5 Sep

“Cartolina #2”
I know you will sleep very well tonight 🙂
Thought we’d better grab some fresh fruit to take back to the house with us….just in case we get hungry in the middle of the night;))–they say it’s good for the palette. Or is that palate ??
If an entire porch was built around said pot, I guess that would qualify it for being even prettier;)))
So tomorrow we head to….Pisa? Maybe?? Or how about we visit some of the small towns that are hanging out on all these Tuscan hills?
So many places of beauty to take in—-whatever shall we choose???
Maybe you should just sleep on it, take two gelatos and call me in the morning;))
And now for today’s winner of the Cartolina #2….
The winner is:
Vicki Brevell!!!!!! Bellissimo Vicki!!!
Congrats Vicki–be sure and email me your snail mail address so I can get your postcard in the mail while here in Italy:)))
I cannot even begin to tell you how much JOY it brings me to be able to give these away.
Wish I could do more while I am here. Probably should just extend my stay in order to do more postcards—I mean, no sacrifice is too great when it comes to giving away a petite original watercolor AND living in Italy;)))
Your comments and emails are SO MUCH FUN!! –you make me laugh out loud:)))!
Thanks so much for making this a hundredfold more fun!!
Get your name in the hat for the drawing of the next one:)) Just leave one of your witty, fun loving, sharing, insightful comments on my blog (click here) or email me (click here) on today’s post and you will have your name in the hat for tomorrow’s drawing:)))
P.S. My intention is to post and draw every day for a winner. If for any reason a post would fail to appear—not to worry. I’ll be back online ASAP:))–Italian Internet has been good to me so far;))
To reply to this post, email Dreama at:

Told ya Eddie was pouting.
Congrats to Vicki. I know you’re gonna love that postcard. Thanks for posting so many fab pics. Can’t wait to see them all in paint. Eat some gelato for me and keep having a blast.
Beautiful posts! Have a great time,
Jaquelin Perry
Beautiful posts! Have a great time,
jaquelin Perry
Love the umbrellas! I remember sketching from an Italian doorway in the rain!
Dreama , you have managed to send it all-the very essence of Italy–that’s amore!
How I long to win one of your magical postcards!
Have fun.
If pots could talk…I wonder how old it is and the fun tales it could tell with a view of the balcony and street!
Hello Dreama ~
Love, love all your photos AND esp. the watercolor postcard !!! You are an inspiration indeed.
Julie Reagan
Dreama, you have managed to send it all-the essence of Italy–that’s amore!
How I long to win one of your magical postcards.
Have fun!
There is nothing as touching as beautiful scenes that inspire you, and a beautiful friend that shares her inspirations.
May God contiue to bless you Dreama!!!
Dreama, you’re bringing back wonderful memories of my trips to Italy. Have a wonderful day.
Those rainy day photos are fabulous!!! When it rains you COULD stay in and paint … or do other amusing things… It IS Italy, after all… Land of beauty and romance.
Ciao bella!
Hi,Dreama. I love your work. My Waatercolor Society is a group of 6. Our challenge is to do 5 large canvasses of any watermedia using the Old Masters as what we call, Messing with the Ole Masters.We can use their color,style,subject etc. During my painting session ,I fell and ended up with some bruises, so as a joke I E-mail my group that I had been having fun with the Old Masters, but now I am Sleeping with BEN GAY,
Ilove yor humor. Happy painting, Estelle Howard.
Close my eyes s and I am there…open them, and I want to see a beautiful painted postcard iny mailbox… As if by magic!
Rain adds dimension rather than dampening your spirits Dreama. I love it! Jean
Your postcards and pictures are so inviting! Wish I could be there to enjoy the sights, sounds and gelato! Sigh…
Hi…Love knowing the towns you are visiting…wasn’t the window light reflections great on the stone road? Great #2 postcard. Joni Leaf
You make my day with your postings. The countryside and towns re soooo beautiful. Hope I win a postcard. Phyllis Elliott
Still pretty darn ticked about the gelato and you just keep bringing it up…..in different flavors, no less. Love the postcards…and pics (she said grudgingly). Loving it all!!
Hi, Dreama,
Your post today made me think of a guest-room card we saw at Hotel Coronado in San Diego:
“Seek inspiration, but see also if you can inspire others along the way.”
Your blog is one of the highlights of my day – and that’s the truth! I, too, have an Eddie (her name is Xena, the warrior princess). She supervises most of my daily schedule, and occasionally paper punches something if I am not listening attentively to her critique. I travel (vicariously) with you — Your sense of humor is a joy to behold —
Safe travels from Karen, deep in the heart of Texas
I love all the bright umbrellas on a rainy day. I always choose my red raincoat or my hot pink daisy umbrella to cheer me up on a gloomy day.
I love all the bright colors of the umbrellas for a rainy day. My red raincoat or hot pink daisy umbrella always cheer me up on a gloomy day.
I was doing just fine hearing about the gelato, but then seeing the picture of the wine, bread and olive oil…..to say nothing of the lasagna…..well now, I’m salivating on my keyboard and wishing more than ever that I was there with you!!!! And those amazing scenes of the winding streets in the rain!! Paintings waiting to happen, no? Thanks for including us Dreama. Ciao Bella
and please, oh please, paint that scene of the colorful umbrellas!
Another beautiful cartolina! Congratulations to you, Vicki!
So many – if not ALL – of these photos you’ve taken are potentially perfect subjects and scenes to paint. But then, all of Italy is like that, as I know you’ll agree.
When we visited Italy (too many years ago now, which is why I need to go back – soon!) it was October, and it was raining pretty much every day. A few tourists could be heard complaining about it, and wishing it were/could be sunny. But most of them – us included – didn’t mind the rain one little bit. It just somehow added to the magic. Especially when we were in Venice. There is a magic in Italy that is there at any time of the year, in any type of weather.
While I’m hoping I’ll be one of the lucky winners of your beautiful postalinos, even if that’s not to be, hearing from you every day you’re there, and seeing so much of the beauty that is Italy through your eyes, your words, your camera lens and your paintings and postcards brings its own joy to my day.
Thanks for sharing, Dreama. Enjoy Pisa tomorrow, if you’re going there, as well as all the beautiful little towns and villages and streets and markets and cafes and trattorias along the way.
Hi Dreama, so great of you to give away your lovely postcards! Siena looks so beautiful…enjoy!
Could it be any more heavenly – all that beautiful countryside and an art store and lasagna? Thanks for the lovely photos!
Ciao Bella,
I was in Sienna in 2001 and this brings back many fond memories…….it looks the same! Grazi,
Jo Ann Simon
Dreama & The Eddies, So enjoy your blog and feel I deserve to win one of your originals, since I too try and do a watercolour a day while trying to juggle my duties as “Cat Staff” to my Possum, (a 7 yeaar old tabby; no she’s not really a possum!) I want to go to Italy..and Portugal, and France….so I do so vicariously through you. Love your blog Dreama, and especially enjoy your ridiculous sense of humour. Hugs from Medicine Hat, Gena LaCoste
Hi, Dreama,
I’ve always heard Siena is beautiful. Thanks for letting me know. Gayle
Be still my beating heart! So much beauty in one place is just too much for one to take! Even in the rain the vibrant colors sing. Everywhere you look I can see a painting….so many paintings to paint…so little time! Unless you find that perfect little nest to buy and ship the Eddie’s over, first class of course!!! Ciao Bella!
Love those photos. Italy is beautiful, even in the rain!
I so enjoy taking my short visit with you on you travels. Every description sparks beautiful memories and I find myself with a smile on my face! Your paintings are so colorful and expressive … I have just the spot to highlight one of your gorgeous postcards!
Wouldn’t you love to know the story behind the balcony built around that pot? It is so intriguing. Enjoying your photos and descriptions of Italy.
I looooove your photos. They are wonderful. I am especially enamored by the clay pot. The shadows on the pot are very dramatic. I also love the textured walls. Have a great time and thanks again for sharing.
It was such a surprise to see my name listed as the winner of your beautiful postcard. The first thing I do every morning is look at your latest painting for inspiration. Today I’m thrilled and inspired! Thanks so much. Vicki
Dear Eddie Bill,
Abby Cat says thank you for your quick reply. However, she is surprised that you insist on bringing along that little French one who recently moved in with you. Abby Cat said “Texas is big but not THAT big! It’s up to EB; the French one or me!”
Adele Bower (For Abby Cat)
Houston, Texas
Love your postcards and photos of Italy. Look forward to seeing them each day. Enjoy!
Dreama, your posts are like the best appi-teasers, ever. Already very worried about the gelato issue! Three more sleep then molto bella Italia. Bellisima!.
To paraphrase…I think you must be “swinging on a star…sending Italian moonbeams home from afar!” Si! Would love to receive one of your beautiful cards!!!!
Each postcard is beautiful !!!
Ahh . . .Siena, the scene of one my biggest marital fights! But that is another story that ended well. The photo of Siena with umbrellas is terrific. I need this postal to remind me of LOVE in Italy 😉
Italy is beautiful, rain or not. Your postcards are so fresh and colourful. I am looking forward to seeing where you go next.
I wondered if your were a pistachio girl and ventured away from chocolate a time or two. Next time get them both in the same cup!
How beautiful is Sienna in the rain! Especially love the shot with the umbrellas–nature imitating art, Dreama’s art.
The only thing better than PISTACHIO GELATO (to me) is that there is an ART SUPPLY STORE!
Today is my day to win the Cartolina….please! Know you are having fun on your trip – we are having fun following you all over. Cheers!
And the only thing better than PISTACHIO gelato (to me) is that there is an ART SUPPLY STORE right there!
Oh Dreama, I love your Daily Paintings and notes. I admire your energy and your photographs take me away from my keyboard for wonderfully indulgent moments every morning. (And the umbrellas DO add splashes of color!) I won a coveted postcard from France, not looking to win today, just looking to say “thank you”! See you next year in BOSTON! xoxo Pat
I’m enjoying Italy vicariously through your lovely photos and gorgeous paintings.
I will be in Tuscany in April. My first time in Italy and I cant wail to see what you are seeing,
Singing in the rain in Siena. Life doesn’t get much better than that, does it? Unless of course you are an artist in colorful Italy! Love your watercolors – Grazie!
I will be in Tuscany April next year. Cant wait to see what your seeing.
Cannot wait to see your paintings from this journey
Every photo posted is a wonderful postcard! Going to have a glass of wine tonight and pretend I’m walking in the rain and stopping by the art supply. I hope heaven is like this! Thank you!
Such beautiful sights. A wonderful way to start the day seeing all of the beauty of Italy.
Love your postcards. Wish I was witty!
So much inspiration! How do you choose? Where to go, what to eat and most important what to paint????? Your postcards are beautiful. Who wouldn’t love one or two or three or…..
I could smell the aroma as the grapes settled down in your apt, tempting anyone who walked by. I could smell the rain on the stone lane in Siena – what a beautiful photo!
Cartolina #2 is beautiful – love the looseness. Your watercolors amaze me. Have a most wonderful day!
Wonder which came first…the pot or the wall? Chicken or egg? Pot or wall? Whichever it was, it is very clever. Seems like a good scene to paint!
Thanks for sharing!
I sure hope I see the house built around a pot in a painting some time soon. That is awesome!
Your multitasking is very very impressive! I have tried to eat , drink and paint at the same time but I am just all thumbs and end up eating a lot of paint and getting crumbs all over the painting. You are my hero!
I assume you don’t get sickly from the foreign water, ‘cuz you hit the ground running.
There are some great future paintings in your pictures…can’t wait to see what you do with them!
Loving the photo journey! The rain soaked colors are just as beautiful as the sunny days…it truly is funny…something about this summer has made me fall madly in love with rainy days! And I am an all sun or nothing kind of gal, as in solar powered. But not this summer, now, the more rain, the more energy! I am glad that you didn’t find a rain soaked kitty, that would have been sad. Enjoy your trip, and keep us all posted! 😀
c.paints [at] yahoo [dot] com
Your work is so inspiring. I love the photos and your sense of adventure too! I miss Europe and can’t wait to go back.
thank you for sharing all the delightful color you are experiencing in italy! reading your post has made a gorgeous start to my morning.
Your photos remind me of my trip to Italy, which is too many years ago now. I need to return. I hope you are having a wonderful time there, paint away!
Love how you love life! And thanks for sharing!
I just love it when you take us all along on your trips to Italy.:) Thank you for sharing the fun, food and wonder! Beautiful!
Eddie has a friend in Pietrasanta. Take the train or park at the train station. Go through the main gate and stop at Michaelangeo’s for cappuchino, wander some of the marble yards at the edges of the city and see the artisans working in their paper hats. (Follow the hammering sounds.) Check out the marble museum. Visit the church in the square for the centuries old wet fish in the baptismal font, see the Botero sculpture by the police station. (don’t ask me how I know where THAT is!) Stop for a gelato on the corner, and Eddie tells me, don’t look for him, but is friend will find you.
My favorite photo: the luscious fruit, just wish i was there sharing with you. Hope its il mio nome . arrivederci mia cara. Teresa
I love Tuscany —— Siena is a beautiful hill town as are Lucca and San Gimignano. Of course, nothing can top The beauty and charm of Firenze!!!! Enjoy everything, eat lots of gelato and keep the postcards coming!!!!
Hmm… Something witty…? Um….. Nope – I have nothing! That’s because I’m at work – not painting, but in my ordinary day job, at a desk, drinking coffee to ensure my heart doesn’t stop beating from being so mind-numbingly booooooooooooooooorrrrred!!! Still, now I have managed to sneak a peak at bloggyland I feel a whole lot more uplifted. I might even do some work to celebrate! Yes – I’m inspired! And Tuscany is one place I most certainly want to go and visit/paint… Oh I want to be there! I LOVE your postcards! They are a delight! :0)
I love how you squeeze so much joy into you day it has to bubble over and cover all of us with smiles as well. Love your photos, you’ve got a great eye, or is that ‘I’ as in phone? must get Iphone must get Iphone….
please take pity, I’m not witty! Ha, I would love to receive a Dreama postcard from YOU my friend. The umbrella scene is just waiting to become a Dreama original
this is not witty, so please take pity………..pick me cause I love all of your paintings. The photograph with the colorful umbrellas is just waiting for you to paint it.
Loving your travel log – that would be a chocolat one I suppose. Careful or the seat belt on the plane won’t fit when you come home. P.S. A Cartolina would be swell.
Dreama, I love all these photos! Love the shuttered window and terracotta pot and the brellies in the rain AND the fruit! What a beautiful place!
wow, beautiful pictures. Thanks for sharing Dreama, keep them coming.
Awwww…much love & envy to you:) Just beautiful as always & envious of all your beautiful trips to France & Italy..but somebody’s got to do it!! Just keep them rolling as they are always amazing!
Awwww I so envy you. Always getting to go to France & Italy & beyond that being able to paint like you do:) Keep them coming beautiful talented lady. Love, love, love them.
Now I have something to “dreamabout” tonight!
Viva Italia!!!
Dreama, thanks for “taking us along” on your trip. You have such a gift for description. I can almost taste the gelato. And I truly believe you would have had to drag me kicking and screaming out of that art store.
Dreama, you are so good at making us feel like we’re there with you. Thanks for including us on your trip to Italy. I can almost taste the gelatto.
Dreama, your photos are fabulous as well as your paintings. So now you’re in Siena on your way to Cortona, or were you already in Cortona??? I’m so confused about your itinerary – you’re up and down and everywhere. Have a fantastic time. I’m looking forward to seeing where you are tomorrow!!! Caio bella.
Gorgeous!!! Have fun!!
Such beautiful, color-saturated photos! Does the fresh fruit taste better in Italy? It sure looks like it does. Eating and painting your way through Italy–my kinda traveling. 😉
How do you choose what to paint each day? So many beautiful and inspiring ideas begging to be painted. Maybe Eddie and Phyllis can help you decide what to paint tomorrow!
Wow! Dreama!! I see beautiful paintings in your future!! These photos are gorgeous. Have fun!!!
These pics are so beautiful, but seriously what did it for me is the melancholy babies. Can’t. Stop. Laughing!! 🙂
Cartolina #2 is magical! yeaaaa for Vicki!!
Enjoying the trip and so ready for tomorrow… whether it be Pisa or small towns.
Can’t wait to see what splashes of color you put on those umbrellas in the rain!
It is gorgeous there, even in the rain. Glad that you are having a great time! Can’t wait to see the next postcard:)
Just reading about and seeing all the wonders of Italy from your perspective, I feel like I’ve already won! Of course I’d still love a post card, (I’m no fool!), but I’m trying to learn from them so that I can create a travel journal when I travel. Can’t wait for your next update!! Ciao!!
Love the postcards! Love the colorfu lumbrellas! Love all your postings and photos! Have a wonderful time and keep your strength up with a daily dose of gelato!
Nope nothing today
Thank you for the wonderful tour today! Wow! How cool do those umbrellas look on that beautiful wet street!?!? But gosh I love that terra cottage pot with the porch built around it!!! So many sight and so little time……you definitely need to stay longer in order to take it all in….and just perhaps send out an extra postcard or two 🙂 enjoy! Monica Avila
I love your paintings, and I want to win one of your postcards! Gloria `M“
Love that pot “IN” the patio! Have a lovely time in Italy!
Love that pot “IN” the patio!! Have fun in Italy!
As a Photog I agree love the umbrellas on “river” street!!
I used Google translate, English to Italian “hillbilly” is still “hillbilly” with a slight accent. Very disappointing:(
From one hillbilly to another keep sending the inspirations!
I wanna be there, too! Bellisimo!!!! So happy you are having such fun.
I wanna be there, too! Bellisimo!!!! So happy you are having such fun.
Love the photos and stories…keep ’em coming! xxxooo -L
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