6 Jul

One True Thing
This painting…
It makes me happy in ways I can’t figure when I look at it.
I think of Hemingway’s words on writing-” ‘All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know.’ So finally I would write one true sentence and go on from there. It was easy then because there was always one true sentence that you knew…’ ”
Sometimes I think painting is the same. Say one true thing with your brush. The truest thing you know. It’s easy then because there will always be one true thing that you know.
And it will go on from there 🙂
Note: For the longest time, I’ve allowed myself to just paint and not ‘do’ anything with them (the paintings). Just paint and lay them aside.
It’s very freeing 🙂

“A Rose in Paris”

Seeing your post brought smiles and reflection. Your classes have reenergized my joy in painting and your frequent advise of “ doing just one thing has been a guide through interruptions (in life and also those of my own making). Because of that I finally finished a painting that has been tugging my heart and mind for a long time. I did not post it because it was not in your style but your shared thoughts are what urged me to take the next steps. Now besides doing just one thing….do one true thing… your conversations and beautiful rose encourage our own journeys. Thank you. .
Dreama, I love your colors and gentle, sweet spirit. Serendipity is taking me to France soon. I have found an abundance of inspiration in authors writing about their native France and as visitors. I know it will all influence my painting.
Thank you!
The whole concept of one true thing inspires me in more ways than just painting. It made me really think about about what is the truest thing I know. Not just think I know, but really know to be true. That rules out belief and relies on experience. It has caused me much reflection. And it inspires me to look for the purest forms and concepts. Thank you for the thoughts and the beautiful rose as well.
A flower is one of God’s creations which you expressed so beautifully. Thank you Dreams for your inspiration 🌺
That’s a wonderful habit Trisha!
Loved this post. The analogy between painting and writing is apt — you are trying to communicate in both. Before I begin a painting I ask myself why I wanted to paint it. Then I make sure ‘that’ is in the painting. :^)
God Bless You today!
Thanks so much Nancy—wishing the same for you!
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