23 Jun

Other Musings
Hidden among the pages of your life…
If you read my last letter, just skip to the Love Letter below! If not, keep reading to know why you’re getting a love letter from me.
If you’ve been following me for a while, you won’t be surprised to know that I share things from my writing journals. Often times things that I’ve written to myself end up being something that reveals some truths. And truth is universal, so I end up sharing them with you.
That’s why I am sending you love letters! If you’re just now reading these, please know the others are on the site:
These are lifted from the letters I wrote to myself back in 2019. I had little to no objectivity on them at the time. They were just something I felt like doing, so I did.
I came across them today while sorting things in my office. As often happens when supposedly working, I ended up flopping in a chair reading.
And I found myself stirred by the letters and felt that they weren’t just written for me.
Love Letter 3
You were quiet this morning. And you were listening. You fear that words will not find their way into your hand, your pen, your page.
Ahh little one of mine—you cannot escape them. They cling to you like burrs from brush-filled paths. They clamor about you, greedy for your attention—excited to line themselves in profound thought. They lie awake at night hoping to enter as you sleep. They are hidden among the pages of your life—your LIFE.
Stay present, be grateful and love.
Love on yourself with delicious words and thoughts. Over and over, speak kindness to you. I love you. I love you even when you struggle to love yourself.
Say it out loud—I am loved.
Whatever our souls are made of, yours and mine are the same.
~ Emily Bronte

Paris Reds
12 x 12in oil on museum quality panel
a tutorial from Flow, my monthly creative membership
P.S. Risky business. This thing of writing and sending it out. If I let fear stop me, you have no idea how many missives of mine would have never seen the light of day. I don’t get it right always—maybe only a very small percentage of the time. But I believe in following my heart which often seems to involve…taking chances. That is life. If this letter resonates with you, I’d love to hear from you—you can leave a comment just below.
P.P.S. You may be feeling inspired to do this for yourself. You know, get quiet and write a letter to YOU. It’s your higher self speaking to your regular old self. It knows so much more and finds it very easy to fall in love with …YOU!

But words are all I have – and profound ones too. They speak to me and I say them in my mind – words that comprise my aspirations, my hopes, my reality, my fears. They just have to find their way onto paper now.
Thank you!
I really enjoy your little ramblings!
Dear Dreama,
You have touched my heart with your love letters most recently and I wanted to say, Thank you! How often I forget the transformative power love has on the human spirit. If I don’t catch the early light, the day just seems to tumble along and I seem to tumble through it instead of pausing, breathing deeply, allowing the love of the Master Artist to love me in all His goodness and capture the unique expression of love within me to enjoy and perhaps share. Sometimes I kind of pontificate and I don’t want that to be the case here. I just want to say thank you for your heart of Love for each and every one of us in FLOW. May we all thrive and grow beyond our wildest expection and share in the joy of flowing with you!
Very grateful,
Diane Flanagan
PS I just listened to the video and read your love note in ‘Surprise and Delight, June 24’. It moved me very much. Pressing on…
I am lifted by your Love Letters, all of them…but this one is especially soft, peaceful, love filled. I am loved. You are loved. All your followers and those are not, are loved. I am grateful to have traveled a bit of my art path with you.
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