10 Aug

During the Creative Process
Only One Thing to Do
My current ‘to do’ list isn’t glamorous (is there really such a thing as a glamorous TO DO list??). Some of it’s fun, some of it is the ‘chop wood, carry water’ variety.
Much of it involves showing up every day to do creative things (whether I’m feeling particularly creative that day or not 😉 )
The main gist of the above is that there is a massive load of stuff all happening at the same time.
And there is one thing that has helped me each day. It’s an affirmation from Wayne Dyer. I have it written in my journal and make a point of affirming it each and every day.
I’m at peace in this moment. I only think about the one thing I am doing. I have peaceful thoughts.
I’m guessing you are like me. You have a lot of stuff going on as well.
I think it’s that thing called life.
The trick, no matter how much we have happening, is to only think about the one thing we are doing. Who knew??
I have found that when I only think about the one thing I am doing that calmness arrives.
Clear thinking shows up (priceless when making decisions!).
Thinking on the one thing I am doing helps me to complete it.
The opposite of this is me thinking about one or five things while trying to do two.
Doing one thing while thinking about the other two things that need me.
I don’t seem to get much done.
Making a choice on ‘this versus that’ becomes overwhelming so I put off making a decision.
Which leads to a non-shrinking To Do list and growing stress.
Projects get picked up and laid back down because of that double, triple kind multi-focus thinking.
Things get handled a lot but don’t necessarily get completed or checked off the list.
Prescription for getting work done peacefully:
Write this down, ‘I’m at peace in this moment. I only think about the one thing I am doing. I have peaceful thoughts.’
Speak it out loud
Repeat as needed
Behave as if you have only one thing to do. Stay with that thought until you are done.
I think you’ll find you end up with more time to do the things you love–things like painting, writing, and creating the life you love!

Peek of “Tuscan Gold” A Painting from my ‘Timeless Tuscany’ Course

Smart advice. I am a worrier. So I really need this. Thank you.
Thanks, Dreama! I’m putting that quote on my bathroom mirror as a reminder.
I’m having fun browsing through your new site but had to stop and comment on this particular page as it spoke to my heart in a big way…..and I’m sure others as well……….Not a whole lot we can control outside our lives but this truly is something that is a deliberate effect which I need to be reminded of, take one thought at a time, one task, and bask in the peace that the Lord says is available for us. Thank you , Dreama , for these simple but beautiful reminders,…. hugs galore!
I love this quote from Wayne Dyer and think I will try to incorporate it into my morning routine!
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