26 Oct

After the Creative Process
Celebrating Our New ‘Online’ Home and YOU!
Welcome to our brand-spankin’ new website! It’s been a long time in the making 🙂 A huge undertaking— like having a home custom built AND then moving all your stuff in!
I’ve been online almost 10 years so it was high time to give away clothes that no longer fit and toss out the outdated furniture—metaphorically speaking 😉
A long-term vision of mine to grow a place for folks like you to hang out and gather goodness is now a reality.
Woo Hoo!!!!!
This is your soft place to land—to get inspired, to take a moment (or two) for yourself and to keep your dreams growing and thriving!
Please— make yourself at home! There’s a quiet time video in the lavender fields, journaling posts to touch the soul, free photos to paint from, quotes to inspire + download and a Celebration Giveaway!
All for you!
P.S. Enter the Celebration Giveaway just below…it includes the bag, the DreamLovePaint pin, and a Fabriano journal, that fits inside the bag and that I will personalize with a very petite watercolor 😍🎨
P.S.S. What’s yet to come? THE SHOP!
Special goodies you’re going to love—COMING SOON 😉

Hello Dreama, I have just discovered YOU ( ‘In Her Studio’ publication) and I love your attitude, spirit, style and color! and your paintings also 🙂 I have signed in to your ‘life’. I’m inspired : ) I knew I was going to love following you when I read that you love Wayne Dyer. ‘Your Erroneous Zones’ was his first book that I read……and many after.
Question: Do you give in person workshops or take painting groups abroad? If so please put me on the list! Thank you so much for your time and effort Dreama!! Julie James
Hi, I am already a member of the first online class and receive your inspiring emails. Do I have to join on the new website too?
Yay Patricia! If you’re getting the Dreamette email you are subscribed and that’s all you need to do 😊
Dreama you are my ultra favorite artist, teacher, communicator, speaker of my heart and soul – friend. Thank you for all you share and inspire. Your colors are MY colors. I’m so grateful that I was able to paint with you in person. It has changed my world. Blessings on you as you share God’s gift.
I’m all about inspiration, thru words, a photo, music etc… Especially the enthusiasm through other people that feel and think like me! Helps motivate me 😍
Love your inspiration, and looking forward to your new website.😍
I just ran across the apron I made to wear in Marco Island when my friend Joan and I took your class. It said, “Help! Our names are Art and Joy. We’re trapped in here and want to come out and play!” (or something like that.) Well, they’re still fighting inside my soul, trying to find a time and place to reappear and make some fun art. They are NOT giving up, so I’m trying to find a permanent spot in my home (and in my life!) to make room for them. All I want to do is draw and paint and create, but I keep making excuses why I “can’t today.” Thank you, Dreama, for continuing to inspire the Art and Joy trapped inside all of us!
I am very excited for Dreama as well as all of her followers!!
The site is so clean and clear! I’m looking forward to all that is to come!
This is awesome. Cant wait to see the upcoming content. Thank you
I love that you’re sharing photos to paint from! Love the new home.
Congratulations on your new website – clean, fresh, exciting!
I always look forward to your emails and courses. You are so upbeat, positive, and encouraging. Thank you!
Bless your heart for your constant encouragement💜
Your new home is visually welcoming, Dreama.
Thanks Dreama for all your wise words and wonderful paintings. I’m looking forward to visiting the new website.
Love your new home!
enjoy your articles, art, trips, one day i will go on one. met you at leslie saeta’s.
The new website looks great! Nice photography and simple to use——looking forward to keeping up with all your classes and adventures
Awesome Dreama!!! Congrats on the new look. Missing you on Marco.
You are an ever evolving inspiration!
I am looking forward to Paris and staying connected to so many lovely supportive women. Thank you, Dreama for making your courses so personal.
Dreama, you have added so much Joy to all of us with your positively positive self! I am speaking g for all of us, (which I know won’t get me in trouble since I am a signature, maiden voyage, member and can’t wait for the next Dreama anything) we love you, we ARE family, warmest hugs and Love
Diana (Wood)
Looking forward to this!
Hi Dreama!!
Excited to be connected to your new website! I’m excited about learning more about your upcoming class: Paris Postcards!!! Paris is where my heart is… and I loved seeing you and Corey Frye connect and partner together to make it happen! Your work is beautiful and I’m a fan! Xo
I love how your new home is so colorful and jammed packed with so many wonderful things. Love, Love, Love.
Working on my website. But enjoying your’s so much.
Love the user friendly ease of navigation.
When people ask me how I got so deeply into painting since I’ve retired, I tell them that my online teacher and friend has inspired and supported me. Thank you, Dreama, for all you have done for me — making my life more colorful and filled with love. xoxo
Dreama, beautiful presentation, excellent marketing. Feels like a big, genuine hug!
The inspiration begins.
I’m excited to be invited to Dreama’s new “online” home! I’m confined to a wheelchair, and finding an outlet to open my world of art further, is truly a gift to me! Congratulations, and thank you for all your hard work. I’m looking forward to many visits to your site, and the many possibilities it could bring to me! Also, I can’t wait for your shop to open!!
Thank you Dreama, for sharing your life, thoughts, colors and art with us!
Awesome love everything! You put your heart & soul into painting
I haven’t started painting yet, but have always wanted to. You inspire me to try. Have a great day
I am really going to try to take some time for myself.
I love painting but I am so far behind that I am very overwhelmed.
It’s not easy getting back into it.
So happy on your new home, can’t wait until your new class in January. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving and Christmas. Much love.💕
Very nice. That was a big, big job. Well done.
Thank you for the positive joy you give so freely to us! You are always upbeat and are such an encourager! It’s so nice to know you, Dreama!
I am a 71 year old who stumbled upon Dreama and her DreamPaintLove course in 2017. I had never painted before and jumped in with both feet. There is something about Dreama’s joy and positive thinking that made me feel that I, too, could paint. I have now completed all her courses and am eagerly awaiting Postcards from Paris. She is truly a gift to me and I owe my current artistic contentment to her and her wonderful classes!
Because I lived so many years in Europe (Germany & Italy) after college, I feel right at home within the ‘pages’ of your website, Dreama!
I’m celebrating your new digs! Congratulations! Thanks for sharing so much joy and inspiration.
I love your new website. You are so inspiring with your words, your images, your paintings and your website.
Dreama, You are a wonder! What an inspiration you are to all of us to imagine a dream and then work hard to make it real. Thanks for giving us a refuge where we can relax and be ourselves.
Great job Dreama! Looks fantastic and I love the opportunity for regular engagement.
Trying to enter for the new door prize…not sure if this is the right place?
I’m eager to see your Shop! I know I’ll be brousing there often! Thanks for all you do Dreama to make painting such a joyful experience! I’m wondering…. will we be able to buy a pin that says Dreamette in your Shop?
Thank you for always sharing your love of art, writing and life’s sweet moments. It’s a bright spot in my day each time I visit.
Love your new website! 💜
Thank you for inviting me to your new home. I loved every thing about it and I’m certain that I would love every thing about you as well. If I can ever afford to take one of your courses I will be there in a heartbeat.
Happy painting,
Thank you for all the inspiration you give!
Congratulations! Your new website reflects your consistent, vibrant, joyous, continuous work . . . such an inspiration! Marjorie
This is my second class with Dreama…first was the basic and now Tuscany. I look forward in the future to take Provence also. I love every minute and have learned so much . I still find something I would do differently every time if I did it again. Thank you Dreama ! I don t know where you get all your inspiration but I am sure glad you do.
Thank you! 💜
What a beautiful new site. And we all need a soft place to land! I look forward to spending time her regularly.
I think the new site looks great!!
Dreama I wish you the Irish Blesssing: “May the road rise with you and may the wind be always at your back”
Love the new look.
Congratulations, Dreama! I love your new home and am so glad I am welcome to visit often!
Love the scrolling answers on the top of your mobile page. Lovely paintings and a sunny cheerful picture of you. Chant wait to see the non mobile version over my first cuppa
Love it all!!! Can’t wait for Paris too!! Thanks Dreama and Ron!
Always enjoy each new day and idea from Dreama
Beautiful new site. Fun to look around. Oh, how I wish I could join one of your classes.
You are soaring! Possibly the first painting entrepreneur with a promise to bring joy and wonder to everyone you touch. Bravo!
What fun!
Really excited at this new home Dreama. Never a dull moment with you around. Congratulations on this new, huge endeavor. Dreamette Forever
I love the new site. Very friendly. Congratulations.
The new site looks fresh and beautiful, just like you Dreama!
Love the new look
Love your new home. Miss not seeing you in the flesh! Hugs
love the new “home”
Congratulations & welcome home !!
Love your work and your spirit!
When I opened, the full screen of your wonderful painting took me by surprise.
It brightened my day, a beautiful beginning.
I know of no other being so bold and amazing..
I love that you have so much good content, I could spend the whole morning learning.
HOW ABOLUTELY Wonderful!! A thoughtful , warm and inviting new website reflecting all the Dreama Magic! Congratulations -it’s fantastic!
Dreama, I adore your use of color and all the additional postcards, journals and easy to find prior tips –they are “dreamy” and reviewing the courses gives me new inspiration. Maybe I can one day soon. I would love some more watercolor journal tips too–or on site watercolor and ink impressions for quick successes. Thank you so much Dreama for your positive and joyful approach to life. I try to follow Act the way I want to feel when I get lost, you help me to do that and I consider you my friend.
Always enjoy your words of inspiration!
I love your dreamy paintings, especially from your travels abroad. I would love to take one of your classes.
It all sounds wonderful!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.