very interested in your online workshop…but couldn’t find any information on cost…how the workshops work…or a sampling of what it’s like. Is any of this info available? THANK YOU!
So much of what you say in all your posts resonates in me. I am going to take your course in September. I don’t know what it costs but I will take it no matter as I really want to work with you. I am now journaling and 5 monthes into meditating, I still have a terrible monkey mind, but things are changing in my life and I want your art lessons and philosopy to be part of this journey.
Felt hugged! Thank you Dreama! Hugs back atcha! Xo
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