13 Aug

Other Musings
Dreams to Sell
If there were dreams to sell, what would you buy?
~ Thomas Lovell Beddoes
I love a good question.
One so rich that the answer is not readily available.
I love it when the question catches me off guard. Doesn’t allow for me to reach for a tried and true ‘safe’ answer. (It means I may be on the trail of discovering something truly good for me.)
I love a question that hints that magic and miracles exist—a question that helps me extricate that possibility from what we often call ‘real life’.
So I’m asking you—If there were dreams to sell, what would YOU buy?
You needn’t answer me.
The important thing for me and you is that we answer — to ourselves. That maybe we become just a little more clear on what our true desires are. More clear on where we feel the richness in our life lives… BECAUSE… these are the things that shape our choices which of course, shape our lives.
P.S. This has been a restorative summer for me. A basket of sorts lined with good reading, painting and writing and topped off with precious family time. I am grateful for every single moment.
Honor yourself, honor your gifts, honor your singular wild and precious life my friend!

Dreams to Sell, 9 x 12 Oil that speaks to the majesty, mystery and magic that the night sky brings.

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