1 Aug

Little Things
Respond to the little moments.
They only appear little.
They are monumental in the scale they will have in your life.
Live as if this little moment is all that there is—for that is truth.
The larger truth here?
There are no little things
only great things seen through limited vision.
In another small moment I spied what had been spun overnight. Wonder and awe that brought with it peace and a feeling that no matter what, everything is okay.
All difficult things have their origin in that which is easy, and great things in that which is small. ~ Lao-Tzu
We are surrounded with great things, hidden in the small. Might our vision become ever so sharp that we might see!
P.S. Remember…I am giving away a spot in the Dream.Love.Paint online workshop Sept.6–if you aren’t currently one of the 700 plus peeps that are painting away with me already, you can get your name in the hat –just click here! 🙂

Hi, Dreama! I am so excited to learn how I can purchase your on-line class–just in case I don’t win the “free one” 🙂 I have tried to fin the cost, which I thought we would get when we signed up for the drawing, but I must have misunderstood. Can you give me a litle more information about your classes, or do we need to wait for the drawing?
Dreama, this is so powerful and wonderful all at the same time!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.