4 Sep

“Cartolina #1”
Did I mention that “our home”, No.8 La Campana,
in an unbelievable coincidence — just happens to have a gelato place NEXT DOOR??
“Gelato Time”
Cartolina #1
It seemed an obvious selection for my first watercolor postcard:))
I felt in order to do my best work, total immersion in my subject was necessary.
Cioccolato (chocolate) gelato = immersion
With ten days to go, we are just getting rolling:)) The winner’s name is at the end of this post, but first a word from my sponsor
Hmm. On second thought, let’s just move on along to more images of Italy…..
A funny thing happened on the way to Cortona….
Amid the centuries old arches of Castiglion Fiorentino
I peered through and below to spy…
Cat On a Hot Tile Roof:))
It was a proud moment for Ed when I reported what I’d seen:))
Remember the movie “Under the Tuscan Sun” and how it made you feel about Italy?
Well, Cortona is THE town that inspired it all!
With absolutely breath-taking views, it sits perched high above the valley below.
Filled with the soft golds and oranges of Tuscany
(I thought we should have lunch at the place under the big umbrellas, I hear it’s REALLY good:)))
It’s truly a place of romance and light!
I thought we might pick us out some furnishings for our place from this little shop below…love those shabby chic stands:)
And what would Tuscany be without sunflowers:))!
It has added an extra layer of JOY to know that I can spread the beauty that is Italy by mailing a few of my original watercolor postcards (cartolina in Italian)!!
Today in Cortona I purchased some envelopes and REALLY cute paper to wrap each one in before mailing:)))))
I will be selecting a winner each day while I am here in Italy:))) If you’d like to have your name in the old cappella —just let me know by way of leaving a comment on my blog (click here), sending an email to Eddie or me (click here), or dropping by the house in Panzano on your way to Florence;))
A new name will be drawn each day from that day’s comments/replies:))!
I am glad we are on this trip together:)) 9 more days of traveling through Italy:))!! The comments are so enjoyable to read each evening–thanks to each of you for sharing your humor and insights!! And now for the drawing…..
The winner of the Cartolina #1 is…..
Mary Kosary from Venice, Florida—Yeah Mary!!!
(Mary, email me your snail mail address ASAP so I can get your original watercolor postcard in the mail.)
Tomorrow we go to….well, maybe a vineyard, maybe the old town square for some painting time.
It’s a brand new day in Italy. Enjoy:))!
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Sounds like you are having a wonderful time. Wish I was there…but a postcard would be a wonderful substitute!
Donna Clawson
Sitting down with my cappuccino to check your post…loving all the photos and your descriptions, smling, checking for the winner….and… as the Margaret Mitchell quoate goes,”after all,tomorrow is another day”
Here’s to la dolce vida! And 9 more days of it…lucky girl!
Total immersion in a cup of gelato speaks volumes to me. So does your wonderful watercolor! It’s fun to live vicariously through your photos and paintings. Have fun!
Ooh! Ooh! A postcard, please! 🙂
There seems to be a problem with the gelato…you are not getting your money’s worth, only half a serving??? They say pictures don’t lie!
Love the photos.
I love the photos of Italy Dreama. I can’t wait to see your great works of art. So inspiring.
Hi Dreama,
I’m so happy you’re in Italy and groovin’ in Cortona. Try to get up to St Francis’ monastery at the top of the town..very cool… and I love your postcard image, the whole cat-and-kaboodle! Hugs,
You are enjoying the Italian tri-fecta – Wine, Gelato and Pastries with an espresso! I shared your daily blog with all my art friends who went to Italy last year and we are all homesick for that incredible Tuscan glow. Thanks to you, we are planning to go back, so we are all following your
trip closely!
Chris Bart
I commented too late yesterday! But I am loving your photos from Italy, so beautiful.
Such a joy to travel with you. Obviously Italy has to go on my list. Looking forward to more postcards and photos.
Dreama I love it when you travel:)) If you can’t take us with you I guess getting a gorgeous watercolor postcard is the next best thing:))) I would love to add a little postcard to my collection:)
So beautiful. All of it. Especially your generosity. What a first-day first postcard you’ve created. Congratulations to Mary of Venice!
So much to take in, to admire, to enjoy, to fall in love with, to dream about, to paint…and to eat! I wish all of this for you, Dreama, during your Italian holiday.
Thanks so much for taking us there with you, and sharing all the beauty, all the joy, all the colour, all the fun and adventure that is Italy. Can’t wait to see where you’re taking us to tomorrow!
Love all those beautiful golden colors, and love “Under the Tuscan Sun,” and of course, a postcard from Dreama.
Lucky Mary!!! ~Pick my name next. =}
Can’t wait to see what this watercolor looks like!! Inspiring to say the least!!
Love Italy and love your posts. Have a great trip!
Love Italy and your posts. Have a great trip!
Love Italy and your posts. Please put my name in the hat!
Italy. One of my dream destinations. Wish I were with you.
Love your paintings and photos.
Love your paintings and photos.
love your first postcard. Joni Leaf
love your first postcard. Joni Leaf
love your first postcard. Joni Leaf
I looooooove Italy,thank you for sending your picture.Mayme whant to have Pasta for dinner and gelato for dessert.Ciao cara Dreama,enjoy yourself.
what a great picture,I love Italy my favor country of Europe .I think I will have pasta a la Puttanesca, and gelato for dessert.Ciao,Cara Dreama.
Hello!! Have some gelato for me as well 🙂 love it that you share lots of pics! KK
Love following you in your travels! Thank you for sharing Tuscany and it’s beautiful surroundings with us.
I’d love to paint your picture of Cortona from high above the valley floor. It is soooo serene.
Hi Dreama, I can’t keep up with you, you’re moving toooooo fast. That was a long drive from Panzano to Cortona. You deserve to have gelato morning, noon and night. Have one for me too. Caio!
Patty Schwarz
Hi Dreama, I can’t keep up with you, you’re moving toooo fast. That was quite a long drive from Panzano to Cortona. You deserve to have gelato morning, noon and night. Have one for me too. Caio.
Patty Schwarz
Love Italy! Love your watercolors.
Ciao Bella!
Dreama, you are in one of my favorite areas. Your photos and watercolors bring back so many memories! I love traveling through your eyes.
Italy is a great landscape for artists.
Your travel posts are so much fun to follow- just loving those photos & paintings too!
Would love to be there with you!!! Please put my name in the hat 🙂
Wendy Slone
Just in case that last comment got lost when I had to sign in – please put my name in the hat. It looks cloudy and cool there now -is it?
I am so impressed that you are doing this again! As usual, please put my name in the hat. It looks cloudy and cool there- is it?
Dreama thank you for taking us along on this beautiful journey. Your photos are fantastic. I hear from Eddy that he wants to come along next time as he thought that Italian kitty on the roof looked “hot”. Have fun, I know you will.
Loving your posts and photos. Just in case I’m lucky – here is my Address
2865 Gum Springs Rd.
Salem, Va. 24153
Good Luck to me!
A trail ride through the sunflower fields on horseback is a lovely way to spend a few hours this time of year.
Okay so I am sooo sooo imspired I bought three flavors of Gelato today at the grocery. Somehow I don’t think that is what you intended…I better get painting! And exercising:):)
Hi Dreama, hoping you pick my name for the next cartolina.
Beautiful pictures Dreama! I hope someday I get to travel there!
Thanks for taking me with you to Tuscany,a place where dreams are fulfilled. Sample all flavors of gelato for me. Annette,NYC
Thanks for taking me on your fantastic journey through Tuscany. I can barely wait for the next post. Annette,NYC
I was going to say “Buongiorno”, but then realized that it’s 8 hours later in Italy – so hopefully by the time you read this I shouldn’t have said “Buonanotte”! (I am sooooo showing off ;o).
Have a wonderful rest of the day!! ….. Along with all of your followers, I wish I could be there speaking fluent Italian with all the shop owners! For the few minutes it took to read your message I WAS there :o).
Hugs. ~ Susan
Thank you for giving us a chance to have one of your beautiful postcards, a peak at the sights of Italy and even a scoop of gelato! Awesome!
I dream of lunches under big umbrellas! What inspiration!
I dream of lunch under a big umbrella! What inspiration!
How lovely of you to share your beautiful photos from Cortona! I would comment even if you weren’t having a drawing… I so enjoy your writing style and paintings! I’m sure Ed is missing you, but have a great time anyway! Thank you for sharing! Candace Doub
you are doing my three favorite things-traveling (in my favorite place no less),painting and eating. Not necessarily in that order! Please enter me to receive one of your amazing post cards-have fun for me!
Oh, to be in Italy! Thanks for sharing your beautiful trip and daily postcards. Enjoy!
Hi Dreama..
I’m enjoying all of those photos and becoming a bit more jealous every day.
Dreama, Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! I feel like i am tagging right along with ya! Hanging on your arm! Visiting furniture shops, as we stroll; Gelato stops, looking at the scenery as we enjoy each spoonful; peering thru gates, looking at cats! Even the Rapture! Continue to enoy your time there, as we all are! barbara in Seattle
looks like a beautiful place…and loads of fun! i hope to go someday! love your work!!
Dear Eddie Bill,
After reading Dreama’s missives for many, many months, it’s obvious to me and Abby Cat that you are not appreciated. Now would be the perfect time to make your break and move to Texas and live with Abby Cat. She wants you to leave that little French one behind; you know what they say about three making a crowd.
Adele Bower
Houston, Texas
Please include me for your postcards… I am following you from Colorado Springs….. an extended trip to Italy is on my Bucket list for the future…..thank you so much for sharing. Linda
“Under the Tuscan Sun”…Dreama,you need to find a house like the one in the movie and paint it.I would definitely buy it! My daughter and I both loved that movie and laughed and talked about how wonderful it would be to go to Italy,find a house and fix it up just like in the movie.But alas,we can only dream so for now I’m content to see Italy through your eyes and your paintings….and hopefully a postcard!
Under the Tuscan Sun is one of my favs ….I would be thrilled to receive one of the postcards from Italy. You have such a gift and I truly appreciate you sharing it.
“Under the Tuscan Sun”….Dreama,you need to find a house like the one in the movie and paint it.I would definitely buy it! My daughter and I both loved that movie! After watching it we laughed and talked about how much fun it would be to go to Italy and buy us a house and fix it up.But alas,we can only dream,so I’ll just have to enjoy Italy through your eyes…and hopefully,one of your postcards!
I am so envious. Italy is an artists dream. I guess I will have to enjoy it from afar.
K. Putman, Texas
“Under the Tuscan Sun”….Dreama,you need to find a house like the one in the movie and paint it.I would definitely buy it! My daughter and I both loved that movie! After watching it we laughed and talked about how much fun it would be to go to Italy and buy us a house and fix it up.But alas,we can only dream,so I’ll just have to enjoy Italy through your eyes…and hopefully,one of your postcards!
Dreama, what fun to share this adventure with you! Thanks for taking me along. Gayle
Your posts are giving everyone an extended summer vacation ! I may pull out my watercolors myself and look for a gelato …or a Graeters 🙂
Your posts are giving everyone an extended summer vacation ! I may pull out my watercolors myself and look for a gelato …or a Graeters 🙂
I would love a postcard it looks great there!
Oh, it is soo beautiful. The sunflower setting would make a pretty painting.
Have fun!
Oh! My! The “girl” has chocolate gelato! I’m counting the days (22)till I get to Lake Como to paint with Jerry Fresia…..the pic’s are wonderful….love love the watercolor…
Your wonderful pics bring back the special colors and architecture of Italy, which I toured in my student days. Just wish I’d had the wit to bring paints. Thank you for brightening the day with your words and your art!
Sarah Wood
I love that your art (pictures and paintings) really celebrates being completely present and forces me to appreciate that as well. Thanks for the trip to Italy Dreama, feels like we’re along for the ride! 🙂
Love the watercolor postcards!
Thank you for sharing this beautiful place with us! You make me feel as if I am truly there. Safe travels!
Love the pinks in this and how the flowers just lead you into the land of gelato–like I’d really need any more enticement to go up those steps! With that wonderful flag, I think I’d call this “Gelato Nation”. I’d frame this postcard.
You are so fortunate! To be THERE(that’s my favorite movie)and also to have the eye for beauty and the talents you have with the paintbrush and camera. Love your watercolor.
Enjoy yourself fully.
How exciting to see your photos….I am joining you next time!
I know that all the emails must start running together but I think that we all do really love the pictures and stories you send from your trips.
Thanks so much for taking us along!
You’re bringing back memories (45 yrs) of my quick trip thru Italy w/ my Dad!! Enjoy!
You are my favorite way to start the day, as you have the remarkable talent of making me feel as if I am right there with you. Truly
you are heaven sent with all of the joy you bring to the world with the beauty you create.
Mille grazie!!
I think you should start every day with a gelato just to get in the groove. That photo of the wall and view looks just like one of the scenes from the movie. I wonder if they actually shot it there. Keep having fun.
Tuscany my love! Thanks for your generosity,Dreama
Tuscany my love! Flowers,gelati,Have fun Dreama
Tuscany my love! Thanks for your generosity,Dreama
Those orange roofs against the blue skies are screaming for a painting! Love Cortona!
Mille gracie for the post!
Hi Dreama, when in doubt always go for the large gelato!
Oh Dreama I’m so jealous! Beautiful little town!! I hope you come back home!!! With some gelatos of course!!
Dreama, you had me at “Buongiorno!!”
Hope it is a dream vacation for all of you. Looking forward to each day’s adventures and paintings!
Looks like you have all the ingredients of a wonderful Tuscan experience!! Enjoy!
You are an amazing painter, photographer and writer! I love reading your blog! Painred with a great cup of coffee its a great way to start my morning! Thank you! Sue
Spoke to Eddie today. He misses you but wishes you a wonderful trip! I Love everything about your paintings; posts; commentary,. Love, Julie Reagan – Lafayette LA
My dream is to paint with you in Italy. I can see it all now and the gelato is the best anywhere. I look forward to opening my email every morningt to see the next painting.
Love from the good old USA, Lucy DeFrancis
I think you’re 5-6 hours ahead of us, so by now you must be looking for the perfect table alongside the perfect cafe. You’ll have a delicious lunch, even if it’s 100% gelato! Enjoy your day!
Hugs to you as well, and you are a dear to share your vacation with us. If only you could share the gelato, too… Oh,well, maybe that’s too much to ask.
Lovely…..wish I was there!
breathtaking views! green and jealous here in Carolina!
Lucky you….thank you for taking me “with” you it’s great to see it through your eyes. I too have visited Cortona, absolutely wonderful!!!!Have fun and eat a gelato for me and a wonderful Risotto!!! Best pastry shop is small and on the main street…wrap everything in a pretty box with a bow…always busy Sunday morning after church!
Jane Casnellie
I know it’s too late to make it there so thanks for having me along with you..maybe next year.
I love seeing Tuscany through your eyes! Happy dance, here!
I can’t wait to see all the fabulous paintings you will do of this trip. The flower market with the sunflowers is sure to be a winner.
New Hampshire (where it is raining).
I’m with ‘Anonymous’ when she says she doesn’t see her post. Mine seems to be floating out there somewhere as well!!! But I hope you know by now, that I’m with you all the way!! Ciao Bella!!
Love all the photos and did I mention how proud I am that you are there and immersed in a world that suits you? Enjoy each day and each gelato:):)
Love your postcard of the Gelato Shop! Your watercolors just sing but maybe that is all that joy we can feel right in that little watercolor!
Crossing my fingers and my toes that I receive a post card. This is such an amazing trip.
Beautiful pics —-love the gelato shop postcard!! I think I can feel a sunflower postcard headed my way :). Enjoy your stay —-
Buongiorno Dreama!
3rd times a charm. I don’t know if my other 2 comments went through or not. If they did just “never mind”.
What I wanted to convey in a silly way is that Italy reminds me of the Lucy episodes when she’s running up and down stairs to the phone to speak to her little Ricky on his birthday. She meets the little Italian boy who tells her It’s a my birthday too!
So, maybe if I tell you she’s a my birthday too, I will win a post card? Maybe not!
So good luck with the wiifi connection and don’t instigate any fights with old ladies stomping grapes at the wineries. I hear they can be brutal!
My comment got sent before I was finished writing. Anyway, don’t get into any grape making fights with old Italian women, I hear they’re ruthless…good luck. Happy painting and breathing in that Tuscan sun. And if you would like to send a post card to me …She’s a my birthday too!
My comment got sent before I was finished writing. Anyway, don’t get into any grape making fights with old Italian women, I hear they’re ruthless…good luck. Happy painting and breathing in that Tuscan sun. And if you would like to send a post card to me …She’s a my birthday too!
OMG! Love the photos of your Italian adventure with paint. What a purrrrrrrfect combo! Have a fantastic time and enjoy the gelato to your hearts content!
Hello Sweet Friends:))!
If your comment doesn’t show immediately (and it probably won’t) it’s because I have to manually publish it. This allows for an easier passage on leaving a comment, but keeps the spammy stuff out:)) Since I am out running around in Tuscany and at least 6 hours ahead of you on the old clock—I don’t get to be back at No.8 Campano with wi-fi ’til late in the evening:)) Have an awesome day!!!!
The photos are breathtakingly beautiful – exhilarating! RX for the gelato = daily calcium supplement for strong bones – go for it! And speaking of health benefits, when do you get to open a bottle of vino italiano? Enjoy Dreama!
Truly beautiful! What a wonderful idea to paint your postcards. I imagine it adds a whole new dimension to the experience. I’m gonna steal that idea ;-D
What a wonderful idea to paint your postcards. Adds a whole new level to the experience of your holiday I imagine. Gonna steal that idea if that’s ok ;-D
As I prepare for another challenging day in my studio, I am dreaming of walking the streets of Cortona, taking in the sights and smell of Italy.
Thanks for making it possible. Regards Yvonne Ankerman, South Africa
I thought I posted already but now I can’t find it…..hmmmm…lost in cyberspace? I’d much rather be lost in TUSCANY! my favorite place in the world. Enjoy! Monica Avila
I really would love one of your watercolour postcards, an italian cat…? I suppose, Ed misses you ;o)
Have an nice holiday!
Dreama wine and Light are a great couple! I love this post with all the wonderful photos Enjoy every moment!
Double Yeah for Mary!!! Cartolina #1 is lovely.
I’m ready for the vineyard or the Old Town Square…whichever it is..I’m with you Dreama!
Beautiful, Dreama!! Love your watercolor postcards:) Wishing I was in Italy painting along with you:)
Not only do you create some of the most amazing paintings but you also take some of the most fabulous photos! I could just sit and dream of sitting and realxing in any one of your paintings. Just so peaceful. 🙂 thank you for sharing!! Monica Avila
The postcard is beautiful! Gelato is one of my favorites! Visited Italy in 2008 and I long to return!
thank you so much, dreama, for your generosity!
laura baughman
Love your watercolor postcards 🙂
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