5 Aug

Other Musings
Unspoken But So Well Said
Sometimes what is unsaid is richer than any actual words one could speak.
This ‘unspokeness’ exists in everything. (I am continually in awe of how this is replicated, over and over, in what surrounds us.)
A melody that requires the absence of notes (aptly called rests) to form the music. The ‘unplayed’ parts are as relevant as the notes themselves.
Times we recall when the silence with one we loved was more precious than any conversation we could have had. The ‘unspokeness’ said it all.
From a star-filled night to the miraculous newborn—we find that we are speechless—and it is pure gold.
These unspoken things, these quiet passages, these moments where words fail us…
Well, they are as needed as the going, the doing, and the making that one oft feels compelled to do.
It’s not only okay; it’s a powerful choice to allow oneself to be fully present for the beauty of the unspoken.
The unsaid things, the rests, and the quiet places are part of our lives.
They are unspoken but so well said with never a word exchanged.
Maybe it’s gratitude in those moments that stills our tongues.
Maybe it’s the glimpse of eternity that causes the words to catch in our throat.
Whatever it is, it goes straight to the heart of who we are and the knowledge that there is vastly more to this story than we know.
It ushers in an almighty peace.
Life talks to us in a thousand different ways in a thousand different voices.
And sometimes it says nothing at all, which may be the best of all.

Everyday Beauty
12 x 12in oil on museum quality panel
P.S. Just so you know, I love to write to you. I love to paint. I love sharing both. The older I get (yes, I just had another birthday!), the more I realize that being of service, figuring out ways to show love, are the things that really matter.
You matter to me and I hope good things for you in all ways!

Your written words are just as beautiful as your paintings. I find myself more silent these days because of Covid, health issues, and friends passing on towards heaven. I have not painted in a few years. Miss my creative self. I needed to read your words today. Thank you so much 🙂
This really “speaks” to me:the written and painted delivers blissful rest.
Beautilly said!!! Thank you!
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