30 Nov

It can be easy to assume that everyone around us knows more than we do.
That they are more knowledgeable on subjects that are important to us.
Things like, oh, I don’t know…
Religion, creative choices, relationships…whatever you wish to insert here, but the broader definition would just be knowledge on how to navigate life in general.
Perhaps they are older.
Perhaps they are well studied on a particular subject
Maybe they have a genius IQ
Or a photographic memory
Maybe even tremendous life experience complete with a school of hard knocks degree.
Whatever the case may be— it is easy, oh so easy— to assume that we should look to those more knowledgeable to take our cues on what’s best for us.
Granted, no one asks us to do this. Sometimes it just seems easier to trust someone other than ourselves, someone who seems to have the right answers, a lot of knowledge.
The thing to note here is this.
There is knowledge
and then there’s something called intuition, our inner wisdom—
and then there’s something called intuition, our inner wisdom—
That part of us which for some reason doesn’t seem to need to go on a fact-finding, knowledge building quest in order to know what is best for us.
Certainly, it is helpful to look at what is known, what comes to us from the outside.
It is life-changing to go with the wisdom that comes from inside.
Like Dorothy and the Ruby Red Slippers
we had it all along.
Intuition will tell the thinking mind where to look next.
~Jonas Salk
~Jonas Salk
The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and you don’t know how or why.
~Albert Einstein
I rely far more on gut instinct than researching huge amounts of statistics.
~Richard Branson
If prayer is you talking to God, then intuition is God talking to you.
~Wayne Dyer

This one is meant for me is it still available…?
Nurturing November–Five Thousand, Three Hundred Comments that ended with this post 🙂
Had to add one: Thankful that my father-in-law came through cardiac bypass surgery well!!! vicki morgan
I’m grateful for my 5 grandchildren, the 3 older ones decorated my Christmas tree for me today.
Etta Hermann
I’m here late today! Tonight I am grateful for my big, cozy bed because I’ve had a crazy day and I’m tired.
Thanks, Dreama, for hosting this gratitude adventure. It’s been fun!
Thank YOU for all you do Dreama!!!! This has been a wonderful adventure.
I am grateful for this amazing journey – this month, the nine years I’ve been painting, this day spent painting, my life. Thank you for this very special month of gratitude, your inspirational writings, your ability to touch so many with your insight. I look forward to your email each day, all year, they’re always a joy to read.
Judith B
I am grateful for the gift of time; taking time this morning to make homemade chocolate chip pancakes for my family, lunch time spent with an artist friend, time for an art date, and taking time to write in my gratitude journal and on this blog and reflecting on all of the things I am grateful for each and every day. When those bits of gratitude are all strung together, I realize how much bigger and better life is when you have an attitude of gratitude.
I’m grateful to connect with friends today.
Jan Clemens
Today I’m thankful for Icee day. When I used to drive carpool we made friday Icee day! It was a special time for me with my children. When they started driving themselves they continued the tradition. Today my twins came in the back door after school with an icee for me. I love icee day!
Today I am grateful for this month of retrospective on my own gratitude adventure. As with Dorothy, I had it all along, I stepped back and took a fresh look. I am most grateful for my husband’s love and support…God’s gift to me and souls entwined forever.
Thankful and grateful for another day full of friends, family and God’s protection and wisdom
Laine Francis
I am grateful for this wonderful holiday season that we are entering into, and the peace and joy that fills our hearts especially at this time of year!
I am so thankful for my ex-in-laws. They help me so much in so many ways. No matter how small they may think their help is, it means 100 times that to me each and every time. Thank you for your gratitude journal idea! I think it’s fabulous as it helps to keep us focused on the good instead of the negative… thank you! Monica Avila
I am greatful for artists who teach classes and share their knowledge with all of us who want to learn a new way of expressing ourselves!. Thank you Dreama for opening my eyes to see the wonder of all things all bright and beautiful! Barb McClure
I am especially grateful to those who are supporting me emotionally during a difficult family transition (moving our matriarch into assisted living). Soon we will be grateful for the caring staff. Barbara Vater
I am grateful for your words of inspiration. They have come at a time that I needed them the most.
Pat Kreppert
As I sit here, at the hospital, by my mothers bedside I can’t help but feel grateful for the doctors and nurses who are working to keep her with me just a little longer. I know her time is near and I am grateful for her love and care that she gave me throughout my life. I am also grateful that I can now give my love care to her. Life is strange in the way that the parent becomes the child and the child becomes the parent.
Lighting a candle and offering a prayer of comfort and love for both of you, Kathleen. God bless you and help you through this difficult time.
I will be eternally grateful for sharing this month of gratitude with you all. I have learned and been deeply touched by your comments and feel even stronger ties to my tribe of fellow artists. We see and feel the world differently and aren’t afraid to express those feelings. This has been an inspiring journey that is only just beginning. The ripple effects will be felt far and wide like waves in a lake. We have looked inside ourselves to uncover our own gifts, some of which we never knew we had. In turn, we will reach out to others as well as pursue our passions in life. Yes, Dorothy said “There’s No Place Like Home”. It starts here and now within us, and who knows what amazing things we can accomplish! Thank you Dreama for your vision, wisdom, and most of all – FUN! The Universe is waiting to hear our shouts of Joy! Rock on!
Thankful for artists like Dreama who share the wisdom of Indian Yellow.
Today I’m grateful for my warm bed and seven warm cats.
Thank you for this opportunity to get to know you and all of the other lovely artists that have participated in this wonderful gratitude event. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Tidings to all of you. Merry Lund
I am grateful to have had the afternoon free to try all of the free samples that I received last night from Binders Art Supplies in Charlotte. What a fun afternoon I had.
I am grateful for this gratitude adventure and for all the comments I had the chance to read, plus all your beautiful paintings and posts, Dreama.
Thanks for making this so special and meaningful!
Dreama, this month of gratitude has been the best, thank you so much for doing this, just more evidence of what an amazing person you are. 🙂 I’m grateful for my eyesight, and the ability to hear. Something I take for granted every day but would be so lost without.
I am grateful for my job as a social worker which is very fulfilling. I get to meet some very special people and it is great to be able to be in a position to offer help and support if that is needed.
Thank you Dreama for the month of gratitude. It has been fun!
I am thankful for the strides my great nephew (7 1/2 months) makes in his journey to heal and grow with his birth defects ( transposed heart,no holes in his nose to breath,hearing loss and the growth delays because of them) that are slowly being corrected through the fabulous doctors at Cincinnati Children’s and prayer. #teamjudah
Grateful I followed my intuition and signed up for one of your classes next year even though I’m not painting right now! I definitely think it’s the right thing to do even though I can’t explain why!
So grateful for the quiet moments in my studio, brush in hand, dog asleep on my foot.
What on earth could be better than this?
I am grateful for the thoughts, kind words read and shared in this forum for a month of gratitude!
I am so grateful for your Gratitude Project! It is an inspiration to read what others find grateful! We often take so much for granted. Thank you Dreama!
Carol Morris
I am grateful for and dearly love my cat Lucy. She has trained me well and I am careful to keep to her schedule. She makes me laugh, and I wish I could paint her moods as you do Eddie. You are a true inspiration, Dreama. Lucy appreciates you, too.
Mary Moran
I’m grateful to live in America, with all its freedoms and bountiful opportunities. I’m grateful that the general consciousness finally seems to have been raised about caring for our planet. I’m grateful for the Internet connecting people in ways one could never have imagined, and especially for all the kindness, caring and openness to sharing thoughts, methods, and incredible talents it has demonstrated in people everywhere! I’m thankful the beauty and bounty of Nature and the mini-paradise that is my home place. I’m grateful for all of my senses, which have served me well these many years. I’m grateful to be alive!
I am grateful to be able to walk four miles without pain. Last year at this time, I wondered if my knee surgery would keep me from those glorious long walks. Thank you Dreama for such much inspiration with your quotes and writings and most of all your paintings. Happy Holidays!
What a beautiful painting to end this entire amazing month’s worth of giving, sharing, love, kindness, joy and gratitude. One of my favourites.
I#d like to say thank you to Karen, for sharing the link from the ArtNetwork website you told us about last week, and specifically, the pastel artist Richard McKinley’s post, about the art of seeing.
I have what would be considered quite poor eyesight, but thanks (eternal thanks!!!) to modern medicine and some amazing eye specialists/surgeons (and my parents who brought me to these specialist and surgeons), after two eye operations when I was a child, and with the lifelong help of glasses (and contact lenses when I turned 18), my eyesight is ‘good enough’ to where I can see, read, write, draw, paint, drive, ride a bicycle, walk in the countryside or along the beach and see all of nature’s awesome beauty.
I am and will be forever grateful for the gift of sight and vision – to be able to see my beloved husband’s face each mornning – especially his eyes, and his beautiful smile, and also my sweet cats playing, and also to be able to see my friends’ faces when they laugh or smile when we meet up for a girls’ night in (or out).
To be able to go to a museum or a gallery and behold and be inspired by all the amazing works of art (and craft) that are being exhibited. To be able to see colours – glorious, vivid, luscious and delicious colours – like the ones in your amazing paintings, for instance!
Not a single day goes by when I don’t give thanks – I will always be grateful for the precious gift of sight.
Oh! And your idea for the Gratitude Drop Box is a brilliant one! I love it! There is truly so much to be thankful for and grateful for – we need only stop for a moment or two to see it and feel it…
I am grateful for so much, not enough room on the internet for it. I will say that top of the list is my family and friends (especially my artist friends). I have to make special note of my furry friends, I had to put to sleep one of my best buddies, Fatboy a couple of weeks ago and he has left such a huge hole in my heart. I am grateful for the 7 years of love, companionship, and wonderful memories of the silly things he did to make me laugh. I will miss him forever.
I’m so sorry for your loss, Barbara. I know how heartbreaking it is to lose our beloved furry companions. I don’t know if you know about the Rainbow Bridge, but reading it has helped me and has brought me comfort each time I have had to say goodbye to my bloved pets over the years. May your sweet Fatboy ‘run free’ over by the Rainbow Bridge.
Today I am grateful for another internet sale!! Yipee -the internet really is grand at bringing artists and art lovers together in a most interesting dance.
I am most grateful for the Mindfulness you have given me and all of these contributors to your blog.
Merry Christmas Dreama. Thank you so very much!! I have had a wonderful visit here.
today is so beautiful and just what I need to start painting again after the holiday break…. It is that still small pice inside that I must listen to then my spirit rest and then it soars… Thank you for this beautiful journey. Martha Elder Chattanooga, Tn
My pug, moose, is grateful every minute of every day for my attention. Haha. So is my husband. Therefore, my gratitude is given freely.
Sharon smith
I am grateful to you and your readers for the daily inspiration you have provided me to move forward with my creative endeavors! May the spark never go out!
Today I am grateful for my red shoes!
Today I am grateful for being able to video chat with my new grandbaby in Honduras! The thought of not being able to see him for three (3) weeks was more than I could bear! Thank goodness for technology at times like this! I am still warm and smiley 🙂 from seeing my precious little boy!
Linda Perrin
I am grateful for the Gratitude Month of November. I will keep on this wonderful idea of feeling gratitude every day from now on. For years I have counted my blessings of the day in my prayers at night and quiet moments during the day, but doing it in the morning seems to open windows to things unforseen.
Lori Anderson
As this wonderful gratitude journey comes to a close, I have to thank you, Dreama, for all your inspiring words each day and for making us think about all the blessings that surround us. You also remind us to remember all the positive and good things that we can do for ourselves and for others. So today I am most thankful that I have had this amazing experience with you and all of those who follow you. May the holiday season fill you with joy and the coming year be all that you desire.
XO ~ Gail
I am grateful for such a beautiful week in the desert to have had time to enjoy the full moon, mountains,sunshine, exercise and to understand that the power of the universe is within each of us and to learn to trust our intuitions and ideas and act upon our inspirations and as Helen Keller said “Life is either a daring adventure or it is nothing at all”
Thank you for a wonderful November month and reminding me to be thankful for the simple things in life. -gigi
#30…grateful to read and share epiphanies and moments of awe and wonder with the wonderful community you have gathered, Dreama!
faye christian phillips
I am graateful for the warm Florida air today and the beauty of the tropical plants.
I am grateful for getting Dreama’s inspirational emails every morning. I am also grateful for a wonderful yoga class this morning with friends.
Thank you Dreama for all your inspiration each day!!! In this world of not so nice things being reported on the news tv, newspapers etc.. It’s wonderful to have a place to go with positive input! I have a journal I have written in since 7th grade english class! One favorite quote I have kept is “If the dog bites the man that’s not news , but if the man bites the dog that is news”. I love your Wayne Dyer quote today I will keep that one!!! Your painting today is so peaceful and beautiful with perfect colors to match! Today I’m grateful for having gone on this journey with you and all who shared in it too. God Bless all of you. I too will keep up with this through the year/ years!!! Nancy Piros
Thanks for reminding me that my intuition is my guide. When I listen and follow it’s advice I have a smooth ride — when I don’t pay attention to it, I get into trouble every time.
It has been so delightful to be transported each morning to a place of gratitude and inspiration. I truly hope that it is habit forming because it is a place of growth and encouragement. With or without a blog I shall do my best to give art a bigger part of my life. I am grateful for the opportunity and for the encouragement of family and friends.
I am thankful for my life…my unpredictable, magical, tragic, wonderful, challenging, beautiful, twisty-turny life that is mine, all mine.
I am thankful for red — red shoes, red flowers, and red PAINT!
I am grateful for my daughter who treats me like a best friend . . . :-))
Cathy J
I am grateful to my mother for being so selfless and unconditionally loving me. 10 years ago she donated a kidney to me without one milisecond of hesitation. This is one of the most self-sacrificing gifts I can imagine giving to another. She is an inspiration and motivates me to live each and every day to it’s fullest. She has also inspired me to tap the artistic side of my brain and taught me to paint at a young age. Although a hobbyist, it is extremely cathartic and all these years later I am enjoying sharing photos my art via Email with her. If I won the gratitude giveaway, I would no doubt offer her an original “Dreama” work of art! Blessings, Cindie
I am grateful for the internet’s ability to open portals for me to share in the wisdom and talent of other artists in this journey we call artistic expression. Thank you, especially, Dreama, for the inspirational signposts you are putting up along the way!
Grateful I am making headway in ‘clearing out’
my art studio…and came across this quote:
“The choice for gratitude rarely comes w/out
some real effort. But each time I make it, the next choice is a little easier, a little
freer, a little less self-conscious. Because
every gift I acknowledge reveals another and another
until finally, even the most normal, obvious,
and seemingly mundane event or encounter proves to be filled with grace.” Henri Nouwen
But you knew that, Dreama — it’s what
you paint… grace-filled subjects, isn’t it?!!
Blessings! Monica Dahl
I am grateful to have been a part of this gratitude journey. Thanks Dreama for thinking of it and implementing it. It is so important to realize what we have rather than what we don’t – something I am going to try to remember going forward. Thank you!
Sue van T.
I am grateful for the Gratitude Adventure, and I will use the Gratitude DropBox, because I like thinking about what I am grateful for each day. The experience has brought new awareness to my world. I am also grateful for Red Shoes, the gentle reminder that I am special just as I am, even though sometimes I need to see the shoes in my closet to remind me.
Karen Gifford
Am grateful that our good friends are in town. Looking forward to shared laughs and memories.
I am grateful for friends that encourage me to push a little out of my comfort zone, even when I don’t think I want to.
I am grateful for the power of renewal that a good nights sleep will give you. Everything looks different in the morning. New possibilities that you never imagined just the day before.
I’m grateful for . . . . Ah Ha! The red shoes! I’m grateful for the red shoes!
With love, Carol Argue
I am thankful to God for prayers answered.
Beth Stewart
Hooray! I am so excited and GRATEFUL to be a part of this new community of gratefulness. It will be such a pleasure getting to know everyone and giving thanks.
Dana Burton
I am grateful for you, my friend.
What a great idea…a gratitude dropbox! Thanks for creating this journey for us Dreama!
I am still very grateful for high speed rail. Jobs, travel, adventure. Thank you for taking me on this journey Dream and friends.
Grateful for this entire month to be part of sharing what I am grateful for .Thank you so much Drema.
I’m looking forward to using the new Grateful DropBox.
Linda White
I am grateful for the feeling of calmness that comes over me with listening to that inner feeling of intuition. It is the knowledge that painting every day is a good thing and I will eventually be good enoughh to start showing my work! Thank you.
Oh, Dreama… I guess what I am truly grateful for, and still struck dumb by sometimes, is the Help that is extended when I least expect it. Help from family, for direction and support, help from friends, to get through difficult times and have a clarity of vision, help from my wonderful extended artist circle (which you are included), who are so generous with their time, information and enthusiasm, and from my furry family for their unflagging love and constance, and the way they know what I need and supply it with a warm snuggle…. thank you Dreama, for sharing, for your lilting laugh, for your endless supply of on-point quotations that give me many ah-ha moments, for your quiet friendship and your gorgeous, inspiring artwork. xoxo love you!
I am grateful for the internet. It has allowed me to connect with so many more people than I otherwise could have!
I am grateful to my optometrist son who is giving a complete eye exam and glasses to a teenager that is going through some major health challenges as my Christmas gift. Plus I am grateful to work with him everyday! Ginger jepson
So very grateful for this month of sharing my own gratefulness for this bounty of feelings, of family love, sights, sounds, colors that make my life so very joyful! It has meant soo much to capture these moments of gratefulness & share them here & in my own heart!
Grateful too Dreama to have read your sharings that are so inspirational!
You have given so much, not the material, just sweet goodness through who you are!!!
Cathleen Perkins~
I am thankful for this beautiful time of year and for Jesus Christ, the real reason for the season.
Linda Will
I am grateful for making it over chemo hump #5 and will be celebrating with a brush in hand today. Life really is an amazing adventure!
I am grateful for my family and good friends. I am spending today with a wonderful friend and on the weekend I get to see some of my family and speak to others on the phone. I am so grateful that we are able to keep in touch with each other even if distance separates us.
Today I am thankful for my mother who was perfect for me. Lorraine Kendel
This is such a beautiful scene Dreama. You do beautiful work. Congratulations
Patty Schwarz
I’m thankful for the parents, siblings and extended family I was fortunate to grow up with and give me the example I took to share and teach my own family. I am grateful for meeting a man who is my partner, husband, best friend and father to our children who also comes from a good family with good values and loving ways. We are lucky to be surrounded by loving and supportive people who we just happen to be proud to call family! Linda, Nevada
Thanks be to God.
Today I am grateful for being retired and getting to just hang around with my husband.
Barb Krell
I am grateful for a new friend at work who is a pure delight and she is helping me with weight loss. She is always happy and makes me happy too.
I’m grateful for my mother who is always encouraging me at anything i do.
At my age, most of my friends’ parents have already passed away and they tell me how lucky i am to still have my mom around.
Thanks mom.
I’m grateful for my mother who is always encouraging me at anything i do.
At my age, most of my friends’ parents have already passed away and they tell me how lucky i am to still have my mom around.
Thanks mom.
I’m grateful for my mother who is always encouraging me at anything i do.
At my age, most of my friends’ parents have already passed away and they tell me how lucky i am to still have my mom around.
Thanks mom.
I am grateful for a home, however humble it may be. Cindy K
What a joy to be alive and to have food, shelter and love!!! Thank you for this
awesome project of gratitude. I’ve been
a proponent of that attitude for many years!
Your paintings are beautiful, BTW! Thank
you again for devoting 30 days of your life
to gratitude!
Grateful for our health and for the time share with a friend who is ailing.
Always grateful for your inspiring writing and your wonderful colorful paintings. Grateful that I have a place in your Marco Island Workshop and a nice sounding place to stay there with my dog Barry!
How can anyone view your paintings and/or read your meaningful, wise, inspirational,fun words without being grateful to the max? I know I can’t! What a wonderful month and idea to continue the joy. Thank you,thank you, Dreama. Sheri
Just Happy that today is a day to enjoy! The sun is shining!!!
I’m grateful for this gratitude project, the woman who created it and all who have posted comments! Also, I’m grateful for the wood fire I enjoyed last night – love the crackling sounds and warm flames that are soothing to the soul after a very long day at work.
S. Simpson
What a beautiful painting, Dreama!I’m so grateful for all my painting buddies. Jaquelin Perry
Thank you for sharing yourself with all of us.
Brenda Gibbs
Dreama, thanks for sharing all of your collected quotes.
Thought I’d share this one as well: (my gratitude reciprocated):
Cathye Edwards
“Happy are the painters
for they shall not be lonely.
Light and colour, peace and hope,
will keep them company to the end of the day.”
Winston Churchill
What a joy the Gratitude Challenge has been. Grateful for you, Dreama, for putting me to the task.
Grateful for a life with just enough trouble to truly appreciate the sweetness, but with plenty of love and kindness received and shared…. Sort of like a conduit for happiness. Happiness shared multiplies it exponentially, (as we’ve seen here!) Dreama, thanks for the inspirations and shared goodness!
Today I a grateful for all the teachers in my life who have poked me and prodded me along the way. Like the red shoes I may have had it in me but sometimes it was difficult to get it out and to the surface(and sometimes still is).
Thankful for your challenge Dreama, I have written 31 days of thankfulness, and it has me back in love with writing on my blog. Today I am thankful for the readers of my blog and the friends that I have made on the internet. It’s an interesting feeling having virtual penpals. It has made the world a bigger place..it helps me stay connected and most of all, it has given me (us) a collective, yet individual voice. Thanks Dreama, have loved reading your posts each day. You are a very giving person!
Greatful for music, for Hope, for the warmth of the sun.
Grateful for health and a warm home 🙂
Years ago I wanted to be dead, life held no purpose. NOW in my old age I can’t believe I ever felt that way. Life is so precious.
Grateful for mild winters.
Your thoughts are an inspiration! When we remember to be grateful it brings even more joy to us and those around us! Thanks again!! Francie
(I have really enjoyed your paintings in this series – thank you!) Today, I am thankful for the beautiful sunrise!
Today I am grateful for cough drops! Contracted this awful “bug” that is going around and if it is not gone soon I will be contacting my doctor! At least the sun is shining and we are to have spring like weather this weekend! You wouldn’t know it is December in KY! Sherry Crouse sherrycrouse@yahoo.com
I’m thankful for this beautiful cold crisp morning and a warm cozy house.
I am grateful to be making a living with my husband doing what we love to do and that is to make pottery and work in clay.
I am grateful for windows that let in beautiful sunlight; what an inspiration to wake up to a beautiful sunrise! ~sue
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This landscape is very different from many of your other paintings. Your work is amazing. You are a great inspiration!
This landscape is very different from many of your other paintings. Your work is amazing. You are a great inspiration!
I am grateful that God whispers to us through our intuition, and sometimes through others as well. He has guided me well when I have paid attention.
M.B. Harrison
Thank you for such an inspirational month!
Grateful for my red shoes – took a while to dust them off and “trust” them, but they are now my most comfortable pair.
I am grateful that I had the opportunity to paint yesterday and that painting helps connect me to beauty of color, vision and all around me.
Also grateful to be reminded by your blog to focus on all that transforms me, to see the glass half full again, maybe even overflowing!
Instincts! Follow your instincts! Gut! I’m grateful that generally I can do that and always with reward! Thank you for reminding us that it’s ok to be OURSELVES,!
Dear Dreama,
Thank you to the moon and back for giving me this opportunity to take time for introspection
and realize hoe very fortunate I am in a gazillion ways. God Bless you and your family
including Eddie and Eddie Pierre.
Thank you Dreama for letting me express how grateful I am for such a wonderful life I live.
Grateful today to have discovered Dreama’s blog and to be able to participate in this month of gratitude. I’ve now developed a positive habit – taking a moment at the start of each day to acknowledge the gifts in my life. Thank-you, Dreama 🙂
I am grateful for you, Dreama, and your beautiful art. Your blog is inspiring! I want to meet you at a workshop this next year. Hope it comes about!
Carol Hickerson
Dreama, this has been an incredible journey with a lot of grateful and caring people. Glad it will not end. Hugs to you for the concept.
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I am grateful for the whole month of November. It has been a wonderful month. I look forward to December and will continue being thankful for all my blessings. The Lord loves a thankful heart.
I am grateful for finding Dreama’s website! I have had so many aha moments and learned so many life lessons! Today I’m grateful for Dreama!
I love your Dropbox idea and can’t wait to receive my digital copy of all your gratitude posts…you are way cool!
I love your Dropbox idea and can’t wait to receive my digital copy of all your gratitude posts…you are way cool!
Thanks to Dreama for the opportunity to express our gratitude every day! It would be an enormous pleasure to have one of your joyful paintings hanging somewhere into my house…
What a joy this has been. A positive focus early each morning is a lovely way to begin the day. Gayle Nunn
Thank you, thank you, Dreama, for such an encouraging month of wisdom and joy! Today I am grateful because it is Friday morning and I love the wonderful women in my Friday morning Bible study.
So thankful for this opportunity to focus on my blessings and share them with others. The cup is at least half full! and usually overflowing with good. Thanks Dreama for encouraging all of us to acknowledge the good and perfect gifts we have from God.
Sue Lepsch
Grateful I am able to do what I love and have such a supportive family and wonderful friends backing me all the way.
I am grateful for my wife and three kids. Their love and support give me the courage to be a painter.
It’s been wonderful to start each day this month here reading your blog and all the comments. Today I am picking up a friend to go to lunch, and when we arrive at the restaurant, there will be eight more people to surprise her for her birthday! I’m grateful to live in a small community with a circle of friends who know and care about each other. 🙂
I am grateful for this little bit of sanity that comes in to my email box every morning. Thanks Dreama and all for being inspiration and hope for so many. I think the ebook will be wonderful for the beginning Advent season.
I am grateful for your month of Gratitude! It has been a good jumpstart to reminding me I have a lot to be thankful for. It was such a nice way to get us all thinking! Thank you Dreama!
I am grateful for my good health, and that of my husband’s. Without good health, we have nothing. Once again, thank you Dreama for the gratitude project; it’s been amazing. Looking forward to the gratitude drop box. How cool!
I am so thankful for my BFF. She listens to me when I need a sounding board without judging me. I go to her for good advice, which she offers lovingly. We’re headed out this afternoon to do one our favorite things……..to see a movie! Can’t wait, love my BFF.
At age 10, I was desperate to learn to sew. I am so grateful that my Mother, who did not sew, was willing to lie and say I was 12 in order to get into the Singer Sewing Machine store’s sewing classes. Eight blissful Saturday mornings! And a lifetime of enjoyment and pride since! Thanks, Mom!
Veronica Carey
I happen to be wearing red pants today so I loved your message today about the red shoes!! I feel like I’ve been on a wonderful retreat this month with all my new gratitude friends! Maybe we can start a new wave of gratitude with the drop box and keep it going all year! I definitely would love to keep reading your quotes and inspiring thoughts! Thanks
Grateful for you and the whole month of soul searching, inspiration hunting, looking and trusting within month of November. What a wonderful way to start each day…thank you for all the time it took and for giving back to us this way and sharing. Love the Gratitude Drop Box concept…now that we are all addicted- we can keep it going! Smiles and hugs!
I am so grateful that I can help make some dreams come true.
I’m grateful for the silver lining that is forming on the clouds over the ocean right before my eyes. Also, that my husband survived a terrible fall yesterday. Thank you, Dreama, for a fabulous month and for continuing this sharing among artists.
I am grateful for…
my parents who nutured me and gave me wings. Not a day goes by that I don’t wish they were still here. How fortunate I am that God gave me them as parents.
Dreama thank you for this month of gratitude reminders! And today’s post…with so much noise around us every day, that wee small voice inside us often doesn’t get the attention we need to give it…thank you for the reminder to listen!
I am grateful to have been given the gift and opportunity to be an artist, be creative and to share that we people who care. It has made my life richer and in turn I hope to make other lives richer. Thank you Dreama for this month of Gratitude!
I am grateful for the daily reminders to be grateful – how about that?! Thank you. You have inspired me to create a family “Gratitude Jar”. We now have our own family Gratitude jar set up with a little cup beside it that holds pieces of colored paper and pens. Everyone in the house (family and friends who stop by) are encouraged to drop in a note of gratitude (sign and date). We will do this throughout the year and open them next Thanksgiving! Thanks for the idea!
Today I thank all the collectors that have supported my Artistic life. Each creation is woven with love and gratitude and sent out into the world to give joy. Thanks especially to all those patrons who are helping me study in Paris, your generous purchases sustain and uplift me every day. Sea Dean
What a beautiful month of sharing. I am so grateful for this experience This Sunday we are having an open house for our art class, I remember so well when a got brave enough to take the first step and take a class. Thank goodness I did not quit. I brought home a painting- so I thought and my son’s comment was “oh Mom looks like somebody in kindergarten did this”. Needless to say this fired the old girl up. So grateful I listened to my gut and kept plugging away. Happy Xmas to all.
Sarah Davis
Painting is sheer bliss for me.I am totally lost in the moment when I paint. I am grateful that I am creative and for the joy that painting
brings me.
Grateful for a week with a few “people surprises” – out of the blue contacts that enriched my life and made me even more grateful for my relative good health and ability to still make a small contribution or two. And, of course, for this wonderful adventure, Dreama!
I am grateful we all took a month to consider all we have to be grateful for. Thank you, Dreama, for thinking of a new way to keep it going.
I am grateful for this month of inspirational messages and beautiful art from the very talented Dreama. I have enjoyed the journey!
I’m always grateful for a good night’s sleep & a new day ~
I am grateful for people like you in the world that have such a gift and a soul large enough to reach out and share your gifts with the world. Thank you Dreama for your inspirations and insight!
Today I am grateful for the courage to have heart-to-heart talks with loved family members. Something I have avoided in the past, but have learned that when done with love healing can happen and relationships can be restored. Thanks Dreama for this great journey!
I am Grateful for my four furrkids that help to keep me grounded. Teresa, San Diego
I am grateful for life and health today as every day, as well as the peace God has granted me, and the freedom and time to paint what is in my soul. Arleen Turzo
It’s such a great adventure to discover/uncover who we really are. Like- Surprise! It’s me, I wondered when you’d show up! I’m so greateful that I get to paint in France with Dreama this June. It was one of those things that just felt RIGHT- you know what I mean?
I love that! Intuition is God speaking. Brilliant. Dreama, thank you, for coming into my life this month. You are incredibly inspirational. I am and will continue to be a better person myself, as a result. My very best wishes are sent to you with pleasure x
Thank you, Dreama, for sharing your beautiful art and writings and wisdom with us! I am grateful for the opportunity to be able to write what I feel thankful for. I applaud your wonderful idea of continuing this in the Gratitude Box! The joy continues…
Alma Marshall
Thank you Dreama for the month of posts on gratitude.
Well… I am grateful for the whole darn month of November because you set this gratitude idea up and combined it with so much inspiration and wisdom and of course your beautiful paintings all along the way. Thank you for doing this and for taking all the time and effort to make it happen.
Since discovering your blog and gorgeous paintings several months ago, I can’t recall even one time that they didn’t bring a smile to my face when I saw them. What a gift you have! Thank you for sharing that gift with all of us. 🙂
Well said Rattakat. I awaken each morning eager to read Dreama’s writing of the day.
We have all been so blessed.
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