5 Oct

During the Creative Process
Don’t Judge Me…
My latest acquisitions include a butterfly journal
A large box of crayons
And a guitar
And no, I have no idea how to play one
It’s a gift from hubby Ron who knows I’ve been hankering for the sounds of an acoustic guitar.
Who knows how this will turn out.
If I can learn to play one song for my own ears…
I will be smiling like a Chesire cat 🙂
The reason I’m telling you this? I’m wondering when was the last time that you, the responsible, take care of business, keeping it all together ADULT let your inner KID have a say so in your plans for the day?
I thought so. I am inviting you to let your kid come out and play.
And when he does, what do you think he will decide is play worthy today?? I’d love to know…I bet your kid has a big imagination!! Leave a comment below 🙂
P.S. Stay tuned! That’s what I keep telling my guitar 😉
P.S.S. Yay!!! We have winners from the Dick Blick Gift Certificates Giveaway.
Judy B. and Linda K. each won a $100 gift certificate to Dick Blick (Judy and Linda…look for an email from my assistant, Lisa!) So much pleasure derived from doing this!! I so appreciate each and every one of you!!!
How I want to play when I grow up….acoustic guitar soothes my soul. No words needed…
And one more in case you are really loving it…

My inner child comes out in Disney form, and in decorating for seasons and holidays. The grandchildren are grown and my husband, the sweetheart doesn’t care, but Easter, Halloween and Christmas, the tubs come out and the decorating begins. I am 70 years old with Halloween decorations sitting around–I figured out a long time ago–just for me. I also have coloring books and pencils and now oils and watercolors–how blessed I am. My fifty year old daughter and I are going to Walt Disney world in November for our annual girl trip. Can’t wait to see Mickey. As Walt Disney says, “Who says you have to grow up?” (I have the coffee mug.)
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