7 Aug

Before the Creative Process
Beauty in the Dance
There is beauty in the dance.
Not in a special costume.
Not in the stage.
Not in the audience or size thereof.
But simply in the dance
When hands are raised
And feet move lightly
and one moves as though in a dream
This is where beauty exists.
In the dance.
There is beauty in your creating
Not in how it’s presented
Not in the place it’s shown
Not in the praise or lack thereof bestowed
But simply in the creating.
When hands are raised
And gifts flow
and one moves as though in a dream
This is where beauty exists
In the creating.
I’ve been shucking corn and freezing it to have later this year.
I’ve been dreaming myself to the ocean and visits with my grandson.
I have ‘up’ days
And I have days I’m not the best version of me.
I’m guessing you can relate.
Covid and these strange days of not knowing
usher in chaos, creativity, sureness, confusion, hope
and love
Of which I’m sending so much (love) your way.
The lesser items on that list I will work at kicking to the curb 😉
The ‘Beauty in the Dance’ piece penned above was inspired by this video:
I read somewhere that our mind digests ideas just as our bodies digest food. The video of Madu dancing went down slowly. I saw myself and I saw you, so unaware we were, that the beauty of our gifts is in the moment of unfoldment. Never in the things we concern over. Always arising within the act itself.
A note I made to myself last evening…
Let it go and feel lighter.
So I did.
In that moment decided to drop the weight, knowing I would no doubt pick it up again.
Amazed at the immediacy of the lightness.
We carry so much.
It’s okay to lay it down at times
And feel
How light we really are.
We are Light 🙂
Sending you love and light dear one!

DANCE DANCE WHEREVER YOU MAY BE, I AM THE THE LORD OF THE DANCE SAID HE. Dance was part of my life for many years. I was a director of a worship dance company. I did all of the things in your beautiful writing, but most of the joy came in the practice. We were a free little group whose goal was to show others the freedom you can experience when you let go of all that binds us so tightly and just dance like a child. Many times we had isles full of people dancing of all ages. It was a wonderful spirit led time. However, we never lost sight that we were dancing for an audience of one, and it gave Him pleasure to see His people rejoice. Even though I can no longer dance with the energy of a younger age, lifting my hands in praise and thanksgiving takes me out of myself and into His presence. Your words I will keep with me. They express beautifully what I taught others in workshops we sponsored. Thank you for the memories they brought back to my heart and spirit. Love, Katya
Spirit of love and joy❣️
Thanks for the continuing inspiration 🎨🤗🙏
Your inspiration I saw right now was a joyful happening for me. I am laying my brother to rest tomorrow and due to the virus and my husband with cancer I am not able to fly to Dallas. You made my day.
Much love.
Oh Karen —my heart goes out to you—wishing so much peace for you❤️
So beautiful . Love your inspirations ❤️
Thanks Dreama! The light of the love of God shines through our weaknesses and gifts.
This is what I love about you, Dreama. It’s not about how to put down the brushstrokes or choosing the special colors, although those are important and they set you apart as a teacher. It is really about your kernels of wisdom, the way you speak from the heart, the way you speak to our hearts. No other teacher over the years has ever done that, and that is what art is for me at this point in life, and during these crazy times. Thank you for your gift to us.
Thank you. God bless you. Love your posts.
Good Morning: Your messaged lifted my spirits on this cloudy day in Kentucky. You are a wonderful friend. Much Love.
Thank you! What a great post to start the day!Your words are so inspiring!
Thank you, Dreama I needed to hear this and it was comforting to read. You’re such an inspiration to us all and we appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Sending good vibes to you and Ron.
AS always, you are a light in the darkness for so many—I count myself so very blessed to have the experience with you I’ve had. You consistently underscore the joyous minutiae of Life, giving it a higher visibility for all those who have the privilege of contact with you. You’re sort of a very special lens through which we can see our abilities and goals more clearly. Like your bright, cheerful palette, you are yet another rapture of color we can all appreciate. You give so much, and with such an open heart. I admire & respect you tremendously and will be forever grateful for the uncanny generosity you’ve extended to me. I look forward to being able to participate in your “Postcards to Paris” FB group more soon, and please know I have missed you, so your lovely emails always feel like a special note just to me. 🙂 PLEASE STAY SAFE< wear your mask & be careful! You are a great treasure to so many and we cannot afford to have a person as dear and gifted as you diminished in any way; I pray you are always safe & in comfort and well. We want your sweet light to continue burning brightly. 🙂 I send you my wholehearted and deeply grateful love & respect. Always, Susi Franco
Love your words. Thank you for sharing your insights that are so freeing! You are a special spirit and I’m so glad I found you many years ago. Thanks for the reminders to be kind to self 😊
Loved your message inspired by Madu’s dance. I also thoroughly enjoyed your online painting class in Tuscany. Thank you for sharing so much of your beautiful life and learning. It has made a positive impact on my life.!
Love your beautiful words and sharing the dance.
Lovely thoughts and so beautifully presented. Thanks for sharing. Sending love your way as well.
Thank you so much. I needed than message from you. We just got power back after the storm that hit NJ on Tuesday. And, my 100yr old dad, who has been living alone since Mom passed, can no longer do so. He is fighting my siblings and me tooth and nail. They all live in CA, while I am on the east coast. I will board a plane soon to head out there, I will stay with him 24/7 until we can get him situated., and wear a mask all the time for the first 14 days.
I needed your message desperately. I’m going to be thankful for the 100 years he was allowed his independence. I pray he will learn to be thankful for too, in good times and in bad.
Beautiful poem…thank you Dreama for inspiring me!
What a beautiful piece of prose/poetry you have created, Dream, in this work! It speaks volumes beyond its words, and it brings to the page the beauty of this young man whose dance with his troupe I just first saw a day ago, and posted to share! Creating–birthing something new, in any form–is perhaps the closest we bring ourselves to understanding the power and essence of God. How amazing, isn’t it, to experience this!!
I enjoyed your poem. My artistic reward comes from the dance. Eloquently expressed.
So beautiful, dancing in the rain
Such beautiful words, great inspiration to begin the day.
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