24 Jun

Before the Creative Process
The Beautiful Habit
It’s evening—and I find myself reaching.
Navigating this new way of negotiating the use of my time—looking to make better choices.
My old habit has been to fall prey to the ‘one more thing’ syndrome.
You know….the ‘never put off ’til tomorrow what you can squeeze in today’ type of thinking.
That’s the old me—now offering up the chance to
A) Edit photos of paintings done today
B) Do the video covers for completed painting videos
All before I call it a day.
Because as you know, with this business of life, there is always one more thing you could do. And hey, if you do it now, you might even ‘get a head start on tomorrow’s stuff!’ Right?
But after stepping away from my routine for 6 months (an extended stay in California!) I now see my life and my habits with fresh eyes.
With newfound clarity, I decline the offer from my ‘old self” to do one more thing. And I should add, without even so much as a twinge of remorse!
The new me realizes it’s not time to work.
It’s time to do
beautiful things.
Like read ‘Almost French’—a true-life novel set in Paris
Or spend time dreaming
my dreams.
Take a spin on my bicycle while imagining I’m riding through a small French village.
Look through photo-rich books that inspire.
Take a meandering walk.
Maybe call a sister or a friend.
I continue in the pause
thinking of non-work things. It has taken longer than I’d like to come up with a ‘list’ of deliciously beautiful options. I’m admittedly not in the habit. Can you relate??
I find it curious how quickly a mind can fill a TO DO list with responsibilities and work.
And yet how slowly it is to arrive with a list of what it’s longing to do.
I sat thinking about these things for a long while. Long enough to realize that at this moment, what I really wanted to do was to write.
And the act of reaching for the beauty yielded a deep sense of satisfaction.
My time away from home here in Paris (6 months gone to California) is still working its magic on me, challenging me to do things differently.
And with every new choice, I am feeling reborn.
I remind myself that there is time for both the work and the beauty.
And that the beauty carries over into the work.
Sending much love and beauty to you today!

Pots with a View
Watercolor Journal—This is a painting we did in Flow Membership. It’s a scene from Volpaia, one of the sweet hilltop villages of Tuscany!
P.S. I have a little challenge for you today—take a piece of paper and jot down a TO DO list of simple beauties. Pick one and do it before the day is done. Let me know how it goes by leaving a comment below 🙂

Hello Dreama, I always enjoy your mail. Thank you for the encouragement. I dusted off my bicycle and enjoyed riding it again! Pat
I’m allowing myself to sit and absorb the sounds of the waterfall in my pond beside my back porch ~ this sound always brings me joy and I’m allowing myself to immerse myself in more joy every day
Have you seen the Hallmark movie “Her Pen Pal”, filmed in Paris! You would love it!!!
This post so resonates with me as I begin a new chapter in my life. I’ve dipped my toes into pondering about the things you are writing of and you are inspiring me to do much more than ponder. It is inspiring me to start a similar list of “fun” activities vs. things to do. Thank you! Joanne
Thank you for your post today. I wanted to take you up on your challenge today, but I’ve been sick and don’t have the energy. I barely able to write this. So many times I see your name in my inbox, and I don’t have time to read it. Why? Because normally I have the strength to get “one more thing in”. But today I don’t. And I read your post. And it gave me immense comfort. Human to human, being to being. I don’t know if you’ve ever seen Outlander, the Starz TV series. While I’ve been sick I did some TV binging and watched series 6 episodes which I haven’t take time to watch because I was busy getting one more thing done. It just struck me, you are like Claire, the heroine. I know you can’t always be strong, but so often you are. I know you have a journey just like we do, and you seek answers and comfort yourself. You also give answers and comfort. And today you gave me the answers and comfort I needed. I hope some day, I can return the favor. Thank you, with all my hear.t
It is evening, and I have chosen to sit on our screened porch overlooking the garden and just be
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