10 Sep

“Cartolina #6 –Still Havin’ Fun!!”
Perhaps you are wondering what happened to me yesterday–
why I missed a day of posting here in Italy.
Cartolina #6
Could it have been my internet connection?? Maybe just one to many gelatos were ingested??
Or maybe I just hit overload on all the natural beauty surrounding me and had to sleep it off.
Well it could have been any of those things except it wasn’t.
My day got a little derailed when I saw this hanging on a hillside in Italy…attempting to camouflage itself behind a spindly little tree.
Yep, you know who has made his way to Italy. When Eddie stopped texting me to complain about the “quality” of his food, I realized something was afoot.
How do I know it was him for sure? I saw him first and called his name—to which he provided that instant head swivel of recognition– before assuming the mask of “Oh, I’m Italian–I don’t speak any English and my name is not Ed…”
Anyway, I was just to shaken to do the post yesterday, but have slept on it and realize there’s nothing I can do. Bad Boy Eddie is in Italy….God help the Italians….
In other news, I found us a car today. If you can drive a standard, I think it has “Artists At Work” stamped all over it:))))
I had promised to not eat any gelato today but then I remembered YOLO!!!
YOLO— You Only Live Once;)))
Besides, I knew when you started coughing and said you needed to go inside there to get a bottle of water that something was up.
Don’t even try and lie to me– I saw that single drop of tell-tale pistachio on your pants;)))
Also–found us a great spot for lunch tomorrow!!
With a little bit of walking/climbing involved;))
And a nice view from the top…
I think you’ll find it worth your time;))
The winner for Cartolina #6 is….
Tatjana Kaiser!!!
Congrats Tatjana!! Send your address along and I’ll get your cartolina in the mail:)!!
The mail boxes are so pretty here that it seems like a crime to not be using snail mail:)) Get your name in the hat for Cartolina #7–leave a comment on this blog post (click here) or email me (click here):))
And no worries–when you get my auto vacation reply email, that means you’re name is in for the drawing:))!
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I love the way Dreama paints and would really love to take
A class from her. Is there any class near N.C.?
your’re Click Here doesn’t work on lastest email post. Still hoping for a Cartolina!!
Arrivederci, Eddie Bill,
Have fun in Italy. By the way, do you know a handsome, black/white cat named “Tomboy” who lives on my street?
Abby Cat
Houston, Texas
Thanks for always seeing the bright side of life – (now I know why your paintings look like that!)
Thank you for always seeing the bright things in life! – (now I know how your paintings have that look). Have fun!
I don’t know what I am enjoying more in your blog, the feast for the eyes, heart or belly!
I’m just wondering what Ed did with Eddie Pierre!!!
Dreama, Please-Please-Please let it be me!
Thanks for allowing us to share your world and art. You are the most generous person. Love everything you do. Phyllis Elliott
Hi Dreama, I know it’s midnight there and hopefully you’re asleep and dreaming about gelato and Eddie Bill but I just wanted you to know that I was a bit worried that I didn’t hear from you yesterday. Don’t forget to call Mimma if you need anything. Caio!
Such a beautiful place! Enjoy your stay! I hope to visit there one day but a pretty postcard would do!
I so want to be there with you… Eddie should have called me as a travel companion!! Oh well, guess I need to work on my relationship with him. Or maybe he snuck out when I was at the family reunion – BTW, it was fabulous! ;o)
Wish I was there! Keep those images coming & have a another gelato for me!
Love your art & would love to win!
Just loving all the pictures you are posting..it’s our little getaway every day. A time to regroup and renew without the jet lag! 🙂
LOL! I told Eddie he had to HIDE!!!! not stand behind a STICK! I guess I’ll never learn that cats do exactly as they want and will only do what WE want them to do if they already thought of it first! 🙂 please add my name to the hat and continue sending us our updates. Monica Avila
I am sort of glad you are behind on your lovely cartolinas, because my Mac died on Saturday and I am just now back in the world. Please add me to the pot! I love your funny posts!
Sandy Murray Ward
With all this talk of Italian gelato, it is a good thing that we have an authentic Italian gelato machine here in Wichita, Kansas!
I really don’t want this trip to end-I bet you don’t either!(except maybe you do now that Eddie has invaded your territory)
Thanks for all the gorgeous images.
I’m still having fun with you TOO! Thank you for sharing. Georgina
I wish I was there with you Dreama…Beauty Beauty,beauty all around you, plus a vision of your beloved Eddie…I wish to win the beautiful Cartolina #7 Thanks, Andrée, Québec, Canada
Beauty,beauty,beauty all around you Dreama, Thanks to share with us I wish to win the beautiful Cartolina # 7 Andrée Magog, Canada
Missed you!!! Joni Leaf
I wish I was there with you Dreama…Beauty Beauty,beauty all around you, plus a vision of your beloved Eddie…I wish to win the beautiful Cartolina #7 Thanks, Andrée, Québec, Canada
LOL! Great post Dreams! That Eddie! You better find out who his travel agent is!
LOL! That was a good post! That Eddie…you better find out who his travel agent is…
You just made Italy too irresistible for Eddie. He is one clever kitty who misses his “staff” and had to come find her. Does this mean Eddie Pierre is clawing the names out of the hat?
Keep enjoying and keep the travelogue coming!
Oh Eddie , I always suspected cats have powers of seeing the small black holes in our world and I know they use them to travel from one place to another. Why else would call and call til you are blue in the face and they are no where to be found, then suddenly they are rubbing your leg out of nowhere and you ask, Wherehave you been? and they give you that curious look as if to say, I was right there didn’t you see me I saw you looking straight at me, just did not want you getting any ideas you own me or anything like. You know the LOOK we’ve all been there. Then we doubt ourselves if they were there all along, see how easy we get sidetracked, now we have forgotten all about the black hole theory and are just glad they are safe and right there. Right Eddie? So keep enjoying your side trips to Italy and keep an eye on Dreama, and you might as well pick me now, or I’ll tell Dreama it was you. Love to you e la bella Italia. Teresa
Not a surprise that Eddie would NOT be left behind! I just wish that I were not left behind. Sharing your moments will have to do. 🙂
Thanks for sharing your photos and delightful narrative. Enjoy your day!
I am praying for Carolina Angels to come my way with one of your wonderful postcards to remind me of wonderful beautiful Italy
Jo Ann Simon
Your photos are so beautiful and take me right back to Italy. I love the sweet little mailbox photo!
Now I can say I’ve been to Italy and France! I’m so jealous. Painting the countryside in France is on my bucket list.
No wonder my name hasn’t been pulled, bad boy Eddie’s been MIA. Guess ge couldn’t resist your Italian posts he had to get in the action.
I love those umbrellas!
Love the market umbrellas, and the cats!
It is all so breath taking it would take a few weeks for me to settle down and paint. I don’t know how you do it. Your paintings translate so well into English!
I want to go to lunch with you tomorrow!! LOL
Dreama, thank you for sharing your adventure.
I can’t wait to read your daily adventure along with your wicked humor, makes me smile!
Dreama, Can’t wait everyday to see what adventure you are up to! Wish you could stay longer and share more wonderful photos and insights. That didn’t come out right. 🙂
Can’t decide what I love the most–your paintings, your photos, or your wonderful words. You bring your experience in Italy alive!
Hmmmm…..Maybe Eddie has been there before….if you know what I mean??? As in “Eddie Pierre”!!!! Yes…I’m a strong believer in YOLO! So…
go for the gusto and enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! Is that mailbox just the cutest thing??
Ahhhh…it’s either one of the Eddies, or my Benny, or all their Italian spies. Actually, it’s probably Eddie’s good friends that he asked to keep a loving and protective eye on you. He’d not admit it himself, but we all know he misses you.
Lovely photos and beautiful cartolina, and beautiful places to put those cartolinas into (not to mention that cool car!), as has been for the past 5…now 6 days. Bet you’re going to have a difficultt ime saying goodbye to such a beautiful place…but then, there’s always next time.
Have some more gelatos and pizzas to soothe your nerves after the Eddie adventure. Go on…you know you wanna (and we want you to, too)! THanks for sharing and taking us along and brightening up my day with the beautfful images and some giggles.
Lovely!!! Your trip ‘ journaling’ is so much fun to follow. Mkeep it coming your trip sounds fabulous! Please pick my next!!!
Thought you’d hid out 2 keep from coming home!!! keep up the fun.
What is Italian Ed’s hometown? Where ever it is it is gorgeous! Number 7 is my lucky number. Annette Proimos
Well the little sneak! I knew he was planning something…but with anchovy pizza I’m surprised he waited this long.
Thanks for sharing your delightful trip with us!
Love the cartolinas, photos of doors and windows, that Ed found you, that the gelato is to die for, that you are having fun. Wish I were there.
Love tagging along with you as you eat your way through mountains of gelato. Love the photos of doors and windows AND the cartolinas.
That mailbox can’t be for real??? Guess Eddie was missing you!
Love the mailboxes!!! Thanks again for these posts!!!
Love the cartolinas…..love Italy…hope I get one!!!
Thanks for getting my day started with a smile! Carol Hickerson
You inspire me!I have just found room to tuck my watercolor travel set into well-stuffed luggage heading to France for 2 weeks of oil painting!
Still lovin’ your photos AND your commentary. They make my day! Even if I never win any of your art, I have enjoyed getting to know YOU through your workshop and your blog. You bring JOY into the lives of many people. God bless you!
Beautiful photos that I know will become paintings!
Beautiful as always. You manage to capture beautiful images whether you are using a camera or a paint brush.
that whole “head swivel” scene is hilarious.
Delightful images to start off our day with joy and a smile. Grazie!
Can’t believe Eddie has found you. He must be a good swimmer or stowaway.
That must have been one of Eddie’s Italian cousins!!! Love, Julie Reagan
Hi Dreama, I’m taking this trip with you from my arm chair. Send more pictures!
This “post card” is just great !! With these sketches and watercolor, you have inspired me a lot and I have joining a group that does plein air and i have my first outing next week. I will email you the result!!! Can’t wait.
Also love that little car, wow, so cheerful !! Yvonne Ankerman, Cape Town, South Africa
Almost too tired to post today but I just have to get one of those cartolinas.
Must be hard to see all those kitties & wonder re homes. I remember so many cats so many yrs ago (45)!!!
Thanks for the morning fix of art and humor, not to mention the travelogue.
ps. isn’t it great having a unique name?
gorgeous photos!
It looks like all is well in Italy….and that you are enjoying yourself! Thanks for the beautiful blog posts!
I don’t know how you find the time to post with so much beauty and gelato around you! Thanks for sharing your vacation with us.
Honey, I am SO happy for you! Thank you for ”taking’ me to Italy, too.
p.s. I’m the one that brought Eddie… we both missed you….
Hilarious post, Dreama! Keep ’em coming!
Now you know, wherever you go, Eddie will find you!
True love, I suppose…
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