13 Mar

During the Creative Process
Spring Always Comes
No matter what’s on the horizon, nature has a way of mothering us.
She’s the steady hand we rely on— more than we know.
In one of my favorite books, A Moveable Feast, Hemingway speaks of her.
‘With so many trees in the city, you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season of your life. … But you knew there would always be the spring, as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen…the spring always came finally…’
Inspired by Hemingway and the carpet of purple at the Wallace House here in Paris, Kentucky …
I did a little watercolor musing in my journal here…
Which I am hoping will inspire you to make a little painting today from this…
‘When spring came, even the false spring, there were no problems except where to be happiest. The only thing that could spoil a day was people and if you could keep from making engagements, each day had no limits. People were always the limiters of happiness except for the very few that were as good as spring itself.’
~ Ernest Hemingway, A Moveable Feast
Let us not limit our happiness.
Let us be as good as spring itself!
P.S. I should note that both videos were shot impromptu by me, so audio and quality are what they are 😉
And, I always love hearing from you—comments are welcome below!

Spring entry in my red leather Italian journal…Wallace House, Paris, Kentucky
P.P.S. Somehow, when I write, I always feel gratitude for you. For your attention, for you reading my stuff, for just being here. It means a lot! You can receive my letters straight to your inbox by subscribing here. (My letters are free, of course!)

Dreama, I like everything you do but my favorite is the watercolors and
sketching…they are so free and fun…I love doing them myself. You are such
an inspiration !! Janice
Thank you Dreama, your message, and especially your calming video
came at the most needed and inspiring moment …. A Blessing….
love what you write.It soothes me. Thank you.
A gentle reminder to look for beauty and peace in a time of sorrow from MSU shootings –
Thank you for “Spring Always Comes.” I got inspired halfway through your video and went and got my little spiral bound card “journal” and painted along with you. Enjoyed the soft music in the background.
It is 10:30 at night and couldn’t sleep so was checking and saw this in my email. Such a pleasant, calming message and stimulating videos. Love crocus, trees and old houses. Thank you, Dreama!
This message and video were a delightful surprise. Thank you.
Thank you from the PNW….beautiful 💕
That video was so relaxing. Dreama, I am so impressed with the looseness and spontaneous strokes that you put on your paper. You make it look so easy. I am encouraged by your videos and strive to be relaxed and in the moment. Thank you so much.
Happy Spring …. Laura Lass
Thank you for sharing this experience, the Hemingway quote, and the painting. Many years ago I was taken by your beauty (physical, aesthetic, emotional, and surroundings) that was inspiring.and encouraging to me, so I took your oil painting course.. Finding art teachers with a pure heart is very difficult. I look forward to using your photo to paint in my journal. Just a moment ago I discovered that my azaleas are beginning to bloom–It is February 12th! This is very early, but the blooms raise my spirits today as did you video! Thank you again.
Lovely!!! I’m loving your beautiful journaling. I have taken a few of your courses and enjoyed them all. This was a real treat to get to see you paint again.
Thank you Dreama. I was in the garden this afternoon looking for green shoots coming up and then just now I had the loveliest time painting along with you.
I finished two little paintings. Spring always comes!
much love and light, Jenny
You have such a way of reminding us of the beauty that is all around us. Thank you for starting my day with peace and beauty!
thank you Wanda for reading and sharing your thoughts!
Beautiful and inspiring
Thank you so much for sharing your video… it’s exactly what I needed to start my day. You are a treasure!
Yay and thanks for such sweet words Maribeth!
Such beautiful videos this morning!
Hi Dreama,
I would like to make a suggestion. Would you be able to do some courses just centered around water coloring? Perhaps you already have some but I’m not sure where to find them.
I loved going through your oil and watercolor course in 2020, during the pandemic (It was a lifesaver for me) and would love some more guided painting exercises, but I don’t have the bandwidth for oil painting right now. Let me know if that’s something you’d consider.
With much love,
Gail Hyatt
Gail–I am glad you feel inspired to make some time for yourself and your gifts–it is so restorative and so important when you are such a giver as you are! Flow, my monthly membership is the best choice. It’s watercolors and oil and since it’s been around for almost 3 years, there are currently 35 watercolor videos, start to finish, along with over 200 of my personal photo references for you to paint from as well. And you know how active my FB groups are (the hashtag idea you suggested for Flow is going strong 😉 Whatever the case, as you noted, watercolor is easy to slip into the week to do something kind for yourself. Always good to hear from you and read your suggestions!
Hi Dreama, It’s been a long time.
Thank you so very much for this beautiful meditation today. It was just what I needed. I’ve been in a season of giving and helping for several years, without much attention to myself. It can be exhausting at times. After watching this video I feel hydrated and nourished.
I’m making it a priority this year to do simple things, like water coloring, to keep me renewed, grounded, and ready to meet the challenges. Keeping things simple will be the key for me right now. Watching your video reminded me of how simple painting can be. I can fit it into my day anywhere at any time.
Thank you for reminding me that painting is not a luxury but medicine.
Spring always comes. You’ve been the crocuses for me today.
Much love,
Gail Hyatt
Thank you, Dreama! This moment in time was such a delight early on a Saturday morning. Weekends are a time where I usually just focus on catching my breath but today I hope to breath in the joy of creating simple beauty just for pleasure.
Diane! You nailed it–‘to breath in the joy of creating simple beauty just for pleasure.’ That’s the gold 🙂
So peaceful to watch! God’s blessings on your gifts! May your spring be filled with wonder!
Made my day…
Thank you for sharing!
Spring always comes! You’ve helped inspire me to finish
A painting that I’ve been commissioned to do. It a photo of a cat sitting on a table next to a bronze statue of a cat! The problem for me is the client wants it exactly like the photo only bigger and there is no color! I was starting to get depressed! I found myself procrastinating. So now I’ll take myself out side to take some photos of my daffodils that are blooming all over our property and paint me a picture of pure happy yellows and greens. Happiness abounds!!🥰
Sincerely, Terese
A soothing and inspirational video during these concerning times.
Thank you for this beautiful inspiring video. Looking forward to the beauty of spring! Thank you for bringing cheer and joy to our lives.
Thanks for this lovely and peaceful bit of inspriation.
Stay safe my friend
Lovely, thanks!!!
What a lovely little watercolor sketch to brighten the day, especially at this time! Thank you!
Loved your impromptu videos and so needed the bird somg and the beauty!
Thank you💚☘️
Thanks so much for that lovely break. I am inspired. Love and peace to you
Thank you for this inspiration! Nothing up here yet in Minnesota, but might go buy some flowers & work in my journal!
More videos please!
Thank you for bringing such joy to life for us!
You are like a loving ray of warm sunshine😃💗🌻🙏
Precious words and watercolor A breath of Spring
thank you thank you for this demo. It has inspired me on a Winter’s day. I give take out my watercolors today and give this a try. Now I am looking forward to remaining at home today. You are the Spring, Miss Dreama!
I just wanted to drop a note that your presentation made me smile so big 🤗It was a much needed one for I can’t wait for spring and everything it offers! In beauty and in life’s storms❤️❤️
Thank you for doing this free video. It is a lovely thing to do for us while
we are in our homes. I am taking your Paris class and really enjoy watching you paint.
I love this! Thanks for sharing. I think your videos were very well shot. I enjoy spring as well and have some beautiful flowers coming up here. I am inspired to watercolor some of them now. Thanks
This was so up lifting and peaceful. Thank you!!!
Your emails are sweetly genuine and joyful–I look forward to receiving each one. Thankyou so much for sharing
Blessings, Twila Joy Martin
Lovely, inspirational 💖 Thank you!
Thank you for a moment of calmness in the midst of the country and world going through the Coronavirus. I canceled my trip and didn’t drive to Dallas from Northwest AR to be with my young grandchildren for their spring break. We are Skyping each other to laugh and watch each other be silly and we miss each other too
It’s for the best now and I needed a lift in my art space and found this sweet video of you getting excited about spring, lovely
An uplifting peek at artist Dreama’s life…she takes a stroll, sees early-spring purple flowers, then takes us through a visual journey inside her watercolor journal. 🎨
I loved this soft painting. However, I have not been getting your Saturday posts. Please don’t forget me.
I have enjoyed your style of painting
Due to family illness and deaths, I am really behind with my painting but will get caught up.
I am looking forward to your reveal of what you have for us on March 24.
Have a blessed and wonderful day. 😁
Thank you, Dreama, for your lovely videos and creative inspiration. And for reminding us that spring will come again – in our hearts and in the world around us. Love to you!
I live in Montana where spring comes late. One year I got my camera and drove to the country to find the first flowers of spring. I was too early so I sadly dragged myself home where I decided to walk into my front yard. There were the first crocus of spring! I had to laugh.
Thank you for sharing this moment of peace and quiet creativity with us Dear Dreama.
This is so lovely! Thanks Dreama, for such inspiration. It was so enjoyable watching you paint the delicate crocus flowers!
Lovely to see your spring flowers. We in New Zealand are still in late Summer with the feel of autumn on its way. We are not looking forward to winter as the Coronavirus is stalking our South Pacific islands.We will just have to hold onto your quote “spring always comes” and hope for the best😀
Thank you for sharing your watercolor journal today.
Watching you paint those sweet flowers brought me so much comfort. I especially like the message, Spring always comes.💜
THANK YOU FOR SHARING, DREAMA!! What a wonderful email for you to share on what feels like a dark and dreary Saturday!!! Such a nice reminder that there is beauty everywhere. Get our faces away from the media and off of the empty toilet paper and hand sanitizer shelves and open our journals! Spring is coming indeed.💐🌸🌞
Hi again, Dreama and company. I haven’t been active since August when my husband . Marty, had a stroke. It was a very severe stroke, leaving him paralyzed on his left side. He has made little progress due to infections and other complications. He is currently in a nursing home. I, like many others, got the news that visitors are no longer allowed. This is our first day of separation and we are broken hearted. Seven and a half months, and now this! Thanks for the uplifting video when we all need it. Perhaps I will paint again during this hiatus. Heres a favorite quote of mine, feel free to use it. “When your heart breaks, let it break open.” !!! Love, julia
Just beautiful, Dreama. Please tell us about the pallets and paints that you use.
So happy and peaceful! Could you please share the names of the pigments in your watercolor palette?
Thank you for this lovely, hopeful springtime meditation….
Thank you so much for sharing the videos of the wild crocuses and your journal entry. After watching, I found myself relaxed and smiling. Although I’ve lived in Texas for 41 years, I grew up in Ohio, where my mother grew crocuses along the side of one of our porches. We always knew spring was on the way when they’d pop up (even through snow some years). Crocuses look so fragile, but are actually so strong. Thanks again for all you do for the Dreamettes!
Listening to this little video really brought a sense of calm over me. Thank you so much for sharing your gifts!
Thank you so much for sharing a glimpse of Spring in Kentucky, and your beautiful creative interpretation of that moment in time.
Love your journal entry!!
They are not crocuses I believe they are Flox
regardless, very pretty and makes me excited for SPRING!!! Thank you for sharing!!
Love your quote and video. I’m from back East and love to see those crocuses. This is a very uplifting note. I started as a watercolor painter, but quickly learned that I was better at photography. However, now I’m starting the acrylic journey and having loads of fun. Have an inspiring day.
How utterly exquisite and inspiring! God bless you, Dreama!
I really enjoyed watching you paint this entry into your journal. Very inspiring! Thank you! Spring has not arrived here in West Michigan yet, but it won’t be long. There are little green sprouts coming up everywhere in the garden.
Thank you Dreama! Your sharing of your process with the watercolor sketch and the wonderful quotes (both from you and from Hemingway) are just what I needed today! It’s been a crazy week for everyone, I’m sure and we all need some of that inner peace which you are so kind to share. BTW it’s snowing out here in Portland, Oregon! The first real snowfall of the season, not at all normal for us! I’ve been watching it fall this morning and it’s so beautiful and since I know it won’t last, I am just enjoying it’s quiet beauty. Perfect with your sharing of Spring.
This is so relaxing watching you on this video……..miss taking a class with you this year!
What a beautiful spot that you captured: A soft moment with your brush. A favorite color. Quiet peace in a loud world. Your tools gracefully dance on your canvas as an extension of your delightful thoughts. It was lovely to watch and the message was gently received! Thank you for reminding us to hush our minds, hearts & souls and take in the pleasantness around us!
Thank you for this lovely, soothing moment. Please think of sending us more. It’s a reminder that we’re going to be okay.
So calming and beautiful…thank you!! Please do more short videos like this
This is such a touching gift dreama. Like an awakening…like a prayer answered 🙏. More than you know, thank you 🌷🌷🌷
God is good 🌞🌸
Can’t wait to try this! Thank you for your uplifting message of love hope and creativity! #Dreamaon ❤️😘
Painting happiness today…,
Dreama I just learned something this morning that I had been doing wrong, using a pencil instead of a no. 01 pen, it sure makes a it better, and also you do not color everything on the page. Thanks again. Diane O. Lenamon
Thank you so much for sharing this. It brightens my day to see lovely flowers such as these. Your entry in your journal is beautiful as well!
Spring always reminds me that there is hope!
A lovely moment of spring always comes. Watching you paint is so Zen. Thank you for the video. ❤️
Such a beautiful meditation time this morning watching you paint Spring emerging in the South. Will be quite a while before we see these in Northern Michigan. Thank you!
Thank you, Dreama. You are a bright spot, just when it is needed. ❤️
Thank you for sharing this morning. What a nice way to start my day
This is so beautiful and you make it seem so easy! Before the day is over, I hope I can try this! Thank you for you constant support & encouragement…it is inspiring! Janet
Lovely message for today which I really needed- too much sadness and unknowns happening around me. Hemingway is one of my favorite writers- loved the quote!! Thank you.
Thank you, Dreama! Just what I needed today. Opening my watercolors after a long week at work. Yes! Spring always comes. 🙂
Dreama, thank you for always thinking of us! You saw that beauty and then thought of us to share it! xoxoxo!
What a beautiful way to wake up!!
As always beautiful! I love the depth of color on the petals. That’s where I need work. Thank ya!
Thank you Sweet Dreama!! I can’t wait to paint this today😍
Thank you for blessing my morning, Dreama! This is just beautiful! 😊
Loved today’s inspiration and your beautiful spring entry! You’ve inspired me to go out and take a picture of the two tiny daffodils that I noticed yesterday in my garden. Thank you, Dreama, I really loved this video! Happy Spring!
I love watching you paint. Thanks for sharing Dreama! Blessed Day to you.
Spring always comes. Was so uplifting and made my day. I would like to see more water color in journals. Thank you.
Thank You! Watching your video is a great way to start the day!
Dear Dreama,
It was such a pleasure and inspiration to watch you painting in your sketchbook. Spring feels a long way off up here in Canada. I look forward to the first snowdrops and crocuses every spring. Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us. I love your paintings and your words of encouragement. They reflect your warm heart and spirit.
That did it for me. I was captured by what I saw and went to painting in my small leather journal. Thank you for inspiring me.
What a wonderful surprise this morning! Thank you for sharing. The relaxing sweet painting was a joy and inspiration to me this morning!
Nice way to start the morning. It’s like meditation watching you do watercolors. I need to spend some time on it. It has taken a back seat to painting in oils. I must start spending some time doing it. I feel inspired! Thanks Dreama
Thank you Dreama. I attended a workshop you had in Lexington several years ago (maybe one of the last in-person workshops you did), it was my first workshop. 😊Your messages and art continue to fill my life with inspiration and creativity.
Thanks for sharing Dreama! Your always an inspiration! Hope you keep sharing!
This quote from A Moveable Feast is pure deliciousness!
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