11 Jan

Before the Creative Process
You are becoming, dear one.
As creatives we are always in a state of becoming.
And it is, without a doubt, a beautiful thing.
This sculpture we happened upon at the ‘Puces’, the lovely flea market in Paris, is a poetic vision of ‘becoming’.
Becoming may not always feel this lovely but I do believe this is how it looks in spirit 😉
To become we must let go of what, where and sometimes even who we think we are.
Becoming has always been our jobs from day one on the planet.
I don’t know if it ever gets any easier (I have a sneaking suspicion not).
It requires trust and a bit of faith (sometimes HUGE helpings of both).
But if you stop to think—any person that you have ever admired, looked up too, or desired to emulate their life—these souls have held true to that ‘becoming’.
It IS worth the other unaware moments when we are not sure we are becoming at all.
Becoming is a state of grace.
So when you look at this image, see yourself in it.
Arise and deliver your gifts dear one for you are

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