14 Dec

Before the Creative Process
What’s Belief Got to Do With It?
From Dreama’s Paris Journal…
…I could feel my shoulders rubbing shoulders with the energy of all those who were here before me.
I gathered from them that they too often felt ‘lost’. At the Musée Montmartre—those black and white photos of artists—I felt myself in them, part of those scenes.
It was all so familiar in ways that transcended the modern Paris. It was a spirit, an energy that has existed always and I, for the very first time—felt a stirring that said…these are my people.
I get them and more importantly, they get me. They know me better than I know me.
Perhaps the biggest thing that has stood in my way is my own belief that I was less.
Less than what was beautiful. Less than what dazzled. Less than, less than.
Less than what was needed to be
a Hemingway
a Monet
a Chopin
In my walking in Paris, with every footfall, with every quiet moment over a cappuccino, I felt the presence of creativity.
I felt its pull, pulling me into the circle
Telling me this is where I’ve always belonged.
My own beliefs were what kept me on the outside looking in.
I write this because I know this story to be true for all of us.
We each belong…
Additional thoughts: Our beliefs are more powerful than we know. And are often times hidden. Uncovering them and challenging them–that is the work. Are our beliefs worthy of us? Are they supporting us or standing in our way?
P.S. If you feel the calling of the Paris Watercolor Journaling course then rest assured–you do belong! The VIP Interest List is here if you’d like to get in what is going to be an amazing experience 🙂
(Wanna get a jumpstart? The Postcards from Paris Supply List is here!)
AND if you’ve been waiting for the right moment to take an oil painting course from me, Dream.Love.Paint, my signature course, is available right now at a very special price–Click to go!

Paris Flower Shop/ Watercolor Journal

In these dark, cold, Vermont, winter days, it’s hard to find inspiration and an ability to flow ..brrrrr. Your words and works always give me a window of inspiration, so I THANK YOU, Dreams!
I’m so glad Donna! And you are so welcome 🙂
I am so looking forward to this course, already have my supplies ordered . Lol !
Paris and watercolors are magic Diane–we are going to have fun! So glad you are joining us 🙂
Thank you. Thank you for beautiful art that makes me smile and lifts my spirit every time I see it. Thank you for inspiring and encouraging for words and stories that nudge me forward out of my stalled out lock downs of discouragement. I really hope to save the money for your class and I am SO GLAD to have found you!! Thank you!!
Jolie! That makes me happy 🙂 I think the biggest help sometimes is knowing that others have felt/experienced the same emotions about their creative life. That’s one of the things that hit me when I was in Paris–how much we were all alike–even those great artist that we esteem!
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.