28 Nov

Before the Creative Process
There is that which we do.
We often think we “get” what’ it’s all about, what we’re about, why we are doing it, and maybe sometimes we are in a position to take in the whole picture—but more often than not, we are looking for immediate results and overlooking everything else.
We have no idea, really, how our work will impact someone else either now or in the future.
What about the shelf life of our latest efforts? What impact will it have beyond it’s “toddler” years?
When my Dad was nearing the end of his sojourn here, we often passed the time watching Andy Griffith reruns. Films some 50 years old. What was woven into those moments by the writers, cameramen, make-up artists, directors and the actors became a gift to us in the present moment. Our family laughed together and for a time, we were able to forget our troubles.
If video doesn’t appear, just click here
I often wonder—did they know, did those artists have a clue that what they were doing in the 60’s could reach out and bring some comfort to a family decades later?
For my own self, I can’t begin to say how many books, how many music CD’s have fallen into my hands at just the right time and brought me joy, made me not feel alone, or made a good day simply a thousand times better. In Tune With the Infinite, a book by Ralph Waldo Trine that I read back in ’97 which was so relevant to me at the time was penned in 1899!
Artwork painted weeks, months, years ago turns up in places like museums, hospitals and hotels with the artist never knowing what emotions, what comfort, what memories may be stirred by those that see them.
We are often so focused on getting/seeing an immediate result from our efforts that we forget…..there is a bigger picture, a bigger plan.
It is our job to show up and let what’s intended to Be flow through us.
When we allow
what is real,
what is truth,
what is beauty,
what is real,
what is truth,
what is beauty,
to shine out through
our hands,
our hearts,
our vision
it will accomplish more than we can ever imagine or ever know—both in the present and in times to come.
Knowing that in the end that what will count is this:
that our life mattered
had meaning,
made a difference in the lives of others
that our life mattered
had meaning,
made a difference in the lives of others
….it contained within it
A Higher Good

Yay! This was fun and congrats to Mary!
I am grateful for gentle souls like Clarissa Pinkola Estes who has carried on her family heritage in the role of the storyteller. You will be grateful, too, if you listen to her audio rendition of The Red Shoes. One Christmas, after listening to Dr. Estes, I bought an ornament that was a sparkly red shoe. I still have it today to remind me!
Joan Terrell
I am grateful for ANDREA BOCELLI, who has a voice sent from Heaven. How lucky I have been to hear him live in concert. Goose bumps, happy tears, clapping until my hands hurt…. It’s amazing to hear his and the voices of other talented artists. What joy they bring!
I am grateful for a house full of grandkids to decorate my tree. A tradition I started some 27 years ago. We meet every 1st Sunday in Dec. and where ever the ornaments land they stay!! When they were all small, there were none on top. Just clusters at the bottom. As I gazed, it brought many smiles. Cherish the moments. Hallie Brunson.
I’m grateful for a warm home and a soft place for my kids to land and feel safe & secure! Linda, Nevada
Grateful to be able to see the beauty of the world around me.
Grateful to be able to see the beauty of the world around me.
Loved your comments today. I used to watch the Andy Griffith Show with my mom. My husband and I still watch it. It always makes me smile. I’m thankful that there are still some good, wholesome shows on TV. At this time of the year I anjoy watching movies on The Hallmark Channel. It’s become a bit of a tradition for me.
I am grateful for everyday. Each day I am blessed to be able to grow in faith, be kind, be humble and thankful.
that was beautiful and brought tears to my eyes.
I am thankful for the lovely sunshine and shadows I enjoyed today while driving through the countryside, and the gorgeous moon I saw as it was rising this evening. Two feasts for the eyes!
Lin Haaksma
My son just asked me to paint a commissioned painting for his scout troop to give to their scoutmaster who is retiring. What a wonderful compliment! It made my day.
I am grateful for all the things my grandmothers shared with me, including sewing and cooking – every time I see certain recipes or buttons, I remember them as though I saw them yesterday – although it has been many years since they passed away. I hope that I (and maybe my artwork) will have such an impact on my children and grandchildren.
Karen Gifford
I’m grateful for quiet!!!
I am thankful my husband and I traveled from home and back again safely.
Brenda Gibbs
I am grateful for the beauty all around me. It is exciting to step outside in the morning and to discover the colour of the sky and how it affects the colour of the bay I live near. It is ever-changing.
Arlene M, Ontario
I am greatful
I am grateful for my client who really really like the painting I created for her!
I am grateful for this month of gratitude and Dreama’s writings all year long. Her inspiration and generosity are truly a blessing that bring joy to everyone fortunate enough to receive her daily writings.
Judith B
I’m thankful for you and your posts Dreama!!
I am grateful for you thinking these wonderful thoughts!
I am grateful just to be me!
You have no idea how much I needed this post today. So I’m thankful for you, and that you wrote this. 🙂
So thankful to be retired and can do what I need to without deadlines. vicki morgan
I am thankful for my wonderful husband. He is always there for me, and does so many thoughtful things every day – without me even asking.
Today I was witnessing a beautiful gentle snow fall. It brought such peace to me in that instant. I went out to feel it and just gaze and listen to the sound of it.
Very grateful for this first snowfall of our Christmas season. That cold fresh air was invigorating. It left amazing abstract patterns of white on the ground. How wonderful life’s journey is.
I am thankful that you share your beautiful paintings with each of us each day. I am also thankful the weather will be cooperating for our Light Up Night on Friday night.
Thankful for a quiet evening with my husband and dogs.
Today I’m grateful that I have snow tires on the car, so I didn’t slide all over the road on the drive home.
Grateful for my husband who is an attorney and who is willing and able to help our kids with unexpected legal problems that they would otherwise not be able to afford.
Myra Patin
Colorado Springs, CO
I am thankful for experienced artists who so lovingly share their talent, and encouragement with inexperienced artists who long to learn.
I am grateful today that a friend has recovered well from his operation to remove a brain tumour which took place yesterday.
I LOVE your “Dreamin of a White Catmiss” painting! Really reminds me of how many blessing I have and how thankful I am for every one of them.
Grateful for time to write. And for time to talk about it with friends.
Your post brought back memories. Watching those Same Andy Griffith reruns with my Dad and listening to music of his youth were special times with we shared. I am grateful to have had those special moments with him.
I am grateful that God has given me good health and can continue to enjoy my PASSION!
I’m grateful for my 2 dogs, who are a constant source of happiness and laughter.They would love the “Dreamin of a White Catmiss” painting today, probably not for the same reason I do, but it would make them happy just to bark and bark and bark!!!!!
Ah yes JOY. Wouldn’t the world be a wonderful place if we were all more joyous? Today I spent a day with a friend of 30 years. She did nothing but bitch all day long. When I finally turned around and half jokingly told her to shut up she gave me a big tirade about how depressing and annoying I was to be around. Wow! And I thought I was the one miserable around her. So today I’m thankful for having a friend who feels comfortable enough with me to be miserable, complain and yell and still be good friends. Sea Dean
I am grateful for life and health today as every day, and also for a poem by Susan Hertel I recently read that helped me know a kindred spirit.
Arleen Turzo
I am grateful for “God-cidences.”
Today I am grateful for my hot cup of coffee and an almond bar to go with it while I watch the
wind and rain out the window. Cozy!
Lori Anderson, Folsom CA
I forgot to say that when my Grandson was small we avoided so many tv shows but always looked forward to watching Andy Griffith shows.So I am grateful that those fine life ideas are still around and many of us choose to listen to the shows that affirm goodness. Thankful for good things. Judith Weiss
Today I am grateful for books that transport me to a different time and place.
I am so glad to be at the comment site!!
All of the inspirational messages have been so uplifting and joyful. I have a little silver ring that says Love Life on the outside and Be Brave on the inside. In our search for joy sometimes it just arrives as a whisper or breath of air. So Love Life!! Judith Weiss
I am so happy that I will have a chance to pass along some of my art the the next generation and the one after that. I enjoy giving some of my artwork to my children and grandchildren when they really like a piece.
Yes Dreama, tapped into our reason for our art, it is a legacy for others to enjoy long after we are gone. It seems so simple but I just never thought of it that way. Today I’m thankful for my oil paintings touching the future generations. Nancy Piros
I am grateful for my family and good friends, who brighten my life, and help me when I’m down.
You’ve got such an incredibly special and powerful way with words, Dreama. Today’s post touched me, once again, so very deeply – I found myself welling up with tears while reading it. As you told of you and your dad watching ‘Andy Griffith’ reruns, and the comfort and laughter they gave you against the background of a heavier reality, brought to mind memories of my beloved dad, as well. How he introduced me to jazz music by taking me to jazz clubs and us listening to his jazz records together – specifically, Miles Davis and Thelonius Monk, and also soul music. He loved Philly soul music (he was originally from Philadelphia) – he took me to see so many soul bands when I was a kid. And he signed me up for guitar lessons, piano lessons, flute lessons and even clarinet lessons (he played clarinet and sax when he was a young man).
He shared his deep love of and for all music and specifically jazz and soul music, with me, and now, all these years later, whenever I listen to jazz or soul records, it takes me back to a truly happy, blissful time in my (much) younger life. All I need do is put on Miles’ classic, legendary ‘Kind of Blue’ LP, and my dad and I are right there – together – loving and feeling that amazing music.
I am grateful for those memories – those very special memories. And grateful to the music that brings thos special memories back to me, as if only from moments ago, rather than yearss or even decades ago. Mostly, I am grateful to and for my beloved father. He is even closer to me now, and closer to and within my heart, even though he too left this earthly realm many years ago.
Thank you, Dreama, for reminding me of the Higher Good.
Grateful to see a piece of your soul reflected in your art everyday, dear friend. Teresa, San Diego
Iam grateful for the ability to communicate with others thru the internet.
Gratefully, I have fond memories of The Andy Griffth Show and all of the laughs that our family shared. Laughter opens the heart. Today I will laugh more. A struggle to get through to you today. Thankfully I did.
I’m grateful for the joy of the Lord which is my strength!
So grateful for an unscheduled day! Rare and precious.Dianne Harrison
I am grateful for the magic of the holiday season, taking time to decorate, to paint to the music of old holiday songs, to find joy in the simple pleasures of life. Paula Riley, Walnut Creek
The question is, why is gratitude so difficult to feel. Why do we allow the negative so much power over our lives. And if the negative brings so much angst, why do we feed it. Gratify now, not later. Gratitude should be the first emotion of the day – yet it happens so rarely.
Fran C. San Francisco
Grateful for the beautiful full moon shining on the desert mountains and that we get to see such beautiful things.
Hi Dreama,
I loved todays writing. It reminded me that I have much to be grateful for, and that I should share myself with others. I was specially grateful for your sharing about your Dad. For the first part of my life, I held everything in and did not share, but after losing my wife and eventually going through analysis, I was able to share with my Dad and it was very liberating. At least when he died, he knew that I loved him, and I knew that he loved me.
I am grateful for eyes that can see not just the beauty of things around me but also see the beauty in another soul. Sue
Today I’m grateful for feeling better. Being sick is no fun.
“Go into the world and do well. But more importantly, go into the world and do good.”
(minor myers jr)
Grateful for the good…. Etta Hermann
I am grateful for fond Christmas memories. I began a painting yesterday, using Christmas treasures I retrieved from the attic. What a joy to paint these things!
I love your blues so much I want to live in them!
you, you, you! So grateful for YOU! Without you I wouldn’t enjoy all of Eddie’s Escapades, the lovely floral paintings and trips to Italy. Thank you so much. -gigi
Yes Dreama, tapped into our reason for our art, it is a legacy for others to enjoy long after we are gone. It seems so simple but I just never thought of it that way. Today I’m thankful for my oil paintings touching the future generations. Nancy Piros
Thanks again for my wonderful husband – made the dreams i didn’t know i had come true
I am thankful for smiles and a sense of humor. They are essential at this time in my life when my husband is dying. I can forget for a moment. My children give me smiles and plenty to smile about. This is a wonderful life and a wonderful gift.
Carol Barbian
Yes Dreama, tapped into our reason for our art, it is a legacy for others to enjoy long after we are gone. It seems so simple but I just never thought of it that way. Today I’m thankful for my oil paintings touching the future generations. Nancy Piros
I am grateful for today, and every day that follows.
Today I am grateful for our good health over 70. My husband plays golf three times a week and I do a lot of gardening. Life is good!
I am grateful for your writings and beautiful art, Dreama! So glad I found your website. It brings joy to my day.
Carol Morris
Today, I am grateful for the time I have to play music and to paint. Oh, what fun!
Carol Argue
I am so grateful for the rain falling over us today. Our reservoirs need filling, hopefully without flooding!
Today I’m thankful that every morning is a gift of new possibilities and new beginnings.
Today I am thankful for the kid who just drew me a house. Gifts like these are hard to beat.
I am thankful for having dinner last evening with an old friend and catching up on life with her.
I am grateful for the chocolate cake we had last night at my son’s birthday party. OMG, it was so good. I’m even more grateful for my son. He’s a wonderful artist.
I am grateful to know about the writings of Ralph Waldo Trine and that I was able to get a free Kindle copy of two of his books. Don’t know if they were free because I am a Prime member of not, but I’ll be grateful for $0.00 any day. So, Dreama, thank you for the gift!
Joan Terrell
I am thankful for an old friendship that has just been renewed. It is such a joy to catch up. Janice
I am grateful for all the people who accept me as I am.
Lorraine Kendel
I am thankful that I FINALLY feel good about how to answer the question, “What do you do?” when given only 10 seconds in an elevator. It only took me a year of contemplating 🙂
I’m grateful for the opportunity to have lunch with friends. After all, it’s the people in our lives who really matter.
So grateful for the color white…. pristine snow, clean white sheets and towels, baby diapers, wave foam crashing on the beach, white linen tablecloths, white Christmas candles, perfectly-shaped white mixing bowls, white picket fences, white doves…..need I say more?
Dee Eisenbarth
I am grateful for a rainy day where i can paint and prepare Corn Chowder Soup. If i want a little exercise break in thevafternoon I will go to Zumba class. Life is good!
What a lovely post Dreama. Thank you. I have always felt that behind my intentions is that purpose of a greater good… something larger that whatever it is I create or do. I am grateful for that!
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I am grateful for my grandson. We took him to the mall yesterday and he said hi to a lot of people from his stroller and made a lot of people smile and say hi back.
Barb Krell
So grateful for the warm fire and the popcorn popping and to read all of these beautiful comments from fellow artists and friends of Dreama, who is to be given an eternal thank you for all of her incredible gifts.
My husband died unexpectedly in September-I am grateful for every minute of the 39 years we had together and our three wonderful kids and for the sustaining power of art.
I am grateful for the education class that my doctor sent me to. It has been so helpful to me and the people are wonderful.
I am grateful that I have survived another semester – one step closer to my Master’s Degree. (I’m in my 50’s…better late than never.) This semester, I learned about Japanese Shibori fabric dying techniques – just expanding my creative repertoire and so grateful to have the opportunity! S. Simpson
I’m grateful for a day spent painting and time spent with my cousin who as we grew up got to spend a lot of time with. It was a good day! Linda, Nevada
I am grateful to have finished a painting this week. Now, on to the next one!
Today I am grateful for all the information on the internet about health issues and how to overcome them.
Linda White
I am thankful for my house on the beach-the beauty, the smells, the sounds, the light,the friendships renewed there. It’s for sell now so I am thankful for all the years I have had there.
#28…watching the big yellow moon sink below the horizon this morning.
faye christian phillips
It’s a beautiful sunrise. The house is warm. The coffee is hot.
I am grateful that we live within driving distance of Ainsworth Hotsprings, as tomorrow we plan to spend the day there, soaking up the beauty of the mountains and recharging our batteries.
I am ever-so-grateful that my Blackberry contract is finally over and that I bought a new iPhone…..which I’ve been wanting the whole time I had the Blackberry, which was waaay too techie for me!!! I hope this doesn’t sound obnoxious. It’s not meant that way. I’m just so thrilled to be learning ‘all things techie’ that I just wanted to share with all of you who can do all that stuff automatically!
Today’s post is, of course, right on the money…..AGAIN! I have always known/believed in a ‘higher power’, which in my case is God, and I’ve also always known that He has a muuuuch better plan for me than anything I ‘plan’ for myself. Dreama, I’ve loved this month, along with so many others and God bless you for sharing this wonderful adventure.
Today I am thankful for being a part of this gratitude adventure, sunny skies, good friends,God’s unfailing love, my wonderful studio and some free time to paint in it!
Charlotte Stewart
Grateful for being alive!
I am grateful for the inspiration to paint a perfect pet portrait for my hubby’s birthday….painting a subject you love for someone you love is “joy” for sure!
Cathy J
I am grateful for red headed woodpecker and the nuthatch that visited my yard. Nothing like the beauty of nature.
Dana Burton
I am grateful to have found painting again after so many years and sharing that gift with others by painting their pets.
Today I am grateful for our grandchildren,
Beth Stewart
I am grateful for new friends made early this week. Cindy K
Today I am thankful that God has blessed me in so many ways.
Today I am thankful for good health. So many live with pain every day or are dealing with extreme medical issues that suck the hope away. Sue vanT
For this wonderful day, such a gift, I’m thankful
My Wednesday day of thanks is for the warmth of my lovely house. The weather outside is BRRRR!
I am so thankful for warm clothes and a heater.
“Spend the afternoon. You can’t take it with you.” Annie Dillard
My gratitude is that art/painting is always on my mind even on those days when I never get to my studio (the kitchen island) to paint.
This afternoon I have high hopes to do so.
I love that painting! So cute. I was wondering why nothing was coming to my inbox! Today (everyday) I am grateful for the hugs and kisses from my kids!
Grateful from SUNSHINE today after a few cloudy days – we have shadows and colors anew!
Sue Lepsch
Grateful for your time given to others! You and this site ate a joy to my day!
I am grateful for my husband, who lets me cry on his shoulder without his having to say or do anything. He just holds me. I “taught” him this 23 years ago; I am grateful that he took it to heart and never forgot.
Veronica Carey
Occasionally I run into OLD friends from 40 some years ago and unbeknownst to me, they have a piece of my art, and tell me that it still hangs on their wall and they enjoy it. Interesting – connects right with what you are writing here, Dreama. Thanks.
Today I am thankful for my granddaughter, Scarlett who is 5 now, but who has brought me joy to the ends of the earth…love her.
This is part of a poem that I wrote recently that says it all for me.
Now I have learned your secret
To begin to live this life anew
One must open up your heart
To see all life has offered you
Drift calmly in your thoughts
Breathe deeply, you will see
Appreciate each moment
That’s been given you to be
Connie Cuthbertson
Grateful for the reminder that this artistic talent isn’t about me at all, it is really a vehicle to be able to serve others.
I am grateful for the power of a kind word and smile…free and powerful.
I am thankful for the sunshine on this cold frosty morning.
I am grateful for the perfect healing of my Mom after having a TIA this past weekend. I know as I write this, she is perfect, whole and complete. Thank you God! Sylviana Schanefelt
I’m thankful for the quotes you share with us. So many times they are just the spirit boost I need. And, I love your Eddies as well as your art work!
How lovely to be reminded that my life matters, has meaning. Gayle
I am grateful for the many blessings I have. My husband, children, home, friends, I could go on and on…
I am thankful and happy today that once again I can begin to decorate the house for Christmas
I am grateful for the kindergarten child that wanted to sing a song. Then with complete abandon she sang loudly as she made up her own song. I want to learn to paint with that same abandonment. Linda Will
Grateful for believing in the true message of the upcoming season.
Today I am grateful for time spent with good friends.
It is such a wonderful feeling when I get a letter from a collector telling me how much joy my painting brings! I am so grateful for them!
Grateful for all the hustle and bustle this time of year!
I am grateful for my friends and a wonderful dinner we shared last night!
Sue Taylor
Mayberry RFD… used to LOVE that show! Thanks for bringing that memory back 🙂 Today I am thankful for God leading me on the right path, as I have prayed, through my very good friends, whom I love, and shall also be forever thankful for.
I am thankful that I have a place to take drawing classes near by where I live. Something I have been wanting to do for a long time.
Today I am grateful to be able to start on a painting of my youngest grandson’s soccer team. It will be a Christmas present for him.
I am thankful for competent, caring physicians such as the ophthalmologist who will be examining the beautiful blue eyes of my autistic daughter this morning.
I am grateful for my morning ritual of coffee while reading my favorite artist blogs. It’s the highlight of my day!
I’m grateful for all the comforts I have in my home, grateful for family and friends. I live in a wonderful time and place.
It is always a kick to watch reruns of shows from my childhood…Leave it to Beaver and the Brady Bunch were two of my favorites growing up. Too bad I can no longer watch them while eating Twinkies like the old days 🙂
I am grateful that I will be able to spend time with my grandchildren this evening.
Pat Kreppert
I am grateful for the opportunity to show kindness and be helpful to others.
Carol Hickerson
Ah! Reflecting back on a simpler life when watching your video of the Andy Griffith show. Yep those were the days. I am grateful for the idea of simplicity. It still can happen, but WE need to make it happen. With the use of all electronic items, we have lost the ability to live life simply. My prayer today is to try and live this ideal!
patty obrien
I am grateful for the gift of peace in my heart this morning!
I’m grateful for the past decade that I have been able to experience as a full time artist. It was 10 years ago in Dec. that I left the corporate world after 20 years, to pursue my passion for painting full time. I am grateful for the opportunity to do that, all that I have learned, the beautiful places I traveled to paint, and all the students, collectors , art partners and fellow artists I’ve gotten to know along the way that have helped me succeed in a whole new life..
I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine on this cold, cold morning.
I’m grateful for the generosity in this world.
So thankful that you’ve done this month of gratitude. Reading it has brought both tears and smiles through the month and some deep thought too.
I am Thankful that there is a Bigger plan and a Bigger picture for our lives and that we can touch eternity when we create art!
At this time of year I am grateful for my choir friends who will make a joyful noise, with our Cantata, to celebrate the birth of Christ with our church family and friends
Thankful for finding a way.
I am thankful that my friend, Gary, cleaned up my cranky computer so that I can now connect with friends and view what other artist are doing. The artwork of others inspires me.
I am thankful for your day 28 gratitude post…it is important to stop and think about the bigger picture and the higher power.
Thank you Dreama for the very powerful & inspirational post . I’m grateful for all the inspirational & supportive mentors & spirit guides who fill my life with positive energy & keep me headed in the right direction ~
I am grateful for the joy that other artist work has brought me.
Marilyn Troutman
Today I am thankful for all the people who have unselfishly influenced my life….Most all of them unaware of their gift to me.
Yes missed your mail yesterday. I am thankful for the goodness of others and their presence in my life.
I am grateful for the reminder to “allow”…I need those! I’m also grateful for a little flattery – someone who came to look at my house asked my realtor if I am an artist!
I am grateful for…
the artists who have been my mentors and teachers. I am also grateful for the artists throughout history whose works are preserved in museums and books for us to study. Not all were appreciated during their lifetime, but they live on as inspirations for us today.
Today I am grateful for your insights on the “higher good”. I had always considered my personal “higher good” as the learning, growing, developing part of my art, but I will be thinking beyond the evolution, and consider more, the “higher good”, which is totally out of my hands. Thanks Dreama!
i’m thankful for the sunny forecast for today. maybe it’ll be a good painting day!
Grateful for good friends who always come through when needed 😉
I am grateful for vintage television shows. They remain timeless and relevant today. Children can watch them and laugh …just clean fun!
grateful for my grandchildren today and every day. Jaquelin Perry
Grateful for a mundane thing — that the washing machine which “died” mid-cycle has been resuscitated – at no cost! And for last night’s snow, NOT received as mundane. (I love snow.)
Grateful for the Loomis Drawing books. Andrew Loomis wrote them back in the 50’s and they are still relevant and amazing today. Have loved working on drawing with vintage good ole’ books. Loved this post and that made me think of the Loomis books. Thanks!
Yes, Kathy, aren’t they great? I’m sure he had no idea how many would be inspired by his books in the decades to follow.
I enјoy, сausе Ι found еxactlу whаt I usеd to bе looκing for.
You haνe enԁed my four ԁaу lengthy hunt!
God Bless уou man. Have a niсe day.
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Today I am grateful that you allowed grace for those of us who didn’t get your mail yesterday!
Barney always made me giggle! Thanks for the laugh.
Sometimes I feel like I get behind and sometimes I feel like I get ahead of myself. I have to pause and trust Divine Right Timing and remind myself I am exactly where I need to be in every moment. Ahhhh. Big breath.
I like it! All i need to do is keep showing up – and the higher good will take care of the rest. Brilliant!
Speaking of ‘good’. I am grateful to have a way of making a choice whenever I have a difficult decision to make. I say a little prayer to be guided to the choice that will bring about the ‘greater’ good.
I am thankful to my sweet family who love me
and my.painting. they are so supportive of my growing talent, and cheer me on.
I am thankful to my sweet family who love me
and my.painting. they are so supportive of my growing talent, and cheer me on.
I am thankful to my sweet family who love me
and my.painting. they are so supportive of my growing talent, and cheer me on.
I am thankful to my sweet family who love me
and my.painting. they are so supportive of my growing talent, and cheer me on.
I am so thankful for the wonderful people at Smitten with Kittens. They seem to never say no to any stray kitten who finds himself without a home. They take them in, give them medical attention and find them foster homes until that wonderful furever home shows up. Thank you Monica Avila
grateful for the joy of so many wonderful things in life…full moon, sun air and gooey oil paint
I will be grateful if I post this comment accurately.Ginger jepson
I am grateful for a loving, laughing family who support my efforts as I “show up” every day paintbrush in hand. Thank you for the great insights.
Grateful for your blog and insights, Dreama— and yes, the ripple effect of blessings is
a mystery — and so it is a privilege to
be able to spread a little joy and beauty
through art…and other gifts we may have.
Monica Dahl
Follow along on my social accounts for behind the scenes peeks, inspiration, tips, stories & more.