2 Jul

During the Creative Process
I must return…Portofino
Painting is calming. It affords one the means to slip into a place almost as if there. Sometimes, when I allow my mind the space, I find that writing provides me this escape as well. This time both happened…recent painting and a letter of sorts to Portofino….Italy.
My wish is that they do their magic and transport you there too.
I must return. It will not be the same as I will not be the same. And yet we will be all that we were and all that we are now so we will meet each other there. I have carried you in my heart. Your waters, your colors, your beauty nestled among the hills that kiss the sea. Blues that I cannot find with my paint. Somehow, I meet you there, again and again, in my dreams and visions. You know me and I you. Depths of azure blues and cobalt greens hold everything and mesmerize me. I never tire of you. How could I? An elusive mystery that woos me in deeper with each reflection, each glimpse of the skies that magically behold this spectacle day after day. In my heart, in my head, in my eye. I must return to you, my love.

Portofino, 9×12″ Oil
Available in print via Imagekind.com, click to view

Just beautiful, Dreama! So glad I can hear from you here.💙
Love, LOVE! Love!!!❤My dear friend, Dreama, thank you for bringing me such beauty in written word and painting inspiration! Your influence in my life has changed me forever….Lynn
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