9 Jun

Dreams to Sell - Dreama Tolle Perry - https://dreamatolleperry.com/

Other Musings

Believe with all your heart in your gifts

If you read my last letter, just skip to the Love Letter below! If not, keep reading to know why you’re getting a love letter from me. If you’ve been following me for a while, you won’t be surprised to know that I share things from my writing journals. Often times things that I’ve written to myself end up being something that reveals some truths. And truth is universal, so I end up sharing them with you.

That’s why I am sending you love letters! If you’re just now reading these, please know the others are up the site beginning with Love Letter 1.

These are lifted from the letters I wrote to myself back in 2019. I had little to no objectivity on them at the time. They were just something I felt like doing, so I did.

I came across them today while sorting things in my office. As often happens when supposedly working, I ended up flopping in a chair reading.

And I found myself stirred by the letters and felt that they weren’t just written for me.

Love Letter 2

I love you always. When you feel unfocused, I love you.
When you feel behind, I love you.
Because, dear love, these things you worry over are not you. Appearing as real, they have nothing to do with you, your vision, your time here. You are amazing—carefree, free like a child, full to the brim with promise and creativity. You have every resource of the Universe at your fingertips to lead with. Expect the good.
Believe with all you heart in your gifts. Whatever you set your heart to (and you can pick many things) it is already yours. You are perfect as you are. Banish the thoughts of needing to improve. Would you look at the starry night and think of ways to improve upon it? Look at yourself as the night sky—with awe and wonder and love.

‘Everyone should carefully observe which way his heart draws him, and then choose that way with all his strength.’
Hasidic Saying

Dreams to Sell - Dreama Tolle Perry - https://dreamatolleperry.com/

Dreams to Sell
9 x 12 oil on panel

P.S. Risky business. This thing of writing and sending it out. If I let fear stop me, you have no idea how many missives of mine would have never seen the light of day. I don’t get it right always—maybe only a very small percentage of the time. But I believe in following my heart which often seems to involve…taking chances. That is life. If this letter resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you—you can leave a comment just below.

P.P.S. You may be feeling inspired to do this for yourself. You know, get quiet and write a letter to YOU. It’s your higher self speaking to your regular old self. It knows so much more and finds it very easy to fall in love with …YOU!

Dreama Tolle Perry Log
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    Read more conversations
  1. Sharmila

    Beautifully written, Dreama! It’s just spot on!
    Sending love,

  2. Celia Orona

    Hello Dreama,
    Thanks for all your encouraging messages. I like the painting of moon and stars. Do you have prints available?

  3. I cannot believe – well, I can, actually – the amazing timing of this Love Letter. It was filled with exactly the words I needed. It was as if it were written expressly for me. Thank you. Much love and joy to you, always.

  4. Ka

    Thank you so much Dreama for sharing these encouraging love letters to self. This #2 is the first one I’ve just read and it’s arrived at the right time I needed reassurance. I absolutely loved it!
    I am looming forward to one day soon become your student. Until then, keep happy, keep smiling, and continue sharing the beauty and joy. God bless.

  5. Lane Witthoefft

    Dreama, you always seem to hit me right between the eyes!! I have really been in a “dry spell” for about six months and can’t seem to figure out which way to go. Do I draw with graphite again, which I loved, but stopped because I was craving “your kind of color” and the way you paint. My drawings are very detailed and I wanted to paint looser. Or do I try watercolor? Each time I sit down to paint I draw a blank (maybe emotionally) and can’t seem to get that brush filled with paint and just do it. Am I the only person that has experienced this? Anyway, thank you, again, for your words of love and encouragement. I miss the joy it brought me.

  6. Shelia hucks

    Beautiful words that I need to read, Dreama. Thank you so much for your constant encouragement.


    Thank you, Dreama, for sharing these words of kindness and self-love. It’s exactly what I need to tell myself right now. I submitted some of my art/photography in two local art festivals recently, and wasn’t selected for either. It’s difficult not to feel “not good enough,” after experiencing rejection. BUT, I can see the beauty in my creations. So, I’ll continue creating and trying.

  8. Ruth Ficken

    Thank you Dreama, Once again the perfect message at just the right moment. Staying focused and feeling behind are the two most defeating things that make me want to stop painting. Your words of encouragement truly help push those monsters out of the studio and allow me to refocus and continue on. Thank you , your words make a difference 💕

  9. Diane Saulnier

    I can’t afford to take your classes, but I really do enjoy reading your letters. I am working at getting out of a painting funk. I was sick a lot this late winter and early spring, and I seem to have lost my desire to paint. I was not seriously sick….thankfully…but sick enough to deter my desire to paint. Since I have stuff in galleries, there is a certain amount that I have to do, but I want to paint something, just for me….and I am not there yet. I really appreciate your moral boosters.

  10. CherYl Mueller

    Thank you for sending this. It was something that spoke to me and I needed to read this morning. Merci beaucoup!

  11. Elaine

    Thanks Dreamer just what I needed totay

  12. Rita

    Thanks Dreama. Their are strong points in having goals and motivation to accomplish those. We also have the problem of guilt sometimes, that what I give today is enough. This writing above reminds me that All is Well and what I give today IS enough.

  13. DIANE

    Thank you for your love letters they are beautiful.
    I am always uplifted and comforted by them.
    You and your lovely paintings are inspirational!
    ” In a World of endless Questions Love is the only Answer.”
    I wish you much Joy.

  14. Christine D

    You have no idea ( or hopefully you do) how much much your writing touch me and others. They always seem to arrive just when I need them.
    From my heart, thank you🥰

  15. Amanda

    What a lovely letter. And the perfect reminder to let ourselves be conscious of how our higher self feels about us…..and for us. Thanks again!

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