24 Aug

Before the Creative Process
Your Work–a Higher Good
Deep in thought, sitting on the banks of the Il Sur Le Sorgue River in Provence––the most beautiful waters my feet have ever dangled in. The underground source of the river pushes up from hundreds of feet below–––just a short walk from here.
We often think we get what it’s all about, what matters, why we are doing it.
And maybe sometimes we are in a position to take in the whole picture—but more often than not
…we are looking for immediate results and overlooking everything else.
We have no idea, really, how our work will impact someone else either now or in the future.
What about the shelf life of our latest efforts?
What impact will it have beyond its “toddler” years?
When my Dad was nearing the end of his sojourn here, we often passed the time watching Andy Griffith reruns. Films some 50 years old. And the things woven into those moments by the writers, cameramen, make-up artists, directors, and actors became a gift to us in the present moment.
Our family laughed together, and we were able to forget our troubles for a time.
I often wonder—did they know? Did those artists have a clue that what they were doing in the 1960s could reach out and bring some comfort to a family decades later?
For my own self, I can’t begin to say how many books, how much music has fallen into my hands at just the right time. And brought me joy, made me not feel alone, or made a good day simply a thousand times better. In Tune With the Infinite, a book by Ralph Waldo Trine that I read back in ’97, which was so relevant to me at the time, was penned in 1899!
Artwork painted weeks, months, and years ago turns up in places like museums, hospitals, and hotels. The artist never knows what emotions, comfort, and memories may be stirred by those who see them.
We are often so focused on getting/seeing an immediate result from our efforts that we forget… there is a bigger picture, a bigger plan.
Our job is to show up and let what’s intended to Be flow through us.
When we allow
what is real,
what is truth,
what is beauty,
to shine out through
our hands,
our hearts,
our vision
It will accomplish more than we can ever imagine or ever know—both in the present and in times to come.
Knowing that in the end that what will count is this:
that our life mattered
had meaning,
made a difference in the lives of others
….it contained within it
A Higher Good

Sigh, I love it and I am enjoying the world through your eyes!
Thank you for sharing!
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